
32. Hemmeligheden bag optimal fertilitet med Peter Humaidan

August 18, 2023 Laura Grubb Episode 32
32. Hemmeligheden bag optimal fertilitet med Peter Humaidan
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32. Hemmeligheden bag optimal fertilitet med Peter Humaidan
Aug 18, 2023 Episode 32
Laura Grubb

Forestil dig at have magten til at forbedre fertiliteten gennem forståelse og livsstilsændringer. Det er præcis, hvad du vil lære af min indsigtsfulde gæst, Peter Humaidan, forfatter til den banebrydende bog, Supersæd. Peter udreder kompleksiteten i fertilitet og kaster lys over den indflydelse vores livsvalg, miljøet og DNA-skader har på vores evne til at blive gravide. Han tilbyder holistiske løsninger, der kan være nøglen til at frigøre dit fertilitetspotentiale. 

Vores samtale udforsker den komplicerede proces med sædproduktion, der involverer ca. 2000 gener, og hvordan faktorer som biologisk alder, hormonbalance og DNA-skader kan påvirke fertiliteten. Vi kommer også ind på de mindre omtalte aspekter af fertilitet, såsom indvirkningen af kost, alkoholforbrug og vægt på sædkvaliteten. Peters ekspertise giver et nyt perspektiv på den ofte ignorerede mandlige fertilitet og bygger bro mellem kønnene i samtalen om fertilitet. 

Som afrunding dykker vi ned i de medicinske fremskridt inden for fertilitetssundhed og vigtigheden af personligt ansvar for at håndtere fertilitet. Desuden diskuterer vi relevansen af ærlighed i forhold til alder og følelsesmæssig parathed i jagten på undfangelse. 

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Information i den her podcast har kun til formål at informere og oplyse. Indholdet er et resultat af Lauras egen research og erfaringer. Indholdet er ikke tænkt som en erstatning for rådgivning af en læge eller anden sundhedsrådgiver eller anden information fundet på et produkt eller pakke. Brug ikke indholdet til at diagnosticere eller behandle et helbredsproblem eller sygdom, eller til at udskrive medicin eller anden behandling. Tal altid med din læge eller anden sundhedsrådgiver, før du tager nogen medicin, kosttilskud, urter eller foretager nogen behandling for et helbredsproblem. Hvis du har eller mistænker, at du har et medicinsk problem, kontakt din læge omgående. Afvis ikke lægelig rådgivning og afvent ikke at søge lægehjælp på grund af noget, du har lært via min hjemmeside og andre kanaler. Information og udtalelser vedrørende kosttilskud og præventionsmidler er ikke evalueret af Sundhedsstyrelsen og er ikke tiltænkt at diagnosticere, behandle eller eliminere nogen sygdom.

Information i den her podcast har kun til formål at informere og oplyse. Indholdet er et resultat af Lauras egen research og erfaringer. Indholdet er ikke tænkt som en erstatning for rådgivning af en læge eller anden sundhedsrådgiver eller anden information fundet på et produkt eller pakke. Brug ikke indholdet til at diagnosticere eller behandle et helbredsproblem eller sygdom, eller til at udskrive medicin eller anden behandling. Tal altid med din læge eller anden sundhedsrådgiver, før du tager nogen medicin, kosttilskud, urter eller foretager nogen behandling for et helbredsproblem. Hvis du har eller mistænker, at du har et medicinsk problem, kontakt din læge omgående. Afvis ikke lægelig rådgivning og afvent ikke at søge lægehjælp på grund af noget, du har lært via min hjemmeside og andre kanaler. Information og udtalelser vedrørende kosttilskud og præventionsmidler er ikke evalueret af Sundhedsstyrelsen og er ikke tiltænkt at diagnosticere, behandle eller eliminere nogen sygdom.

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Forestil dig at have magten til at forbedre fertiliteten gennem forståelse og livsstilsændringer. Det er præcis, hvad du vil lære af min indsigtsfulde gæst, Peter Humaidan, forfatter til den banebrydende bog, Supersæd. Peter udreder kompleksiteten i fertilitet og kaster lys over den indflydelse vores livsvalg, miljøet og DNA-skader har på vores evne til at blive gravide. Han tilbyder holistiske løsninger, der kan være nøglen til at frigøre dit fertilitetspotentiale. 

Vores samtale udforsker den komplicerede proces med sædproduktion, der involverer ca. 2000 gener, og hvordan faktorer som biologisk alder, hormonbalance og DNA-skader kan påvirke fertiliteten. Vi kommer også ind på de mindre omtalte aspekter af fertilitet, såsom indvirkningen af kost, alkoholforbrug og vægt på sædkvaliteten. Peters ekspertise giver et nyt perspektiv på den ofte ignorerede mandlige fertilitet og bygger bro mellem kønnene i samtalen om fertilitet. 

Som afrunding dykker vi ned i de medicinske fremskridt inden for fertilitetssundhed og vigtigheden af personligt ansvar for at håndtere fertilitet. Desuden diskuterer vi relevansen af ærlighed i forhold til alder og følelsesmæssig parathed i jagten på undfangelse. 

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Så er du altid velkommen til at skrive dem til mig på support@lauragrubb.dk eller på min instagramprofil.

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Information i den her podcast har kun til formål at informere og oplyse. Indholdet er et resultat af Lauras egen research og erfaringer. Indholdet er ikke tænkt som en erstatning for rådgivning af en læge eller anden sundhedsrådgiver eller anden information fundet på et produkt eller pakke. Brug ikke indholdet til at diagnosticere eller behandle et helbredsproblem eller sygdom, eller til at udskrive medicin eller anden behandling. Tal altid med din læge eller anden sundhedsrådgiver, før du tager nogen medicin, kosttilskud, urter eller foretager nogen behandling for et helbredsproblem. Hvis du har eller mistænker, at du har et medicinsk problem, kontakt din læge omgående. Afvis ikke lægelig rådgivning og afvent ikke at søge lægehjælp på grund af noget, du har lært via min hjemmeside og andre kanaler. Information og udtalelser vedrørende kosttilskud og præventionsmidler er ikke evalueret af Sundhedsstyrelsen og er ikke tiltænkt at diagnosticere, behandle eller eliminere nogen sygdom.

