Co-creating Peace

Co-creating Peace Episode #68 – “The 7 Steps of Relationship Repair”

May 01, 2022 Kathleen Oweegon

Welcome to “The 7 Steps of Relationship Repair”, Episode #68 of Co-creating Peace, a podcast series about conscious communication and conflict transformation.  

No matter how strong or long-lasting, every relationship hits rough spots or tough times once in awhile. Branch Isole joins us today to talk about some very useful approaches to successfully moving through those experiences to heal, restore harmony, and grow as a result.

Author, storyteller and poet Branch Isole writes about strength of choice to change consequences. He's known worldwide for contemporary short stories that reveal emotions and issues often experienced, but not always voiced. He posts a Thought for Today, short stories and articles on his website: and on YouTube. 

As a podcast and talk radio on-air guest Branch shares informative steps to build frameworks that supports career, personal and spiritual growth.  

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