Co-creating Peace

Co-creating Peace Episode #38 - Implementing Emotional Intelligence

October 03, 2021 Kathleen Oweegon

Welcome to “Implementing Emotional Intelligence”, Episode #38 of Co-creating Peace, a series about conscious communication and conflict transformation. 

In last week’s episode, I talked about “Expressing Emotion Safely”. In this episode, I’ll discuss Emotional Intelligence, also known as EI or EQ, which I think is defined best by Daniel Goleman, author of the book titled “Emotional Intelligence”, who defines EI as the ability to recognize, understand and manage our own emotions and to recognize, understand and influence the emotions of others.

To best perceive and respond to the emotions that you and others experience, and the impacts of those emotions, developing and utilizing Emotional Intelligence is key, because when you develop your EQ, you are enhancing your ability to understand and manage your own emotions and how you act on those emotions (or not), and to recognize and respond constructively to the emotions of other people. 

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