Root Cause Revolution Podcast

E: 157 Top 6 Parasite Detox Mistakes

May 28, 2021 Audrey Christie, MSN, RN Season 5 Episode 157

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Last episode we talked about parasites and about how only everyone has them. We learned that parasites are organisms that live on or in a host organism and get their food from or at the expense of their host. We also learned the wild truth that parasites don’t just live in your gut...

Today we are talking about the top mistakes people make when detoxing parasites. You know when you go to get rid of them and you either have MAJOR symptoms increase or you give up because you feel worse - those are easy missteps to avoid.

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Last episode we talked about parasites and about how only everyone has them. We learned that parasites are organisms that live on or in a host organism and get their food from or at the expense of their host. We also learned the wild truth that parasites don’t just live in your gut...

Today we are talking about the top mistakes people make when detoxing parasites. You know when you go to get rid of them and you either have MAJOR symptoms increase or you give up because you feel worse - those are easy missteps to avoid.

Let’s dig in.

Welcome! if this is your first time listening - I’m Audrey Christie - I’m a functional and integrative nurse nutritionist and energy medicine practitioner who helps women heal from chronic illness and autoimmune disease. Helping you to stop chasing symptoms, find your root causes, and heal your body from autoimmune and chronic illness.

So if you weren’t too excited about the last episode this one may be more your speed. Last time we talked about what parasites are, and how we usually think of them as something you pick up when you are traveling. But now we know despite the ick-factor, they are energy-depleting body damaging symptom causing little buggers, right?

We also talked about conventional and holistic/natural treatments right? Regardless of the path you choose, if you want to feel better - not worse - when you detox these parasites, then you need to know how to avoid these parasite detoxing mistakes.

When Parasite Detoxing Goes Wrong

Sometimes clients come to me as only one of their practitioners. Meaning I work with as one member of a healthcare team versus other times when I am the sole practitioner they are seeing.

Recently, I had a client where I was but one of the practitioners she was seeing, one of which, a very conventional medical doctor. When we decided she had parasites, this physician decided that eradication with prescription medication was the only route to go. Unfortunately, he didn’t address drainage pathways first, and so this patient took 2 rounds of prescription antiparasitic medication.

She did pass a bunch of parasites which is good, but she gave up and wasn’t able to finish the medication because she felt so much worse during and after the treatment. We are still working to undo that damage now as she is still experiencing extreme symptoms.

You see her body was in a weakened state OR she wouldn’t have landed with a parasitic infection, to begin with...and then her drainage pathways weren’t opening and functioning (beginning with not pooping), and that led to stagnation, which led to recirculation of all of those toxins and the doc was trying to get rid of.

This has led to the creation of this episode, if you are going to detox parasites, there are some things you must no - some mistakes you must avoid.

Parasite Detoxing Mistakes

Mistake #1
You don’t strengthen the body’s energy centers. This is done physically and energetically. If your body has a low vibrational energy field, low functioning mitochondria, and/or a low immune system then you can detox parasites but it won’t last because your body isn’t strong enough to fend them off. Not to mention you will have the most severe fatigue you have ever experienced as your body pulls from energy reserves to try and release the parasites.

Mistake #2
You don’t ensure drainage pathways are flowing. Yep, I am talking about pooping, and no, Magnesium Citrate isn’t enough. Your drainage pathways are critical and while it does start with your bowels,  it also includes your kidneys, liver, lymph system, and even your cellular drainage.

If your drainage pathways are not functioning properly or worse are blocked then all of those parasites you just worked so hard to detox and the chemical soup they live in are re-absorbed.

It is critical for you to be able to poop 1-2 times per day, to be able to sweat well and have proper bile flow prior to starting a detox

I have had many of you reach out to me and ask about a class on this - we are having one! Here's the link to the Drainage and Energy Class! (just like the class on getting off of heartburn medications). It is free to attend and the replay is less than a copay. Just click here to register - if you have missed the live class or want to keep it forever,  you can purchase it after.

This class is on energy and drainage, the first phase of any healing journey. You will learn what it is, why it matters, and what you can do via lifestyle and nutrition to ensure that you are thriving in these areas and not allowing stagnation to cause sickness in your body. You will also get the Supplement When Needed handout with a specific healing supplement protocol. Once you get those drainage pathways moving you will be all set to start working towards getting rid of parasites.

Mistake #3
You don’t take advantage of the full moons. Parasites are more active during a full moon, in fact, if you have flares in your symptoms or new symptoms during a full moon that is a key sign you have parasites.

The moon cycles have a big effect on our circadian rhythms. Specifically, the drop in melatonin (ever have trouble sleeping during a full moon?) slows down the immune system and allows for serotonin to spike meaning party time for your parasites!

That is why it is the full moon is an important time to ramp up your parasite cleansing work so you can evict those little suckers.

Mistake #4
You don’t cycle your treatment. Parasites have a life cycle just like every cell in your body. Most commonly, you want to cycle your parasite treatment on for 14 days - then off for seven days and repeat that for a total of 6-8 weeks on your first phase of parasitic cleanse.

Sometimes, this needs to be different depending on your condition, but 7/14 is pretty common. Don’t forget to support the gut with a good spore probiotic in between.

Mistake #5
You don’t use a binder. Parasites love a soup of heavy metals, radiation, other toxicities that are in your body. So when you start evicting them, it stirs up these other things that ALSO need to be evicted from your body. Not to mention the parasites are dying but how do they get out of your body? Often they are removed in your stool but not always, that is where a binder comes in.

There are several different kinds. If you need a recommendation based on your specific situation, reach out and I can make a quick recommendation!

Mistake #6
You don’t peep the potty to see what passed. While some parasites are obvious - tapeworms, hookworms, etc. When we are talking about parasitic infections, we are also talking about parasites that cant be seen with the naked eye. Many parasites like amebas, for example, are microscopic in nature.

I encourage all of my clients to pay attention to their bowel movements, to peep in the potty, because it is an important assessment of your health and wellness. If you are detoxing parasites, it is even more important to take note of the changes in your bowel movements.

More questions about parasite detox?

If you have more questions about parasite detox and healing from the root cause of what you are going through I would love to have you join us in the Wellness Circle, my exclusive and free community to help women pursuing holistic wellness, body, mind, and spirit and discussions around the Root Cause Revolution Podcast and even some free office hours on Fridays to get your private questions answered - friends chronic disease is a preventable and autoimmune disease is capable of being healed or put in remission (and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise you deserve to feel good!) You can get the direct link on the show notes page or at

To wrap this up - whether you are going after parasites alone, with a conventional medical doctor, or alternative practitioner, make sure you don’t make your condition worse by avoiding these detox mistakes!

And don’t forget to register so you don't miss the drainage and energy class! 

Remember that I am always rooting for you, friend and I am so grateful for you listening! See you next time!