Information i den her podcast har kun til formål at informere og oplyse. Indholdet er et resultat af Lauras egen research og erfaringer. Indholdet er ikke tænkt som en erstatning for rådgivning af en læge eller anden sundhedsrådgiver eller anden information fundet på et produkt eller pakke. Brug ikke indholdet til at diagnosticere eller behandle et helbredsproblem eller sygdom, eller til at udskrive medicin eller anden behandling. Tal altid med din læge eller anden sundhedsrådgiver, før du tager nogen medicin, kosttilskud, urter eller foretager nogen behandling for et helbredsproblem. Hvis du har eller mistænker, at du har et medicinsk problem, kontakt din læge omgående. Afvis ikke lægelig rådgivning og afvent ikke at søge lægehjælp på grund af noget, du har lært via min hjemmeside og andre kanaler. Information og udtalelser vedrørende kosttilskud og præventionsmidler er ikke evalueret af Sundhedsstyrelsen og er ikke tiltænkt at diagnosticere, behandle eller eliminere nogen sygdom.

Laura Grubb:

Welcome to Kvine Liv, a podcast that helps you find more peace and quiet in your life. We have understood the Kvine Liv in psychology and how you can bring the hormones in balance with yoga, food and lifestyle. I'm Laura and I'm looking forward to showing you how you get a fantastic Kvine Liv.

Laura Grubb:

You have to listen to a conversation between two passionate people who have to talk about the seat. One is me and the other is Peter Humayton, a faculty professor who has written a book called Super Seat. The book is mostly used for men, but it is also written for women. Sometimes women who first touch this book start telling their manly partner about it.

Laura Grubb:

I'm Laura, a member of my studio because I focus on fertility. I meet a lot of women on my yoga platform who are in the process of developing fertility. That's the way they find a way to get a home to the hormone. I also focus on the course of the lack of holistic solutions to how to get a child. That's why I think it's important to focus on women, but actually on men. This episode is also for you as a man, and I also want to share it with men. It's all my fault, but it's something that can be relevant for men to listen to. I think Liv is also good for women because it gives a great understanding of the cultural paradigm around where the seasons for fertility conditions lie. It also plays an important role in the same setting that we are also seeing in the field of fertility, where there is greater focus on what men can do to improve their seed quality.

Laura Grubb:

Peter has drawn a lot of good advice, as he mentioned in this episode. I also warmly recommend his book, Supersæd, which is extremely exciting and really useful. Without seeing where you are most likely to be when you are trying to get a child, but it's also you and someone you know who has challenges with it who could be happy to know what they can do themselves. As Peter, there are a lot of things you can do to improve your situation and, of course, I always recommend you to seek help with fertility conditions so you get the right way. A really good pleasure to be part of all Peter's good advice and his enthusiastic energy about this topic.

Laura Grubb:

So, peter, welcome to my podcast, women's Life. I'm so happy you wanted to be part of it and I'm thinking of doing a little starstruck right here because I'm also looking forward to. You're not going to do that, okay. Okay, I'm not going to do that. I was looking forward to reading a little bit about you and asking for our talk here. It's just impressive. It's just what I think you've done, and instead of your book, super Sede. That's where it all started for me, so I'm showing you women's menstruation cycles, hormones and women's fertility conditions, and I'm looking forward to your book coming out I mean a year ago.

Peter Humaidan:

Yeah, a year ago.

Laura Grubb:

Okay, I'm looking forward to it coming out. And then I thought I'll put a leg on my list, I'll read it and I'll never really get anything done. And then there was a woman who told me she had a problem with her husband's quality of menstruation and I could help her. And that's what the starstruck got me into. I was in Thailand at that point and I remember I took a night trip from Bangkok to Chiang Mai and that morning I drove it with the rice maker and I was sitting there just reading your book and I just slept in between the bed.

Peter Humaidan:

No, it was nice to hear that.

Laura Grubb:

I mean, I think it was really well written and just as practical and well-founded. So why did you decide to do that and why did you decide?

Peter Humaidan:

to do that and why did you decide to do that? It's important when you're going to have a husband and then you're getting a woman's back afterwards, and also when you're writing it from the editorial, that it's very, very important that it should be a flying reading and it should be factual. What can you do? What is the problem? What can you do? So there's a lot in the man's psychology. We have different men and women and man's psychology is very oriented towards what we can do to change the subject. So you're really right. Wow, that's.

Peter Humaidan:

It's not really a man's psychology. It's a woman's psychology and I find myself listening to other podcasts and there's actually a lot of women who read it and you know what it was like that, because I had some ideas about at the time that there should be some weeks and some cars and some motorcycles that were shown on the other side, where they say from Gyllandale that, peter. So it's women who read the book, but they're getting back to their men afterwards.

Laura Grubb:

Wow, okay, that's. It's a target audience for real, if you can say that. The one who's listening here I think we're talking 59% women, so I think the subject was so important and it lightened up the way I was right over the years. And why didn't I hear about this before, even though I've been studying my faculty? And, yes, on some extent, why am I watching this? But we're going to dive into that in a little bit later today. I actually want to start with a little introduction to you. I know you're a faculty professor, I think, and you're going under the name of the research on the Faculty of Science at the Revolutionary Hospital in Skiv, but don't tell me a little bit about and tell them what you got into. This end with quality and supersede.

Peter Humaidan:

Yes, that works well. You can say that I have my own personal background, which was that in my 100 years, in 9 years, I was, so to speak, un-explained in the brain. So it's the worst, the most annoying group and audience, because you get to know it completely normally and it doesn't happen all the time A very annoying group and audience. It was so many years ago and it was before there was reaction treatment. If it had been easy, there was only one place in the world where you could get reaction treatment at that time, at the Brown Hall in England, and we were, so to speak, up to it over. But it never got to anything. But what got me into this at that point? It was the frustration over getting it all the way to normal and it just didn't happen. And what is the problem behind it Now? It was successful for us and without medical help, it was actually just acupuncture, and it wasn't acupuncture on me, it was acupuncture with a crown and we got the following four children. So you could say that there was a problem, an annoying problem, with the fruit-care, and when the first drop of the bottle came, the children were spontaneously coming home.

