Co-creating Peace

Co-creating Peace Episode #53 – “The Enneagram of Personality and the Four Doorways to Conscious Living"

Kathleen Oweegon Episode 53

Welcome to “The Enneagram of Personality and the Four Doorways to Conscious Living". Episode #53 of Co-creating Peace, a podcast series about conscious communication and conflict transformation.

Today, I am speaking with Indra Rinzler - a life-long spiritual seeker who will share a valuable tool for increasing our self-awareness and our understandings about others – Enneagram of Personality. We’re also going to talk about the 4 Doorways to Conscious Living.

Indra Rinzler is a healer and teacher and offers life readings for clients. Astrology and the Enneagram of Personality are the main modalities that he shares. He’s been studying astrology and spirituality for fifty years. He first learned of the Enneagram of Personality in 1999. He uses these two modalities individually and in combination. His focus is to help clients to awaken to who they really are. He works to help people to live beyond their conditioned stories and to live more in the moment.

To learn more about Indra and his work, and to harvest his generous offer of a Vedic astrology chart and free Enneagram test, at no charge to the Co-creating Peace audience, go to, or email him at: You can also find him on Facebook at

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