Digital Rights Explored: Local Fights, Global Perspectives Artwork

Digital Rights Explored: Local Fights, Global Perspectives

In this podcast we explore the relevant digital rights violations of our time and provide possible solutions. From internet shutdowns, fake news, hate speech, violation of personal data, intrusive surveillance systems to cybercrime and others - in particular since the onset of Covid-19 - we are witnessing an unprecedented amount of digital rights’ violations. We will talk at grassroots level with people from all across the globe who have been the victim of such violations. In addition to the personal stories, in each episode experts will talk about the issue in a broader context. Through an in-depth exploration from a citizen perspective to professional ones, we hope to seek for a start in solutions to these challenges. This is a Podcast made by the Media and Information Literacy Expert Network (MILEN) with the support of Deutsche Welle Akademie (DWA).

Digital Rights Explored: Local Fights, Global Perspectives