Peter Humaidan:

After the feelings, I started working a lot with children's seats, it was because I had tried it myself. I worked with children's seats and I made some operations and I looked at the operations and so on, and then I got into the regular class or what should I say, the regular class speciality, what I would call it and in connection with what we did in one of the first studios almost 15 years ago where we looked at DNA quality. When you talk about seat quality, but in reality what you mean is quantity. Quantity is how many people are swimming in and that's what we all know when we're working on a seat. But quality you can actually you can tell when you start looking at DNA.

Peter Humaidan:

And then we made a research. It was one of the first researches in the world where you looked at the connection with DNA quality and how it was given to these pairs, which eventually gave them a negative indication or a negative reaction. And then we saw for the first time the importance of DNA quality, dna damage to the outcome. The more DNA damage, the harder it was for these pairs to get pregnant at home and it was harder for us to get pregnant.

Peter Humaidan:

And the important thing, what was very interesting in this study, was that 20%, a fifth of the people with completely normal seat quality. That's when you go up to the floor and leave the seat test or the laboratory to know you have normal seat tests. A fifth of them had so severe DNA damage that they would have a lot of difficulty getting pregnant at home and they also had severe wounds when they came home and that was a big part of them that they were so called incomprehensible. So there was a lot of people around there and pairs where the women say there's not any of his seat quality is completely top and it's not like that, and you can say that it's incredibly bad that a problem that a man is actually exposed to is on the woman, but it still happens in the big picture.

Laura Grubb:

Yes, and actually also in my own research, that now I know that I'm focusing on the monomestration cycle, so I'm not focusing on what women can do, but I felt it was just very unobtrusive what a man can do in a way that was a bit overlooked, in fact, in terms of his time, and I understand that you also experience that he's not included in the same way.

Peter Humaidan:

No, and you can say that it's purely cultural and it's also purely social. It's purely religious. It has always been like that that. The child's age. You can say that the motherhood is women, but it also means that the child's age is women. The man is like an outsider to this. Because it's purely cultural.

Peter Humaidan:

Has it always been like that that if a couple had difficulty with having any pregnancy, then it was a woman's problem? And it still lies in our culture today. If you talk to young women that there is a big pressure on the shoulders to get that pregnancy, it can be from the motherhood, it can be from the women, it can be from the sport, when and how it works, work in the body, etc. It's something we men will never be asked about. There are never any young women in my generation who think that I was childless, asked me when and how it works and worked with it once. My mother would ask about it. But you can say that there is a very, very big pressure on women in connection with the child's age, even if the problem is the man's.

Laura Grubb:

And do you know why? I also meet this age a lot. I get women who can't be married. But why is it so hard to talk about the age?

Peter Humaidan:

It's almost the word you used before, because the age is with the skin. And why did it happen? Because they are now TV6, and that would be something really serious, right, but it's also going to be related to Onan, and we know that all people are on the big or the small stage, but it's not something you're talking about, and why don't you do that? It's all back to the first Moses book. There was that person named Onan, and Onan was ordered to go to the throne, so to kill his brother, king Gravid, because already at that point there are still many places in the world where you're very dependent and you get some children who can take care of you, but now it's alone. He was ordered to do the most and he should do the most, and in the same art act, in the same sex process, instead of being released in the spirit, he was sent to the throne and because of that he was punished with death.

Peter Humaidan:

So back to the first Moses book. There's something that's either Onan or misuse of death, and that has been religiously and culturally all the time. So that's why it's not something you're talking about. I also want to say imagine that you're sitting on a table and some of the eggs are coming up on the table and you're talking about the eggs that are so beautiful and so on, and then the eggs are actually actually good and we've got children, but a man who says I have a really good seat on the table. That's not something you want to hear about. We're not talking about the seat, and that's because it's a shame.

Laura Grubb:

And that's why I love your title on the table Super-Side.

Peter Humaidan:

It's like it just makes the sound Exactly Well. It's nothing more than that. Of course, we should say on the table, we should have that on the table and we should talk about it because there is a problem and that problem should be done as long as we know.

Laura Grubb:

Yes, because now you're talking about the seat, the quality and the difference between quality and quantity. But what is the status today if you take Danish man's seat and quality?

Peter Humaidan:

Yes, but Danish man's seat and quality is going to be some of the ones that have been for all the other north-eupan or, let's say, western lifestyle countries. And that is there is a powerful fall and there has just come a new rise. The last rise said that over the last four years, there was a concentration fall, a fall of 50%. That is halved. And if you look at it this year, there is probably a fall in self-concentration of about 2% per year and that still keeps up with the water. There has come a new rise, as we see it together, so there is a powerful fall in concentration, and if you look at countries that earlier had a different lifestyle and see how it went there, you have the countries with a concentration in China from 2015, and see a powerful fall. The thing we are connected with is that they change their lifestyle to something more western-like, like fast food, coffee, drinking a lot of alcohol and bad emotions, bad costs. You have seen it together.

Peter Humaidan:

So it does not stand out well and if this continues, then there are some who say that we can only come back if we can use the wind to help us. That is very sad, so therefore, it is important to say what can we do ourselves? Because I am just saying there is something, there is the personal responsibility. What can you do yourself? And that is what you have in white expression that has not been focused on. Can man do something himself? Because then there is everything else that we all talk about. There are the surroundings, there is the environment, there are the tallades, the pesticides and so on. And then I would like to say I gather this here with what you can do yourself, the food, it takes you three months. What I can do for the elderly, three months. Then you have like covered your body for bad, for can you say for sitting with this damage where, in this whole process of changing the environment, it is on the politicians and the super-tankers. It takes us infinitely long time, but we can do something in the form of our lives.

Laura Grubb:

I love this analogy because it is also the things that I look at the women side, and it is the same that it is an element these homogenous drugs that we can minimize, but there is just something that we do not know we cannot do anything.

Laura Grubb:

But there are really many other things and that is also what I think was. It was not a depressing book to read because you also got there were actually some concrete actions. So it would really like to dive into the concrete advice for those who are with you. But before that I think, just another thing I also found out to those who are maybe with you would you tell us why it is not only important for those who are in the process of fatalities? Do you also get some of the positive consequences? It can be generally a man's improved quality.

