
34. Sex efter 50: Indsigter fra gynækolog Ditte Trolle

October 17, 2023 Laura Grubb Episode 34
34. Sex efter 50: Indsigter fra gynækolog Ditte Trolle
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34. Sex efter 50: Indsigter fra gynækolog Ditte Trolle
Oct 17, 2023 Episode 34
Laura Grubb

Da jeg tog min tantrauddannelse for nylig, blev jeg mere og mere interesseret i at udforske det seksuelle. Et emne som ligesom menstruationscyklussen kan være fyldt med skam .

Samtidig oplever jeg en øget interesse for menopausen i mit eget liv og fra mine følgere. Så hvorfor ikke tale om begge dele?

Det har jeg netop gjort i denne episode, hvor jeg inviterer Ditte Trolle ind i podcasten. Hun er en anerkendt gynækolog og forfatter til en bogen Sex efter 50, som belyser hvordan en kvindes sexliv forandrer sig efter 50-års alderen og hvad man kan gøre for at holde gnisten i live. Sammen afmonterer vi den kulturelle stigma og skam, der ofte omgiver denne fase af livet og vigtigheden af at få adgang til pålidelig information og støtte.

Vores samtale udforsker skiftet fra et reproduktivt fokus til et mere intimt, relationscentreret perspektiv. Ditte deler sin visdom om at bevare lidenskab og forbindelse i parforhold og betydningen af et aktivt seksualliv efter 50, og den rolle hormoner spiller i dette. Vi dykker også ned i unikke overvejelser for enlige kvinder i denne aldersgruppe, og tilbyder holistisk indsigt til alle lyttere.

Kompleksiteten af seksuel lyst, de deraf følgende forventninger og indvirkningen af stress og angst på sexlyst diskuteres også grundigt. Vi belyser forskellene i sexlyst mellem mænd og kvinder, og hvad der sker for kvinder i overgangsalderen. Samtalen bevæger sig derefter ind på området for kommunikation i seksuelle forhold, de rigtige rammer for disse diskussioner og forståelse af ændringer i sexlyst under og efter graviditet. Vi efterlader dig med en påmindelse om den kritiske betydning af åben kommunikation og forbindelse i denne fase af livet. Denne episode er en vital samtale, der belyser en ofte overset del af livet.

I denne uge er det International Menopause Dag og derfor afholder jeg en BONUS masterclass og en yogatime om menopausen og perimenopausen i denne uge. Vær med inde på Hormonyoga for kvinder enten live eller se optagelsen bagefter. Du får de første 7 dage gratis lige her: https://www.lauragrubb.dk/

Hvis du ønsker at lære mere om Ditte og hendes arbejde inden for det her emne, kan du læse mere på sexefter50.dk.

Læs også gerne mit blogindlæg om min oplevelse med at læse Dittes bog Sex efter 50 lige her: https://www.lauragrubb.dk/blog/44626-sexliv-efter-50-aar

Information i den her podcast har kun til formål at informere og oplyse. Indholdet er et resultat af Lauras egen research og erfaringer. Indholdet er ikke tænkt som en erstatning for rådgivning af en læge eller anden sundhedsrådgiver eller anden information fundet på et produkt eller pakke. Brug ikke indholdet til at diagnosticere eller behandle et helbredsproblem eller sygdom, eller til at udskrive medicin eller anden behandling. Tal altid med din læge eller anden sundhedsrådgiver, før du tager nogen medicin, kosttilskud, urter eller foretager nogen behandling for et helbredsproblem. Hvis du har eller mistænker, at du har et medicinsk problem, kontakt din læge omgående. Afvis ikke lægelig rådgivning og afvent ikke at søge lægehjælp på grund af noget, du har lært via min hjemmeside og andre kanaler. Information og udtalelser vedrørende kosttilskud og præventionsmidler er ikke evalueret af Sundhedsstyrelsen og er ikke tiltænkt at diagnosticere, behandle eller eliminere nogen sygdom.

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Da jeg tog min tantrauddannelse for nylig, blev jeg mere og mere interesseret i at udforske det seksuelle. Et emne som ligesom menstruationscyklussen kan være fyldt med skam .

Samtidig oplever jeg en øget interesse for menopausen i mit eget liv og fra mine følgere. Så hvorfor ikke tale om begge dele?

Det har jeg netop gjort i denne episode, hvor jeg inviterer Ditte Trolle ind i podcasten. Hun er en anerkendt gynækolog og forfatter til en bogen Sex efter 50, som belyser hvordan en kvindes sexliv forandrer sig efter 50-års alderen og hvad man kan gøre for at holde gnisten i live. Sammen afmonterer vi den kulturelle stigma og skam, der ofte omgiver denne fase af livet og vigtigheden af at få adgang til pålidelig information og støtte.

