Abwooli Diaries Podcast

The Importance of hydration - a conversation with Roddy MacDonald

Season 1 Episode 2

Hydration and nutrition are fundamentally important if you are to enjoy high levels of wellbeing.  Roddy is passionate about natural approaches to health - particularly focused around hydration, proper body pH balance and quality nutrition.

In this episode, we discuss how to support our bodies with good hydration.

About Roddy

Roddy MacDonald is the CEO of Water for Health Ltd which he founded in 2006. Water for Health is a specialist company that distributes a unique range of quality products to improve health through hydration and nutrition.

Prior to founding Water for Health, Roddy worked in several industry sectors including financial services, construction and environmental services. Roddy’s interest in natural health was sparked by his own health challenges when he suffered for a number of years with chronic fatigue syndrome. He regained his health through hydration, nutrition and an understanding of the key role that emotions play in health and illness.

It kindled his interest in natural health where he has read extensively for the last 30 years and is an enthusiastic believer in the ability of the body to heal itself, if it is given what it needs.

Books mentioned in the interview: 

  • Your Body's Many Cries for Water: You're Not Sick; You're Thirsty: Don't Treat Thirst with Medications by Dr. F Batmanghelidj
  • The Salt Fix: Why The Experts Got it All Wrong and How Eating More Might Save Your Life by Dr James DiNicolantonio

Connect with Roddy





Disclaimer: Abwooli Diaries Podcast does not offer medical advice or therapy, and is intended for educational and reference purposes only. We would always advise you to seek help from a Doctor or other relevant professional.

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