Peter Humaidan:

Yes, I can do that well, because I met some of the couples who may have been long-term children or who have been in treatment in other places after I wrote a book, and there are more who have written to me and then they have the need for a second opinion and I think, even though in Denmark and still not many in Europe, this average self-proclaimed from 1916, that is to say, over 100 years, is the one you need. And how many are there, how many look like they are, how many are up north and how many swim? But there have been 120 years since 1916, and I just think now we have, in general, quality, quality. When you look at the damage of the studies, it can be good that they are not completely optimal and there is still room for improvement, but now we have so much data gathered on this type of research and, as a result of the connection between Danish and children's studies, I think it is completely natural that you, in 2022, take that test to yourself and try it, and I can see what is happening.

Peter Humaidan:

More couples who have been in treatment, maybe not longer than I have been in treatment in Copenhagen and here in Borsel in Jylland, and I say what we are going through. What have I done, what have I been or examined? And then we come to the DNA test, which is not in the public regime and not in the private one. It is something you should pay yourself. It costs about 2200 SEK, but the money is given extremely well. Also, if you should let the money out and pay for your treatment privately, then the 2200 SEK is only used to be a treatment cost and which gives a good like a chance to find out where it is.

Peter Humaidan:

And what I see again and again is people who I can give a good example. There was a woman who called me a few years ago and said we have been in treatment several times and we have received both fresh, fresh air to the back and clear air, and the only thing we have received is that it has been a pretty weak positive drug test. And then we went through it and then I said we have talked about her and I got a long story in mind. And then I said what's wrong with your husband? He's not wrong, he's got a normal quality. And that's what happened.

Peter Humaidan:

And I said let me just hear a little about him when it came to the point that I asked him if he was fine. He said he didn't know he was going out, but he was fine. He was fine for 6 to 8 weeks and then he said what's he doing? He's a cook, so he's a big worker from a warm environment, and he said he's important. He's been around 10 kilos. So I said I think he should be allowed to do that. Then he got permission to do that and she called me afterwards and told me it was far away.

Peter Humaidan:

It should be, and then I told her we talked a little about what he could do, as there is a book now which is actually a very simple book, very much about the relationship with the health system, the place for administrative health. It's not rocket science, but I haven't heard anything from it for a long time. I thought it would be great after I had given it and she told me in February that they were spontaneously pregnant after 4 regular tests where they were spontaneously pregnant on all kinds of thoughts and on their bodies, and I've seen that several times. I've also seen it with patients where we weren't in the first place. I would like to have it. It was a part of the park when you came as a man.

Peter Humaidan:

You made a series of analysis and it's also a time, but it's not enough. And I would say now it's still not like that. It's just them where we think about it. What's going on, what's happening? Maybe after a few times I think we should have let them, but you will pay for it yourself. And then we see again the same pattern, that there is actually a very good explanation. And when we look at our incubators, the machines we have where we are alone after pregnancy, there are typical patterns for a DNA damage. It's very time that the eggs, after first being bred, go into the stomach, or they develop so much, or the women and couples open only positive pregnancy tests, or the pregnancy goes into the stomach. It's time, a requirement not necessarily, but it can be a requirement for the DNA damage and where, in many places still today, it's been said that it's a egg problem. It's a bad time. It's a bad time because the man has because, he has been raised in a super-sad quantity.

Peter Humaidan:

You just haven't looked down and then you're looking at it, so that's why the DNA damage is so big and I think we have been very far away. In Denmark, we are very conservative to take new technologies to take where in the big world, where I have a lot of partners, and so it's a disadvantage. Many places are part of the introduction and you should also think about that. When we look at women who are in treatment, there is a big department of treatment because women. There are a lot of hormone tests and you talk about hormones yourself which should be checked and infectious diseases. For the man there is this test from 1916, and some infectious diseases, so very, very little.

Peter Humaidan:

But now, after we focus a lot more on this, in this case, the man has been a very worthy partner in treatment for a long time. It was just and it is still important most places this has been tested that it can be done well again. Now the man is a very large part of treatment and it also means that we need more time to research the root diseases. Have they, have they, have they overbroke all sorts of things and with the help of the books, what a lot of people. But actually since they went to school that there will be a teacher and that they will be at the school like that. But they are doing it now Because there is a lot of important information to get.

Laura Grubb:

Yes, and I am so happy that this is included. And something I also find interesting, when I was at the school, I have a girlfriend. I am 36 years old, she is 45 years old, 46 years old, so I also feel a bit strange because we are standing just. She got a little bit confused, but at least on the internet.

Laura Grubb:

But that's what we are talking about and I have always been aware of that, but it is also quite new to me. So it is the balance between you never know how it goes, but I can allow you to send all of your phone calls to his phone and get away with that mobile phone. I almost got it from him when it was a bit too close to the screen, but I don't know now because I have never been at school. I don't have any children. I don't know if they will have any problems or if it is possible. Now he lives with me in the principal you are writing about and in the previous year.

Laura Grubb:

It is not so funny. But what I also think was important. It means nothing, just that it can only be engraved. It can actually be an impact on the child's health After the parents, plus that it is just a bonus for the husband that he will live healthy and follow their principles. Would you tell us a little about the consequences it can have for those who are pregnant? Maybe you don't have the child's child's health challenges. I would just like to have the health care.

Peter Humaidan:

Yes, I would love to, because it is like this that if you look at the husband as such, you can say there are two things that affect his DNA. That is how he lives. That is something you can do, do something about In the long term in most cases. But then there is also the biological effect of DNA and there has been a time and a time built in that the husband and the women are not aware of. We all know that, from the women's perspective, from 35-36 years of age, quality and gender is not starting to fall and men have a belief and there are a lot of people who believe that we can be known as Charlie Chaplin in the 80s. Yes, we can, but there is a biological age, a biological time and a relationship. It is a bit later than for women. It is from what should we say before and before the age of 35? There is a biological age in relation to DNA, in relation to the part of DNA damage. So you can say, from from 45-50 years of age, there is a doubling of the amount of DNA damage, over 25%. What does that mean 25%? It means 25% of the cells have powerful DNA damage and if you are there, the certainty is that you are pregnant or that you are making your partner pregnant. It is reduced, but at the same time, the risk is that you are over pregnant. That is DNA, and that you do to your children is also in place and it has shown.