Vores samtale udforsker skiftet fra et reproduktivt fokus til et mere intimt, relationscentreret perspektiv. Ditte deler sin visdom om at bevare lidenskab og forbindelse i parforhold og betydningen af et aktivt seksualliv efter 50, og den rolle hormoner spiller i dette. Vi dykker også ned i unikke overvejelser for enlige kvinder i denne aldersgruppe, og tilbyder holistisk indsigt til alle lyttere.

Kompleksiteten af seksuel lyst, de deraf følgende forventninger og indvirkningen af stress og angst på sexlyst diskuteres også grundigt. Vi belyser forskellene i sexlyst mellem mænd og kvinder, og hvad der sker for kvinder i overgangsalderen. Samtalen bevæger sig derefter ind på området for kommunikation i seksuelle forhold, de rigtige rammer for disse diskussioner og forståelse af ændringer i sexlyst under og efter graviditet. Vi efterlader dig med en påmindelse om den kritiske betydning af åben kommunikation og forbindelse i denne fase af livet. Denne episode er en vital samtale, der belyser en ofte overset del af livet.

I denne uge er det International Menopause Dag og derfor afholder jeg en BONUS masterclass og en yogatime om menopausen og perimenopausen i denne uge. Vær med inde på Hormonyoga for kvinder enten live eller se optagelsen bagefter. Du får de første 7 dage gratis lige her: https://www.lauragrubb.dk/

Hvis du ønsker at lære mere om Ditte og hendes arbejde inden for det her emne, kan du læse mere på sexefter50.dk.

Læs også gerne mit blogindlæg om min oplevelse med at læse Dittes bog Sex efter 50 lige her: https://www.lauragrubb.dk/blog/44626-sexliv-efter-50-aar

Information i den her podcast har kun til formål at informere og oplyse. Indholdet er et resultat af Lauras egen research og erfaringer. Indholdet er ikke tænkt som en erstatning for rådgivning af en læge eller anden sundhedsrådgiver eller anden information fundet på et produkt eller pakke. Brug ikke indholdet til at diagnosticere eller behandle et helbredsproblem eller sygdom, eller til at udskrive medicin eller anden behandling. Tal altid med din læge eller anden sundhedsrådgiver, før du tager nogen medicin, kosttilskud, urter eller foretager nogen behandling for et helbredsproblem. Hvis du har eller mistænker, at du har et medicinsk problem, kontakt din læge omgående. Afvis ikke lægelig rådgivning og afvent ikke at søge lægehjælp på grund af noget, du har lært via min hjemmeside og andre kanaler. Information og udtalelser vedrørende kosttilskud og præventionsmidler er ikke evalueret af Sundhedsstyrelsen og er ikke tiltænkt at diagnosticere, behandle eller eliminere nogen sygdom.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to Qnelym, a podcast that helps you find more peace and surprise in your life. We have understood the Qnelym in Cyclus and how you can bring the hormones in balance with yoga food and lifestyle. My name is Laura and I'm looking forward to showing you how you can find a fantastic Qnelym.

Speaker 3:

Today we will talk about sex after 50. I have invited Dieter Trolle into my studio, which is a gynecologist and is responsible for the birth of sex after 50. She has studied how women can get a better sex life after 50 and explain what is happening around the transition stage and on the other side of the transition stage, and I think we need to focus more on that, because this week is International Menopause Day, october 18th, when the whole world is starting to focus on menopause. I would also like to include the period of permenopause, up to menopause. It is very important to highlight that women can break in a fairly high degree.

Speaker 3:

There are some who are quite sensitive to it, but the challenge is that there has been a lot of stigma and a lot of shame about the transition stage. We have not taken it so seriously. When the sensitive issue is seriously serious, we feel that it is difficult to talk about it, but often it is not investigated seriously enough. This information about what to do, what to do, how to experience it does not come out to those who actually need it, just like the menstruation cycle, which I have used for many years, is very serious. We are now beginning to focus on that, but there were many years when it was not something to be talked about. I think it is time that we also did it, about the transition stage and also on this podcast for Sadeethaele. So that will help me in this podcast, where we talk about sexual abuse, which is an important part of us, what happens there when we are around 50, and what can be done by both hormonal and from other perspectives. The reason I am so focused on sexual abuse is that when we got to this episode, I was in the middle of my transition stage, and I think this was a very important topic, and I think it is, and something that we need to focus more on is also that it is another tab, another that can be filled with shame and uncertainty, and I also think it should come out in this week where we have International Menopause Day, but also where I hold two workshops. I hold one with a restorative hormonioca for PA-menopause and menopause, and I also hold a masterclass where I tell more about what is happening when we enter the PA-menopause age, which can start already from the age of 35, and this period with the transition stage can be up to 55. So it is a big portion of women's lives and that is why I am unique in the post-sphere and I send out two workshops to really improve this. If you want to join me on this, you are always welcome to visit my homonioca platform. You can find it on laughergruppedk. You can also click on the link in the description. It is the pre-order, it is live for all my members and you can always try 7 days free and up to the point of being free.

