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The CarerHelp Podcast

CarerHelp is a free website resource that offers advice and information for everyday Australians who are looking after a dying loved one, friend or relative. In this first episode, Grant Law speaks to Professor Jennifer Tieman of Flinders University and Geoff Thomas OAM about the plight of family carers in Australia. The podcast offers general advice to lay palliative carers, some food for thought and support for what many describe as one of life’s toughest challenges. CarerHelp ( is a web portal offering an extensive range of advice and support for Australians who have taken on the role of caring for a terminally-ill parent, partner, relative or friend. The initiative is led by St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne’s Centre for Palliative Care in partnership with Flinders University’s CareSearch, University of Technology Sydney and Carers Australia, the peak body for unpaid carers in Australia.

The CarerHelp Podcast