Peter Humaidan:

When you look at older men and their income, there is a greater risk of for diseases, and it can be leukemia, it can be cancer, it can be. This is called no-syngiatric diseases, that is autism schizophrenia, and this is called metabolical diseases. Diabetes and so on, which is out of the ordinary, is due to the over-gain of DNA from the father to the child. So you can say that there are a lot of people who find their partner in a scene and it is really nice. But if you both live an unhealthy life and also have an age, then you have a double negative effect. We can't do anything about it, but we can at least do something about it. So it is important to think about and here you see it really well and this down here you have a much better sense of health for us to send something healthy, that your income has a greater sense of health for us to be healthy and safe, but you also get a lot of health and safety, so it is a completely win-win situation.

Laura Grubb:

And that is something that I am very curious about. I am curious about this how can we get a hormonal balance, which is actually just a lot of the principles that matter? I look at it a lot as stress. It is the hormonal balance because it is also stabilizing the blood circulation, the fat and generally living a life in pleasure, more in peace, where we are simply too scared of stress, and get it better to get rid of it. Because I am talking about menstruation, which is our health value. When menstruation is in the upper lungs, if it is irregularly, it is either a severe menstruation or pain or a PMS. Then it is a, as some gynecologists once said. In the US it is called the fifth vitamin, the healthy sign, and when it is in the upper lungs it is the good, the immensity, it is the man's health sign. It is not just so clear because there is a test. Women can, if they have a cycle, follow it. But the important thing is that we look at the back where we have a cycle and that's what we look at.

Peter Humaidan:

And when you say it it is really the right delusion. It is the human's medicine, because what is with the cell is what we call the Canarian the coal mine for those who do not know it. But back in England in the coal mines you took the Canary Islands into a tunnel because if there was a gas output, the canary was not so low in the bottom of the tunnel. You knew the same. Now we will see All other body cells. We experience 100,000 DNA damage in our cells, but our body cells are still repairing them or the cells die. For instance, we got cancer all the time, but it can't be cured. Nature has given all the possible ways to park DNA very close to the cells but at the same time the cells can't repair DNA damage. So if you go around with a very high level of DNA damage, it's actually a pressure from unhealthyness in the whole body and that's a marker.

Laura Grubb:

And it's the same thing I'm actually trying to say. With the menstruation cycle which I have experienced, since there has been focus on women, there has been such a refinement of many of the symptoms. Many women have been dreaming of menstruation. There is so much pain. But what I have also found out, it can also be an indicator for health problems on the long-term if we are not to address it. Because the menstruation cycle is a balance, a body balance. So it's so important that we take care of the elderly in the early stages. So I could think about talking about what I heard that called the pre-mortem. If we look back at the men, if they were to go down in some specific direction to them, maybe now, maybe women, maybe there are women who are responsible for their men. So that's why it's so important what can a man do and when should he start with this?

Peter Humaidan:

Well, and it's fantastic that if you look at the stage, there are some facts. The production is very complicated. About 2000 genes are used about. Have you ever seen to produce a seed of 2000 genes and at the same time the production is violent? About 1000 seed cells in the second are produced per man. But the reason for its production is so big because there are so many wrong products. So in reality it's 96% of the seed cells, even though they can't be up to 4% normally, and that's why the production is violent.

Peter Humaidan:

And when we talk about production time, from that little bit of chemistry, the chemistry cell, to the seed cell, has something to do with its development. It takes about 3 months. If you have to say it's correct, it's 66 days plus minus 8, but that's too complicated. So let's say 3 months. And in that case if you put your lifestyle down today because you have a very bad lifestyle, then you could be able to get a bonus all the way after 3 months and I think that's very good. I just want to give you a quick overview.

Laura Grubb:

I think it's quite funny in terms of I also have to say about 3 months before I get the queen, and that's also what I remember that this is also a relief for the next seed cell.

Peter Humaidan:

So 3 months on the ground.

Peter Humaidan:

We are very lonely when it comes to the plant. Yes, and in the future. I just want to say what is it that I also have to say about the plant? And again, it's a very healthy diet, but when it comes to the special effects of seed, we have something more restrictive in the 3 months period, and that's what I call the production preparation, and now we are thinking about the plant that has been planted on the hill, and that's the point, and now we would like to be sure that it's the best quality. Now, the quality we are talking about that will instead be what we can do with it, and that is then a completely stop at what it's called the root.

Peter Humaidan:

The root is the worst, the worst, the negative, but another thing we should remember is the gymnasium and maybe a little younger people who don't work on the plant, and we should be aware that there is more of a negative in the amount of the root that is used than there is a certain amount around 12 mg of the root and up to 43 mg of the root. That contains the most of the root, and that's what our young people are doing in the frequency. So that's really a problem. The problem is that those who start in the school. They also continue as young people and I see that when you take the metro and some others and the piers and you know that they are very much more harmful than if they were in the field.

Peter Humaidan:

So forget about what it's called the negative, the root, I can say so the rye and the snus, and when people go and pop up different places it's very, very important that it comes away. So if you think about alcohol, there is a time when young people that they don't drink much in the week and then they drink a lot in the weekend and that can be really a lot. I know from my own children it can't be 15-20 gins out in the evening. It's as harmful as if you were spreading the dead all over the place. So in that community park I have been very restrictive to say up to 5 gins per month. Up to 5 gins per month.

Peter Humaidan:

That's something different than Sunday's gynecology that you can't take it to the hospital, yes, and why you can say it's just as much to say there will be a lot of negative results. That showed that if you over 20 gins per month, you got a strong reduction in your thirst concentration and your activity. That means alcohol itself, we know, is harmful. You make you come down under 20, that's what you remember, what you were saying. But already after between 10 gins per month you could see reductions and concentrations. That's what I'm saying. Yes, but now we are in a clearance period and now it's just to be optimal.

Peter Humaidan:

And alcohol is a definition. I love alcohol, but alcohol is a definition of a drug and a poison if you get too much. And then there are 5, the right ones. That's what I've foretold. So it's with the cost and that's what's so much about Sunday's gynecology that you don't have to have more than 500 gins for work, food and month. You have to have much more fish, 350 g fish and month. You have to have much more vegetables, much more fruit and that's what's really really that you have to have too much protein and that has a serious effect on both the side concentration and the side quality. So that's an important part of your I have a quick point.

Laura Grubb:

I remember when I read a book I think it was called To Women, for example, and there you got a lot of questions about more protein for women.