Speaker 3:

And now I will continue to give my word to me and to you, where we begin our talk about 6 after 50. So I have got your trolley into the studio here, and it should be. We are sitting right now talking about many things, but what I think we should talk about today is your book called 6 after 50, which I have read and which I am actually a little bit we fold that a little bit out. And why fold a little bit of that out? But before I present to you the one I have learned in connection with me, I have written a book about prevention and you have something you also know a lot about, so we will talk a little bit about that. And then I have read this book and wrote a blog about it, and I will tell a little about you. I have just gotten to know you. You are a gynecologist and a worker who is a translator at Aarhus University Hospital, and you have read this book in 2012, and you have also learned about the medical studies about apothecs and sexual violence around these women.

Speaker 3:

Yes, that's right. That's right, that's good, and I will just ask you to tell me if you have changed what is new about it. What made you write this book 6 after 50?

Speaker 4:

Yes, but it was actually a colleague who was in charge of. Now. He has been a year old and I think he will hear a little bit about the 6th when he comes up with the words. And then they started to collect material for that charge and then it just became so much so I ended up writing a book about it. That's how it went.

Speaker 3:

So you said there was one thing that was interesting, but let's just say, why is it important? What happened to the changes? Or maybe I started there when, after 50, there was a period.

Speaker 4:

There are some biological things that happen with the adult and the sex life. It's clear there are some hormonal changes it's good for both men and women which affect sex life to a certain extent. There is also some lifestyle that begins to be again how well you say it has taken care of itself in terms of having a healthy form. It also shows sex life. But then we also have a lot of cultural ideas, or at least had a lot of cultural ideas about just the adult and the sex, that it was not two things that could be at the same time, that the adult people just had sex. And that's interesting to dive into what it really is about.

Speaker 4:

And it really is something that hits hard against women long hair and against men, because men the point is that it depends on the fertility, that sex was only something you should have for children and not because you thought it was fun or nice to just be together. It was. It's very much in our culture, especially the Christian culture, that what the adult has been that women had sex to be pregnant and if it could not be pregnant anymore, then it was over with sex. And what is exciting is to look at what is really historical and cultural, and see what really goes up there and there are many things that go up, I think.

Speaker 3:

Yes, and I recognize it myself, because when I first read the book, I also had this idea that sex life stops when you are healthy or my parents are not having sex or having sex after the age of 60, and then I suddenly started to realize that there was actually so many years or at least I could see the future at that time where I was going there and I had the thought that I was going to have sex with my life. So suddenly there was something that did not fit. There was one, and that's why for me it was a pretty big eye-opener, kasemur, and that's something I didn't think I should learn. And it's funny you say it's Ram and women's house, because I went on a trip with a friend here in Formadags who said the same thing. She said well, that's the biggest problem for women. And I said why is that? Have you got the biggest challenge?

Speaker 4:

Well, as I said, there is something about the transition that affects sex life and that's because you come to lack estrogen and when you don't have estrogen for a long time, you go out and slimm the skin especially, which becomes more dry and soreness. They are very light, they are not so elastic and so on as they have been before, and it's clear that if you go out when you have sex, you drop it and the pain there is actually the most important reason for women after transition not having sex. It's simply because they go out. So that's one thing that happens. And then something also happens with lust, which is more than anything that happens with the words, both for men and women.

Speaker 4:

The older you get, the less you think about sex. It doesn't go up on the inside table as many times as it does on days of age, for example, when you are 20. So sex comes to fill less and less in the awareness. When it means that you don't have the ability to have sex, or if you don't have any partners, if partners are sick, if you don't have time, then you can get completely lost in that with sex lust and sex life, and that's a bit sad, because sex is a fantastic way to keep the partner's relationship running, and if sex life is gone, then you should take it as a warning signal for how it will go with this relationship. Of course it can be sad, but it just needs to be a warning when you are older. So the organ cell affects sex life in a way that it is difficult to keep the lungs in. There are other things that can affect, but it is difficult. The lungs are the ones that are responsible for the lungs.

Speaker 3:

Yes, and if there is a time when you can recognize yourself, we could go a little further. What can you do with it? This is a thing that affects all women, whether our lungs are more prone to estrogen in the area or, in any case, that sex is also going to fall. What is the plan to help women or the area that you?

