Co-creating Peace

Co-creating Peace Episode #65 – “How to Make Your Goals Your Reality”

Kathleen Oweegon

The journey from goals to reality is not always clear. Wouldn't it be wonderful to have a map? Fear not, because - in fact - there is a way to map your goals and turn your goals into your reality! 

Welcome to “How to Make Your Goals Your Reality” – Episode #65 of Co-creating Peace, a series about conscious communication and conflict transformation.  

Joining me today from Lagos Nigeria is my dear friend Felix Iziomoh to tell us about Goal Mapping, a dynamic tool that can help us to create our own reality and to co-create peace. Felix elaborates on the 7 steps of Goal Mapping:
1.    Dream
2.    Order
3.    Draw
4.    Why
5.    When
6.    How
7.    Who

Felix is a Certified Goal Mapping Practitioner. To him, Goal Mapping is not just about mapping well-being, career, finance, relationships, educational or personal goals and achieving them. It is about lifting lives, empowering and inspiring people to become a better person and achieve their life goals.

Felix and I have been friends for many years, working together in support of the International Institute for Global Leadership, of which Felix was one of the earliest graduates. 

Felix Iziomoh is the Principal Consultant at BeeFlex Consultancy Ltd, and the founder and Executive Director of International Centre for Leadership Development Nigeria. He is the Nigerian Coordinator for the International Institute for Global Leadership (IIGL) U.S.A, where he has formerly served as President, a Board member and as Executive Secretary. A core team member of NELIS – Next Leaders Initiative for Sustainability – Japan, Felix is the African Program Manager of the flagship initiative 4Revolutions (4Revs) , a co-creative ecosystem.

Felix is also the co-founder of One Million Leaders Africa (OMLA). He is the author of:

  • African Leadership 101: 7 Secrets for African Renaissance, 
  • The Way Forward: 5 Effective Steps to Achieving Your Life Goals 
  • Goal Mapping: 7 Simple Steps to Fulfilling Your Dreams, 

and a co-author of Creating Your Path through Leadership. Click here to find Felix’s books on Amazon. 

To contact Felix directly and to utilize his goal-mapping coaching services, email him at: For more information on Felix and his work with BeeFlex Consultancy LTD., go to their Facebook page.  To learn more about Felix’s work with the International Centre for Leadership Development Nigeria, go to Find Felix on Instagram at: Click here to learn more about Felix on LinkedIn.

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