Peter Humaidan:

I don't know. I can remember that book, but I think that if you look at it, men in the foreway, there would be many more, and I can't leave women, who are more of a green-eared man, but in the foreway, with a lot of protein. So men in the foreway are more of a protein than women do. So that's probably where we want to go and say that there are a lot of vegans and women and they have to get some protein. But in any case, in the middle there are too many people who get too much protein. So we also talk about this. With coffee and in the bowl there is about 2-3 cups of coffee. There is about 100 mg of coffee in a cup of coffee and it is equal to 200-300 mg of coffee. Because if you go beyond that, there is also an investigation where you can say that if you look at self-contraction, if you also look at DNA, then DNA is more affected. So this is more true. You know that the country and coffee if the day is or gets a lot of espresso in that period of time, it is a bad idea. And then it was the ruins and it was the alcohol and it was the cost, the coffee.

Peter Humaidan:

Then it is with weight and that also comes to play a major role. There are several things in weight. One of the parts is if you are very overweight then the testicles get stuck together between the lungs because there is not quite enough space. There is much more heat. Then you have to remember that there is a mention that the testicles hang out of the body because the temperature is about 3.1 degrees actually chemically makes in the pump and it is in the kitchen and that is a mention.

Peter Humaidan:

Because the satin wave is very sensitive to heat. It does not produce the oxygen in the testicles. It is not necessarily warm sensitive, but the satin wave is warm sensitive. So if the testicles hang down between the lungs and get stuck together because there is too much fat around, then you get a DNA damage just on the back of the body and the concentration of the testicles.

Peter Humaidan:

But in the future it will affect the testicles. And then it is a whole thing that the research has shown that the overweight in the body has more of this oxidative stress, negative factors, and oxidative stress is, among other things, also the state of the DNA damage. So that is why it is recommended that if you are overweight at home. You have to take care of yourself to reduce the oxidative stress in the body and also, if it is now possible, that you get more space with the weight. So that is what we and then we generally call for those who are not overweight that you should then get emotions, that the satin wave recommends, and that is 30 minutes of moderate mutation and that is actually good for all of us.

Laura Grubb:

And for women? Yes, exactly exactly.

Peter Humaidan:

And then you have the two other things which of course, should be done, a part of more research about this. This is what you are doing with mobile phones and that is, with computers. But the problem is today that a lot of men go with that mobile phone in the lobby up to 8-10-12 hours a day, and we know that there are electromagnetic waves and there are lower levels. There is room for more, but there are lower levels, which indicates that if you have electromagnetic waves at the point, then you will increase the damage. And it also applies if you have been waiting for a Covid-19, with the computer on the floor all day. You should do that.

Peter Humaidan:

And again you could say it is a completely different question or a attempt to say, okay, what can we do? What can we do about what we know is harmful? And there are also electromagnetic waves which are harmful in the old days. And still there are people who were on large-scale stations. If you have not noticed that when they went through there and worked there for 3-6 months, when they came out of there, there was a concentration, there was no concentration, there was reduced the number and then it went from 23-5-6 months after they came out of there again and worked. Then it was normal. So we know it well in advance.

Laura Grubb:

So that's with heat and how we use it, or strolling.

Peter Humaidan:

It's strolling, so it's actually strolling.

Laura Grubb:

yes, Okay, but heat also plays a role. I mean, there are two different things, the two different things.

Peter Humaidan:

So the weight of the heat, that's mainly heat, I would say. Then you can also have some specialties where you have to say, for example, people who sit very low driving a car with seat heat, or long-term drivers who also sit and of course inevitably have to be very low, and with the laws it's just important that you go with something loose under the seat so that the testicles they are ventilated under the journey, right.

Peter Humaidan:

And now you're also cooking, just before it's hot and hot, and hot, and hot and hot, and the other thing is the professional cyclists I have been known with, in particular, some professional cyclists who had problems with their seat heat and again, because you sit in the seat and it's all pressed up in the light in more than eight hours, when it says that it affects both the DNA quality and the seat heat, Exciting.

Laura Grubb:

And then I also remember one thing where I actually have an offer to ask. It's about the frequency of the solution. Now it's like I would like to take a dance break because I'm so energetic. I have to wear a mask and I really like it, and there's a tradition that's something called for semen retention, with the man to hold on to his seat and hold on to his OJ, his masculine energy, and circulate it in the body. And actually just before the interview I have a dance break and I still hear this question. I say I'm going to talk to a faculty, a professor, and I know that research says, if you're aware of that, that you're not so good that you're going to be with the solution.

Peter Humaidan:

No, you can say it depends on what you're going to use and you're going to use it to to control your manliness or to control your partner. But when we talk about control, then it's completely clear. And now we're talking about the DNA damage. The longer there is between the circulations, the more there is DNA damage. Because where does the DNA damage happen? It happens in the biotesticle, in the pitstop. You can say from where the site has gone, from the biotesticle and down in the biotesticle and is in the aftermath. That's the big oxidative stress, that's the negative factor that gives the DNA damage. So the longer it's in the pitstop, the worse the quality becomes.

Peter Humaidan:

And I've talked to an expert, an American, who has actually was the first one who made an experiment where you could go into the goal of DNA damage and I'll talk to him about this from Nyli, where he said to me oh, how good you are, you know what it is with the eaculation frequencies, as it's called, because it's just so important. And he had it like that when with his patients, when they were supposed to have the goal of their DNA damage, to be sure that it was a real DNA damage, that it wasn't just because they didn't have a solution from now on that he would have the typical if they would have come and been sitting on and the other day to the investigation they would have had the eaculation on Friday, on Sunday, and then they would have the test that they would use for a day. Then you knew that this was not just because it was something completely, but because it was a DNA damage, if there are a few people who are trying to get to know.

Laura Grubb:

Would you say right up to that day that they would like to do it up to about egg solution, or is it like what else for each day?

Peter Humaidan:

I would say that it would be a really good idea because, as you are sure, not that you have had sex and there are a lot of people who have had a little sex that you have not had sex then you only concentrate on egg solution. That means that the first shots that come out, that is not quality-wise really good. So it is really good to have a lot of mineral-wise and, of course, something every other day about egg solution.

Laura Grubb:

Yes, but in those three months, and then you have to have an evolution, every other day, that is actually up to about your time limit Exactly.