Speaker 4:

are trying to help. I would just say that not all women have these problems. It is not 100% that women get bad lungs, but more than half of them do. What you can do is use a hormone-based medicine that you just use locally in the skin and that is enough to keep the lungs healthy, and then you do not get the effects of the whole body that many women are afraid of. So you can use a hyaluronic acid prepared. It is a kind of a food gift. If you use it there, then the food gifts also affect there, but then you need to use it regularly. It is just like the face. You need to use it regularly because it works. And then it is important to have a good happiness when you are sexually active, and then it also helps to keep sex life going. That is, to use a vibrator or partner or whatever you are now used to, because in that case, theoretically, it is said that the increased blood flow in the body is generally good for the lungs.

Speaker 3:

So it is important to keep it going and it can be difficult if you do not have the luxury. If it was a hyphysiological or hormonal acid, or at least on the hyphysiological plan, what if you say that sex is at least for women? It starts a lot with the ears, it starts a lot. Absolutely, it is still lacking, but it is just that it has no luxury. What do you have in mind now?

Speaker 4:

The luxury when you get older becomes more responsive. When you are young it is more spontaneous, it just comes. You are suddenly lazy and it just comes from somewhere. When you get older, it is just like locking yourself a little more forward, and that means that if you and in the end.

Speaker 3:

You can't say no luxury. A cyclone can also be a problem.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 4:

When you are young, you don't have a cyclone no, that's what you don't have, that's the problem Then it should be locked a little forward.

Speaker 4:

And that means that if you start, if you may not want to, but you think, okay, we will talk for a long time you have to get older right away and then you may take it down If you, if you have a low status, or if you have a partner you can't lie and care for each other and then you don't have to, in a way, take the luxury when it comes, because as a rule it can be called forward.

Speaker 4:

Also when you are up to date and especially if you want to keep it low, then you can get that luxury forward and then it's just about, in a way, also support mentally when it's there, and that's actually what happens in all of us that you have to welcome the luxury. You have to have the luxury to get that luxury and say it's nice, and it's nice that it comes in, yes, it's good, and so on. And you can help it when it's there, because then you can keep it low and then you can say I want to get married. There are people who are over 80 years old, who are now 6 years old and that sounds fantastic and that's something I remember.

Speaker 3:

I had an end time to tell that her best mother was in the age of 95.

Speaker 4:

So she came to explain a thing I was like I met women over the age of 95, who came to know that they have the best sex life and there is so much, because they have new partners and so they play that role. What do you think you do?

Speaker 3:

Or do you have a personal opinion on what you can do? When they say it's the best in the age of 95? Is there something that gets better?

Speaker 4:

Maybe it's easier to get a girlfriend and they just get more. They just think it's better. It's like 4 flams. And that was one that came and said she was completely scared of how much sex they had, how wild they were with it. She was 66.

Speaker 3:

So yeah, and how much. You just asked me the same thing. I thought about how much sex is actually controlled by hormones and how much are the other factors? What is actually the 4-6?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, you don't know that. It's a beautiful combination of gender and environment and biology, and the social and the cultural. So what is? But it's about, in any case, the fact that you I mean that you have to be prepared to take it when it comes, that there are no concepts like shame and guilt, and you can't do that with mine, or you can't do that with him, or you can't do that with him, or with today, or with someone else, and so you're simply prepared to say yes to it.

Speaker 3:

Yes, I think I mean at the beginning with culture and hormones. It's just that there can be the evidence that we don't do that, that it can block, and that's disgusting. How do you change that? One thing is disgusting to this podcast because it doesn't have to be, but I think that what are some things that block from the fact that we can do that with culture and hormones?

Speaker 4:

Yes, but it's about the opinions that you have about sex, maybe something about in what way? Was it something that was found earlier and I think it still is that women should not be accessible to the sexual environment and maybe not be for the outside, or some crisis or culture that they should not be? Or should they not be happy about it? Or maybe they are happy about it, but they either try to cool themselves down. That means a lot how much you give yourself up to have lust for sex and enjoy what it is, and I don't think you're always ready to have some blockages in your head and we are so grown up in it, so I think it's hard to isolate it and say that I'm going to be out right now. I think it's hard.

Speaker 3:

And what is the advantage of having a sexual life after 50?

Speaker 4:

After 50, if you have a partner, we were in the point of being good at keeping the couple's relationship. The intimacy you have with your partner, you have, as a rule, not with the other people. I think so it's that you have sex together and are intimate together. It gives a unique relationship, a unique thing that belongs to them and not to others, and I think that's good. Plus, you get close to each other and you give pleasure. You get pleasure, you enjoy it, you have fun with it. It's a way to be close to each other, because it's also a way to bring pleasure.