Peter Humaidan:

You can say two different things. It is just one thing you have to take with you. You have what you can influence in relation to your production or your quality, in relation to your new style, but the other factor is important to take with you in your thoughts when you are now going to start that you do not have to, let alone have an egg solution. You have to say seven days before you are on an egg solution at the time it is a bad idea and really you have also been a green-eyed person. You are with someone, but it was better. It is not Santran, because I do not know much about it, but this is what you are with. That it was a bad idea. It was better you could go from two that there was a better seed, if you looked at it to the NNS.

Peter Humaidan:

It makes a lot of analogical sense in your head and then you think and then think about it, that there are produced thousands of seed cells in a second. So that is really where it comes from.

Laura Grubb:

So it's about the fresh ones.

Peter Humaidan:

Yes, it's about the fact that the pizza is not too long, because that's where the oxidative stress occurs. So there's a little difference in terms of it's purely psychological and it's purely physical.

Laura Grubb:

Yes, and now we're talking about the three things that are involved, and that's what you can do now I'm a little jealous of this, but you can live a life where you just drink and do it all and then you stop for three months and then we stop, or, if that has any consequences.

Laura Grubb:

Now you're sitting and talking to yourself. I have a rather festive life in my type. It's so good when we're over at the age of no-quality and I can do it myself. I have a tendency and I also have stress when I get into this field, so I have the tendency that it has affected you in a way. Do we know anything about that, or is it just the three things that are involved?

Peter Humaidan:

It means that the public's welcome is very healthy because it's a completely new production. So it means that, yes, and it's also a place for the young people. I'm not here with a raised finger, you're not there. You're not there. You can do what you want, basically up to a certain limit. But when the rest of the summer you think about whether you should get a child, then you mean that you should think about those three months before so you could say, yes, that's right. Basically, you can live your life instead of where you think about being you should be from, and then you should take a say in your own home, I must say, and then you think about it.

Laura Grubb:

And this science. I think it's just so important. Not only I don't think it's just about those who are unfriended children, but also generally think about all of us, the two of them who are three months before and make us not only now it's a lot of physical experience, but it's something I myself work with with the mental preparation. So what is it? And I myself have also stepped down in my own parents'.

Laura Grubb:

I mean the reception. I say me and my father-in-law and what else asks them, what was my father, for example, or my mother, at that point of time? Well, now we have to sit down and be a little spiritual bolstered. But I think just that the thought that we, I think for spiritual reasons, is called the consciously conceiving, the conscious reception, and we in some way think that one kind of preparation. Not that I think there are some problems. If it happens spontaneously, then it's just a miracle that it happens all the time, but it's a very nice thought process that we are prepared to do.

Peter Humaidan:

It's true and I think also on the net what you say, because it can be someone who is sitting and listening and is completely finished, because they have lived like this just up to and maybe pregnant women and you don't know if you weren't pregnant, and so on. You would say we are so holy as people that we have the nature with us on our back and that means that in the far-away case, if there is something that should not be accepted, then you will not be pregnant, or us as a person. That is called biochemical, a very positive test, or you are going to be standing in there now. So I don't think you should think about that. But what we are talking about here is that in relation to our parents. Our parents are very happy, of course, that they are also more pregnant, but we have come into some bad habits and for us, less emotions and also more important.

Peter Humaidan:

So there is just something happening over the last, let's say, 34 years negative and again in connection, because at the same time with that, there is always a environment that has been clearly worse and one environment, one environment gift, like a plate or a pesticide or a paraben. If you just had one, well, that was such an effect. But the problem is that we are talking about the toxic cocktail, where it is a mix of the whole. That is the effect. They do not stop to have the negative effect, and so, if you look back at the time, what has happened? I am not complaining that it has become more unforeseen, it is.

Laura Grubb:

I think it is a really important point you also have to come up with that it is not a scam campaign or a oh no, I have done something wrong, but that we are both. Let it be up to nature. And I also remember that even if a man has made such a quality DNA damage that the egg can actually repair, then yes.

Peter Humaidan:

Of course it is. It is, it is, it is. It is fantastic that the egg has that capacity up to a certain age. The egg is really super good because otherwise there were enough. Many are also not what has been added, because, just because the DNA damage was not, but now it is, it is also happening that the only thing is that more and more women are willing to and not ashamed of their age, and that is to say it is not a little less good to repair the DNA damage, and it also means that more and more people end up with the need to help out.

Peter Humaidan:

If you want to, and so much as you mean I can say, but it is not, this is just as much as if you are in an active fatality, sparring, or maybe even more, because for us it is just important that the material we get and the work we do is 100% optimal and we have, in many years at least also, and also elsewhere in Denmark, completely exhausted and even the middle now that we are starting to go into yes, specifically now, but I also think about earlier this with overweight and warm. But there are many other factors we look at now because we are dependent on getting the most optimal material, and that does not only apply to the eggs but it also applies to the stomach. We can make a lot of manipulations and we can make micro-injections, so to put a cell in an egg if the quantity is extremely low and it goes really fine. But it still requires quality and it is done.

Laura Grubb:

And that is what we can do.

Peter Humaidan:

We are the ones who are on Instagram In a big stretch. Yes, precisely.

Peter Humaidan:

And, at the same time, we also say you should imagine that we have known, now we are talking about the cell, which is 100 years old, and we have then kept that in mind, and then it becomes much more complicated every time. You think, well, it was fine, now we understand it all. Then suddenly there is a new cell and then you go down in that thing and what is it? And that is what we are. But it is just positive that we continue to go down in matter to be able to hopefully get people that couples are easier to be spontaneous and they think about it.

Laura Grubb:

Yes, and we are now into those who are inexplicable children, who are too much of a burden, who you yourself have experienced and where I think you are also called a mafia. There is still so much we do not know and the fact that there is a complex of hammers, because there can be so many factors that play into it and with your own interpretation you started with, there was an architecture against your corner that worked, where it is actually something that I work with with traditional medical medicine and hormone yoga based on the medial veins, but there we just do not know why it does not work.