Speaker 3:

That was something I remember taking part in from the last year in the book. The point was that sex changes and it becomes more about intimacy and closeness and the relationship and the partnership. Where it's maybe in the younger years, it's more about reproduction. Where it's not something you think about, it's more about the relationship.

Speaker 4:

I think that when you're younger, sexuality is more egocentrated. I think it's more about your own needs. You have that strong desire. You have to have those freedoms. That's what you do. I think that when you're older, it becomes more par-oriented and you get in the relationship with sexuality and that gives a big role and that means that you can change the role you have in sexuality. I've read a report about men who had had travel problems in a degree so they couldn't travel anymore, and of course that was a loss at the same time, because it's just the way they're living their way of having sex. When they couldn't have a middle-class relationship anymore, they had to take a different way of giving pleasure to other ways, and that's what I think was exciting.

Speaker 3:

I've also experienced in my own life, that it's actually starting also before the transition, that there's a way of getting out of the relationship with sex which is not so much focused on who you are, how you do it, but at least can be a little more focused on the whole penetration part and just to hunt for that orgasm. And in any case, I'm doing my tango today and that's why I think it's really exciting to talk about it. I myself didn't know, but there are other ways to do it which are not only about the freshness but more about the connection, where the relationship gets in meditation and it gets completely different and it gets a little bit on the head.

Speaker 4:

And I also hear from some women when they get children they're like well, I don't know, I don't know, but I think that women maybe in your age and up to 45, they're like, well, I don't know, but I don't know, but I think that there's at least freshness in their sex life. That's what I thought.

Speaker 3:

But it gives a really good meaning, because if I took it on myself I don't know how to do it and it's just high expectations that it's almost a very presto act that you have to do it in a certain way and there is a lot of freedom when you come up at the age of 35 to say you do it in my way.

Speaker 4:

Plus, you're also more nervous about being good enough to go out and all that when you're young. You can kind of let go of that when you get older, because it becomes so much more of that with the appearance as it is when you are new on the market and say we're talking about a lot of these things.

Speaker 3:

I'm sitting here at my place. You know You're saying a lot of answers together, but it can be that we can get some things a little more out, like, for example, that with hormone treatment, but you're not that kind of vaginal estrogen, and is that enough, and then you need some help from your sexologist or psychologist, or is it actually more the hormone?

Speaker 4:

treatment you get here. If there is a problem, then it's hormone treatment in the brain that is involved. If you're going to have hormones and systemically that is the whole body, then it's something we give if you have typical health problems.

Speaker 3:

Or so good, Is that enough? What do you mean by so much yes?

Speaker 4:

that's where you actually start. You have tried it for a really long time and you've been a little uncertain about the effects it has on the face and you could risk getting it, for example, because it's not that much, but it's more typical to have more skin cancer than women in the past in any case. And then you've been afraid that you would want to make women suffer if they got testosterone. But it doesn't look like that. And now testosterone is actually something we give in Denmark to women with low sex desire after organ cellar, only after organ cellar. And why only after organ cellar? Because it was only tested there, I think Before organ cellar.

Speaker 4:

There is something called ADY in USA, something you've tried to sell there and give women more sex desire, but that's not something I think anyone will ever come here to. I don't have enough effect on that. But testosterone yes. Then you have to be careful not to get over-dosed, because then you'll get even more skin cancer in the front and then you can get voice changes and all kinds of things if you really get over-dosed. The problem is that there is no testosterone preparation in Denmark for women. There has been one time, but it has been registered for a long time since this discussion came to light and now there is nothing. So you have to take what is prepared for men and just use a ton of it instead of that, and it's a bit difficult, but it can be done. And it's okay to get it registered as a law. You can't buy it by hand, but to get it just as a way down to sex desire it can be absolutely tested.

Speaker 3:

We talked a bit about why it's a good idea to have sex after 50 years, so we have a lot of parable. But what about a woman who is single? Who is single? Is there any fault?

Speaker 4:

in her lower or it's not that you want to be single alone, and then it's good to keep yourself in the form of knowing if you should have a partner.

Speaker 3:

What consequences if she doesn't keep her sexual?

Speaker 4:

You can see that if you don't use hormones women are not active sexually and maybe in the past a little boring type of woman or not having children or something like that you can see that the cause is very bad when you get older. So it's actually going to be difficult, if it happens in the next 20 years after the age of the sex, To get it registered.

Speaker 3:

And if we sum up, the sex itself, there are a lot of changes in women. There is both the story of some where the sex is falling, but also where the sex is going up. What are the changes that are making? We don't know.

Speaker 4:

We don't know if male hormones, which is estrogen, actually affect the sex desire. We simply know a little about all that. But what does it mean? Testosterone plays a part in a way. Testosterone falls on the men and women of the last 10 years, around 20 years, so it goes down the drain, but it doesn't fall on the relationship with the sex. So if you feel that the sex desire disappears after the age of the sex, it's not because of that, it's not because of testosterone, but we know for a fact that it is. But it's clear that it's a lot of it sitting between the ears, isn't it?

Speaker 3:

Yes, and now that I have it here, I also think it's a bit of a mess. It could be something you don't know about the age of the sex or something like that, but you just experience sex desire all the time Because we can experience it on all occasions in life and I think sometimes we can believe that we have sex desire but maybe we don't, Because it's a very difficult goal. How much is a normal sex desire and what a high age is? What experience can you be behind sex desire, if we don't talk about the fall testosterone?

Speaker 4:

If there is a girl or a couple going to a sexologist because of their sex desire, I assume that the first thing you have to ask is if sex desire is what you want. Is it your own or your partner's? If you want to do it every day, you don't need to have it, but it will typically be a problem for you if you do it. It's not his, it's his problem. And then we have a lot of expectations. I think you should know the sex desire you have and you live in a relationship where there is a big incongruence, where there are many different sex desires between partners, where you have to make compromises, where the one part is sometimes unbecoming, where the other one is sometimes where you have to say give a gift sometimes so that you find a place where it will fit perfectly for both parties.

Speaker 4:

So what is a lot of normal sex desire? There are many things that can affect the negative. When you are younger, peppiller is one thing that you know well when you block testosterone, which is not a problem when you take Peppiller. So Peppiller is one of the reasons why stress, anxiety, anxiety, the heart, everything can be affected by sex desire. I think at the starting point, men and women have a lot of desire for sex, but women are much more determined than men are. I think men have a more stable sex desire or, as I said, it is more of a basis level all the time. Women are much more determined than men are.

Speaker 3:

I think so too I have interviewed a love, sex and relationship coach who is a person who is working with this situation where you are alone, but also set up in the situation the room to open up for the sexual room.

Speaker 3:

Or, yes, it is my experience, I work from this, but if you live in this very stressed world or you could call it the word of the mass energy and female energy, it can be difficult to go for this height, to go for it, or up in the head to think about getting into the body.

Speaker 3:

That sex is actually and there is a level of it's a landscape Overgift, yes, overgift, to come down with that. And sex is also I think I heard some say that it is a place, it is something that has nothing to do with formal, of course, if we talk about reproductive, but if we take it out of context, as we are a candidate, either with prevention or because we are on the other side of the organization where it is no longer a challenge, then it is really a pleasure. And that is what I personally think is out of what I am doing with the number of women in the struggle, because my own stress history is a bit of what I at least resonate with a lot that what is with itself is pleasure, and even doing something that has no formal purpose to be a pleasure. It is enormously difficult and extremely important at the same time, but it is, and the door does it too.

Speaker 4:

The door is under the door Now. You have focused a lot on these bolobo-abra in many years which, both socially and with a net up loose conflict. That is under the door a little on the other side and you get your eyes up for more and more doors under the door. It has guaranteed a meaning. It is net up to to get down in the body and, as you know, all this oxytocin rush that you get in connection with sex. I think that is healthy for both body and soul.

Speaker 3:

I would like to go to an evening oxytocin more about that hormone, because it is so difficult to regulate stress. It is so ironic that when we have more stress, we have less desire to have sex. But sex could actually help us reduce stress, and it is more about presenting it, for example, as a mother of children. And to do all these things and have all these tasks, how do you get it flipped in?

Speaker 4:

Yes, and net up to this situation where you have to connect your head from. It is so important where it is, because that is where the stress sits and sees. That is all stress, that you do not get any stress, that you get fat stress, that you think you should have something and get that connected. Just get a look.

Speaker 3:

And do you see some changes in society so quickly and I think you have been in this case maybe you have seen some changes that happen from women in the elderly in the other cases. Now to some of the challenges that younger women are facing today, or is it the same?

Speaker 4:

I do not know. I think that women nowadays have greater control over their behavior than they used to have, and that is not good, because you cannot control everything here in life, and that leads to stress and frustration. When it cannot be done and I do not know if it can be thrown away it is thrown away completely in the first place, that you just experience that. It is something that you also want to control and it is a little bit of a situation that is the same as sex it is simply to go out of your head, but only in the group. So I think you see it in many other situations and I do not want to talk about life that has become more stressful or more demanding.

Speaker 4:

Of course, all these social media, they take time. All these screens, they take time that we earlier had for other things, and it is clear that in that way you get more tired. If you need two hours a day on a screen, then it is two hours that go from the second time. So in that way, I think there are more things that take the attention, the demand of attention, and more things that stress you now than there was before. For example, I had a small child.