Peter Humaidan:

but there is just a lot of history about it and we have actually made a part of research on acupuncture. It has been acupuncture that hurts the treatment will not be taken out and have published these materials and it is even possible that it is sceptical and we still use acupuncture and later on we had patients who were not able to get out of acupuncture treatment and let the pain go away and it works great. But the problem is it is difficult to show and when you talk about acupuncture and the pain and so on, then the whole body is a big zero-card. So understand that if you touch here, just a touch activates something and therefore it is difficult to go in and do it. That is Placebo. So it is what people say you have to make someone who has a good medicine, someone who gets an active medicine and has acupuncture, because if you touch the skin, even if it is a node that disappears and you do not go in through the skin, then just that you have touched it is enough for you to activate it. So I agree that there is a lot of interest in traditional medicine and we should respect that.

Peter Humaidan:

It is thousands of years old. There is a reason for it to exist. What?

Laura Grubb:

is the most important thing that you have to do in your life. We will soon be able to run a day and I think we can end the day with the most women who are with us and the men who have been found this podcast. What I think it is really about including the men, and also a lot about doing it more directly in relation to whether it is possible for women to be focused on faculty. What advice do you have for the women who are with you, or you can also ask how we are going to include the men in this for this white-breed.

Peter Humaidan:

But would you be aware of that and give space to them? We invite them to be included. The problem is that we and I mean the community, but also the teachers we have been really good at getting these men out on the side, and if you are a member of the men and you want to play in the first market, because it means so much and they want to, they are very interested. I would like to say that now I am a woman, but in relation to women, men are some prime patients Because when it comes to being a man, as you said before, this is the man who is responsible for this. If you want to know that this is a problem, then you do everything to change that problem. Men are some very, very good patients and I see that very, very well.

Peter Humaidan:

The problem was always before when you said you have a bad sitting, concentration or quality or whatever, and the question was always can I do something myself? Can I help you with that? Today, we can say to a young man, to a large part of the men, you can do that in three months and we will have a new experience Because again, you get the number out and it is a man who is responsible for this? They are actually responsible for having a number in the box and now it is in this box. In this connection, I can just say that we had and we have made it earlier the men, the couples, had through at least two unsuccessful reactions to the disease and we had seen these pictures with the patients who were standing there and maybe just in a positive, positive results, and we got the results. So we got the parts to get this test for their own payment and those who were at the west level took in this experience and they were exposed to this three month lifestyle change and they were made a new test afterwards and 45% of them were failed and were reduced to their DNA damage rate with this lifestyle change.

Peter Humaidan:

And the positive was also that two of these couples two out of 30, were involved in this gender development trial. Just about lifestyle, and that was the background of the GEMRAE class, a little bit of the story I talked about earlier with the patient, the woman who called Simmering. So there is something in this, there is a lot of it and there is also international. There is more and more focus on this, more focus on the lifestyle of the man and more and more focus on this woman.

Laura Grubb:

It is so important this and I am so grateful for both you writing this book and you sharing this to all of them.

Peter Humaidan:

And also we can start talking about this if we are talking about it, so it will not be so dangerous to talk about it and then I can say that, laura, I can say something else too, if there should be some between, but also some women, what we are working on now is to say, okay, now we are talking about quality, what kind of quantity can we do with that? Because I would like to say that the value and I think it is important to get it with lifestyle as a position you do not change quantity, you change quality. We see it as a step by step and I always say to you now you should not change, you come with a super concentration after this trend and it will be the same. It is the quality that works. But the question is can we change? Can we do the quantity, the medical? And then we are beginning to work on stimulating the men with a little bit of the same hormones that we stimulate the women with that are in faculty treatments. So, out of the division, we work as men and women. It is the same hormones that work.

Peter Humaidan:

Can we boost the concentration of the men? And that is something that is important that it can also be done. So maybe in the future we would not be able to assume that we had something called the concentration of the men. We could move the men from a concentration of men up to a normal barren medical treatment through the two, three months, but that is, and it comes from the closest, let's say, 45 years. So there is a whole lot going on in the men, because now we have been opened up from the barren and have looked at the quality and then in the question mode can we do something about the quantity? So that is what is just before in research, now it is can we boost the medical concentration?

Laura Grubb:

Wow, I'm so happy to talk to you, peter. You are doing well. I think more I have. We are in the media where I have filmed. There are more dramatic men. The concentration has dropped by 50% and that is what I have found and I have felt a bit of a powerlessness and stupidity act. Now we are going to no.

Peter Humaidan:

I think we should be very positive again. We should be positive in relation to that. There is a whole lot we can do ourselves and then there comes in the pipeline something that is driven by the, where you really technological medicine can help people so they don't need me, but they can maybe need some medicine, but they don't need me because they make children sit at home.

Laura Grubb:

That is where we want to go.

Peter Humaidan:

Exactly Fantastic.

Laura Grubb:

Peter, is there anything you have so many exciting things to share or you are going to add something before we leave?

Peter Humaidan:

No, no, no, I just want to say that it is all a really good thing. It is nice that there is something called podcast. I hear a lot of podcasts when I drive cars and I think it is a point of depth to the application, especially if you drive alone, and it puts a lot of play, and I also hope that this is what we have had today have been able to put a lot of in the game. I think that is as Prusel said, and that is also why we are here today. It is a very important area and the most important thing for me is that we are going to have men in and out of a relationship. It is not women's infatility, it is a part of infatility and the man should know he can do something and he will do whatever he wants. We just have to come in on that side.

Laura Grubb:

Yes, it is a kind of empowerment we have in the game.

Peter Humaidan:

That is right.

Laura Grubb:

Fantastic, and if you want to know more about this out of Lesdyn Bove, you can help me feel you or, in other ways, get more information.

Peter Humaidan:

You can do that, you can decide that. And again, try to see what is coming out on the Internet and so on about self-construction, because there will be something here in the near future. Completely clear no.

Laura Grubb:

I am looking forward to that, but thank you very much, Peter, for this. When it came out so far. I think it is important to do this.

Peter Humaidan:

Thank you.

Laura Grubb:

Thank you for listening to Kvine Ljur. If you are new to learning more about your cyclone and hormones, you can find me on Instagram and Facebook under the name SnappleLaguergruppedk, or visit me at my website, lauergruppedk. We see you in this town.

Sådan forbedrer du fertiliteten
Livsstils påvirkning af fertiliteten
DNA-skadens indvirkning på graviditet og helbred
Effekter af kost, alkohol og vægt på fertilitet
Undersøgelse af faktorer, der påvirker fertiliteten
Udforskning af mandlig fertilitet og medicinske fremskridt
Få mere information