Speaker 3:

I think I can only be familiar with this in any case, with the control and the exercise in sleep control. Sex is an example of that. We have to do it just to open up some gas, but you cannot think about it, you cannot control it. In the end, when you do it, it becomes often quite unforeseen.

Speaker 4:

So it goes like a real. If you are always lying there with your eyes closed, is there worth it?

Speaker 3:

And I think that is the underlying focus that I am trying to explore now. It is to take the whole focus away from it and focus on something completely different, which is just to be close to the body and to feel your body and focus away from the areas on the body that we are pleading to go directly to and do it in a more close way. Maybe that is why my life is turning towards it, but also that I see it around me that it is like getting a stomach ache again Because we have come so much up in the head and have we got any tools to help, or yoga I teach or meditation, or what is the end? We have used to regulate this life up in the head, and I am completely used to the social media. I am also on social media, but I would like to just close it off if I could, because it takes me away from this view.

Speaker 4:

I think Tantra is also good for sex life. I really think that something you could do better.

Speaker 3:

I should be more on that. That is good, and I also used this table because I can say that the first menstruation cycle that I think started with was more integrated, but it has been a R-TD table. But sex life have you experienced it in your work? When you go out and people are teaching you, is it difficult to talk about this.

Speaker 4:

Yes, with colleagues. I have some suggestions from the public university which had only six women, and it is a suggestion that there is no man to sit. When there is no man to sit, I just ask one or two people to come and say something, but then there are arms up over it all and then there is talk and then there are people very open about how they have it. But it should be in that room and in a way it does not work. If there is a man to sit, we will need to. If someone is going to throw up and it is a sin, but then it is just. But it is also called sex only for women.

Speaker 4:

Yes, that's what it is called, but I think that openness is really big. I think that women in that context can talk about sex and it is also very personal.

Speaker 3:

And if I and you just got the chance to come into that room a moment, what if you can share it? What did you see from some themes that often come up from women who have met before?

Speaker 4:

Yes, but it is a bit different what the women are like, but it is often about desire it does.

Speaker 1:

Many women.

Speaker 4:

Many women, both for the sake of the women I would not say that there are too many women, but it is just over the top, because they themselves have been surprised that they could suddenly go and get so good at sex life in that room but also especially those who cannot get a chance. They are also a part of it, of course. So just take it simple, but it is a bit different. What we are talking about, and I say that is it.

Speaker 3:

It is good that there is just talk about this, about sex. I think it must also be so that women can just talk freely about something that I mean can be difficult, which is more or less what we are talking about with each other, with each other, with each other. Maybe we will do more than men do, and I think that is a completely different group we are not talking about today. But what are the issues that can be solved and the outside world can be?

Speaker 4:

solved. I think that you should just do a little. You should just take the task and say talk a little about sex now. Now it is simple, but then it is no longer difficult.

Speaker 3:

What can you do as a woman? Now we are talking a lot about the outside world that cannot be in the women's body in relation to the broken sex or the desire or the possibility to have sex. What if you have a partner who does not want to have sex, a male partner or a female partner? How can you talk to your partner about this?

Speaker 4:

It can be difficult to take hold of, but it is important that you do it because it becomes a problem between us and it does it for both of us. The only thing I don't think that if there is a man who can't afford it, if there is a man and a woman, then the man may not live up to his role as a man in the relationship. The woman also feels uncomfortable because they don't get that close and there is no other way to talk about it because you have to find a setting where it doesn't feel so dangerous, and it can be, for example, when you drive a car together. There you sit in a closed room and there you do a conversation and you don't really see each other on the other side. You look out of the front and it also makes it a little easier when you go out together. It is also a situation where it can be easier to take things up than if you sit over for each other in the corner, for example.

Speaker 3:

And I see the woman looking at something together. It is good for the difficult conversations sometimes, so it becomes so confrontational.

Speaker 4:

Yes, exactly. It is therefore important that you try to talk about it and just say I am a confrontational person.

Speaker 3:

It is also important that the man or the woman not just turn their back to you and say, yes, but that is not what we want to talk about, because it is so sad if you have to go down for that, because it is self-evident that you can say If it works. You cannot say that it does not work. But it can affect the lives of the people, the concept of the new and the content of yourself and the feeling of being in the more group, at least in my own way. It can affect the rest of the world, the lives of the people Absolutely.

Speaker 4:

And one thing I am not sure about. If you suddenly think, what is it that I am not crazy about? Is it something with me that I have too small breasts, too big breasts, too small breasts, whatever, and do not think I am more attractive? Yes, so we can try again really much. Yes.

Speaker 3:

I do not have so many questions, but I think we can get right to it. But if you think about it, I do not have anything to say about it if we take it in a good way.

Speaker 4:

No, if I could think about it and narrow one thing, and that is that when you have born, if you are pregnant, then you have a very little menstruation and that also means that you cannot have a solution and that also means that you do not have, for example, the testosterone we talked about, which makes you sexless.

Speaker 4:

So, just because I know there are many women, and not least their partners, who think it is a bit scary that sexual sex life disappears after a baby, you have made research where you ask women if they are pregnant after a baby, how it is with sex lust, and half of them have no lust for sex. And when you make a psychological analysis on these women, you can also see that their slim skin is not given to sex. They do not look like after-birth salons, but you can just see that they are thinner and they are not as simple as they are or when you are in a cycle. So what I want to get to is that it is not normal to not want to have sex when you are born, and you should not be, or your partners believe that it is because it is something wrong with relationships.

Speaker 3:

Super important. That is something I do not try to be pregnant or born, so I also think what is happening there. Now I just want to know how long do you see a half-birth after a baby? How long does it take for sex to return?

Speaker 4:

Yes, but it is very individual, some of them who have started sex life after a few months after birth and have changed even longer right.

Speaker 4:

So it is also when you are pregnant that you get your oxytocin boost via pregnancy, and that is also something I think I want to mention because I know that it is something that can scare a part of women when they put children in a breast for the first time and suddenly they feel this same feeling, which is erotic, where you feel this happiness and instead of looking out, and this love for this little baby and also the warmth in the body that you can get in connection with sex, and then the women get scared and think I don't want to have it over my child, it can't fit, but it is a completely normal thing.

Speaker 4:

Because it is a normal way, or what should we say? Nature has taken care of us being connected to this child. We get these good feelings, and if you don't get good feelings about your child, then the question is, first of all, if there were any children with a baby, it should be something that attracts one to it and get one to put the child in the breast. One thing is that, this good feeling in the body. It also belongs to you.

Speaker 3:

It is a really good point and I have heard it before. You have to find a breast milk asthma when you are sitting and eating.

Speaker 4:

I know that the earth is starting to say that it is a first-class operation, but not all. And I think it is important the name. I think it will increase arm frequency.

Speaker 3:

Interesting. And how does it stand for the partner when the woman gets her breast from the baby and doesn't want sex and maybe doesn't have a functional function? What does that do with the relationship between your observations?

Speaker 4:

I think that if the partner knows that it is the relationship between the two, it doesn't make any difference when I say that I am okay, but when I get a baby and it is natural that it is- like that.

Speaker 3:

And there is also something I have heard that at least the testosterone level falls when they get pregnant. Yes, yes, so maybe they have a larger drive after the pregnancy.

Speaker 4:

Exactly it does. It is good for the excuse of the mother and child, but maybe not in the case of the fact that the baby is good enough for the father to do it, or the child.

Speaker 3:

The nature is closed. Yes, it is Fantastic, and I think we will run slowly. If you give a good advice to those who are listening, it could be that we have someone who is listening, maybe who is standing in the beginning on the other side, but it could also be a little younger and just remember what is happening. What would you give to the people, for example, for their sex life?

Speaker 4:

I think that you should keep in mind that even if you don't have a partner, or even if you have a partner who is not in the same sex, you should keep sex life in mind.

Speaker 3:

So it has to be by hand and just to show how it is about. It is good for the body.

Speaker 4:

Yes, it is.

Speaker 3:

Thank you for your words and your knowledge, that you share it here. If you would like to learn more about yourself, how can you do that?

Speaker 4:

I don't know exactly what you are thinking about. I have this book, but it is a paper published in the Outdoor of the Hand. It is called A-Bow, the one called Sechs Efterhalträst. I have also written a thought break, which is the small books on the three sides of our university relationship. There is also one about sex, and then I have the initiative on the way, which may be something. You should not talk about things that you may have thought about, because then it will not be something. But now we see, and have you still been encouraged to open up? Yes, I am encouraged to open up to the people of the university, and then I will, of course, still open up to the people who would like to have a conversation. So I have just set the contact. Exciting.

Speaker 3:

Thank you so much for your sharing and thank you for being here.

Speaker 4:

It was so nice, thank you.

Speaker 2:

Thank you for listening to KineLeague. If you want to learn more about your cyclone and hormones, you can find me on Instagram and Facebook under the name of SnappleA Laugher Group DK, or visit me at my website, laughergruppedk. We see you in this thousand.

Sex After 50
Challenges and Benefits of Sex After 50
Sexual Desire and Stress in Relationships
Talking About Sex and Relationships
Encouragement to Open Up and Connect