This Empty Nest Life

65. How to Get Unstuck

Jason Ramsden Episode 65

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Spring gives us the opportunity to start again, for rebirth, and creates anticipation for summer.

But what if it doesn’t? What if you are still stuck? What if you can’t get out of your head and you still are using that blanket and your coach to hide from the world and your responsibilities in it? Then what?

In this episode, I share 3 tips for how to get unstuck in your life as well as share a recent story about how I am facing being stuck and what I’m doing about it.

Get after it my friends and we’ll see you next week!

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3 Steps to Loving Your Empty Nest Life

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Jason Ramsden:

I'm walking this journey alongside you and not watching from the sidelines. I'm doing the work, I'm doing the work as well. And there's always going to be two steps forward, one step back, three steps forward, two steps back. That's life. That's part of the journey, but I'm walking in with you. Hi, I'm Jay, a certified life coach and former educator who believes that rediscovering ourselves takes just a little bit of courage. This show is focused on helping you develop the mindset and the courage to regain your confidence to redefine yourself and to reimagine your life one episode at a time. Hello, my positivity buzzy and welcome to episode 65. Have you been ready for spring, we've started to have a little nicer weather here in Massachusetts, and I can feel the effects of coming out of that winter slumber beginning to happen, you know, not wanting to curl up with a blanket and head out on the couch all day. Spring, my friends is an opportunity, right? It gives us a chance to start again for rebirth. And it kind of creates this anticipation of summertime. It's kind of the ramp up for it. But what if it doesn't? Like what if you're still stuck? What if you you can't get out of your head? And you're still using that blanket and your couch to hide from the world? And your responsibilities in it? Then what? Then what my friends? Listen, I know how that feels. Truth be told lately, I've been feeling a little stuck. And it isn't because I don't know what to do. Oh, that's not the reason at all. I know what to do. I've been feeling stuck because I'm feeling pulled in different directions, which causes me to just stop. Have you ever experienced that yourself? So recently, I've been pulled between growing my business growing my life coach business and taking care of my family. I I like to think of it as being called to serve two distinct parts of my life. Because Well, truth be told, I like to serve others. It's what I've feel most comfortable doing. One example of serving others is this podcast, right? I create content for you each week because I feel called to help others I feel called to serve. I'm also called to serve my family. Right? I'm a big believer in family first. Over the past week, my wife and I, we moved both of our kids into their own apartments. And you can't see me but I'm putting kids in air quotes because their adults are 24 and 22. So yep, within one week, we moved two kids into their apartment. So getting in the week, we flew to South Carolina to move our daughter into her first adult apartment in preparation for her upcoming graduation from college. And then the very next weekend, after we came home, we turned around and moved our son into his first adult apartment here in Boston. So I've been focused, so focused on serving my family, helping find apartments, purchasing furniture, working through the finances, yada yada yada, that I've gotten in a little bit of neglect serving my business. My social posts are down my inspiration for creating content for the show. And my weekly newsletter has dissipated a little bit, and I'm feeling just in a little bit of a funk. And yet, somehow I'm okay with it. I'm okay with it. Because I've reminded myself of one key phrase is really just a question. What if I just focused on being of service to others? I'll say it again, what if I just focused on being of service to others? What if at this moment in time, I'm called to serve my family first, and not my business? You know, to get them settled and their new apartments to assist them and kickstarting their lives. It's an important part of life, right? And so what if him being in service to my family, to being in service to them ultimately makes me able to serve others better as a life coach? What if, like, imagine that for a moment, but whatever it is, for you imagine it like that's, for me, that's kind of a big deal, like these experiences could ultimately help other people who are kind of going through the same thing, who may be stuck, who aren't sure how to take that next step. Okay, can you see the LEAP I took there. So if I can take parts of my own life, and apply it to helping others whom might be going through the same thing, then I'm fulfilling my call to serve others as a life coach. Wow, serving my family. And so it's a little crazy. It's a little combined together, but when I look at it that way, it kind of alleviates things for me to say you know what, I'm not in a funk. My attention is just focused in a different direction. Now I know, my example might not resonate with you because you might not be called to, to serve others, you may be called to do something else with your life, whatever it may be. You may be in a funk about something entirely different, but are and there are three things you can do when you find yourself wanting to stay curled up in that blanket. And continue to chill on the couch, despite spring knocking on the door and knowing that summers coming here soon. Okay, number one, set one small goal for yourself for the coming week. Now, this can be as simple as adding one new small behavior. For example, maybe you want to start exercising, awesome, great, go for it. Don't make this harder on yourself though. Right? Just start with something simple. For example, you may be saying, I'm going to walk 10 minutes, four days a week, make it simple, right? You find those 10 minutes in your day? I'm pretty sure you can. And there's other ways to make it happen. Perhaps you take a slightly longer route to the office or park further away. Right? Try and keep this step super easy, keep it small. Then number two, develop a mantra to keep you motivated. So an easy one to say to yourself is just not today. Name, not today. So for me, that would be not today, Jay? Not today. And you can use this for anything you're looking to overcome. Headed to the couch, say to yourself, not today. Not today. Wanting to grab the extra sweet treat, say to yourself, not today. Not today. Of course you can create whatever works best for you. Again, just keep it simple. This is your mantra, whatever works for you. For me saying not today, Jay, not today. Helps. Does it help every single time no human right on the human here, you're human, we tend to fall into traps. And that's okay. Just don't stay in the traps too long, bring yourself out of it. And number three, celebrate those small victories. Now, I know this sounds crazy, because we always want to celebrate those really big victories in our lives. And you know what you should, should totally celebrate those 100%. And those big wins come less frequently. So celebrating even the smallest of victories can provide your brain with the momentum, it needs to build the habit to keep going. And here's something else you need to know. The tips I share here are ones I use and work on in my own life. I'm walking this journey alongside you, and not watching from the sidelines. I'm doing the work. I'm doing the work as well. And then there's always going to be two steps forward one step back three steps forward, two steps back. That's life. That's part of the journey, but I'm walking in with you. And the reason is, we're both humans. We're both humans who are working to be the best version of ourselves possible. And sometimes, that means getting stuck and learning how to get unstuck. The other thing is, I'm here to help you have a question. Do you have a thought? Something you need clarification on? Listen, shoot me an email at coaching at Jason And let's connect. Let's build community together. I think it's an important part of being on a journey is to connect with others on that same journey. Alright, my friends. That's a wrap on another episode of positivity on fire. Remember, your gift of time listening to this show means the world to me, it really does. Time is a precious gift. So I appreciate you being here. And as always Be well. Be happy be you and until the next time. May your quest for positivity begin today. Hey positivity posse. If you're ready to coach yourself, I invite you to download my free workbook. Seven Steps to regain redefined and reimagine your life. Head over to www dot Jason backslash my dash links and click on the download link at the top of the page. It's that simple. And hey, if you're interested in working with me as your own personal life coach, visit Jason and click Get Started in the upper right hand corner of the screen. I hope to talk to you soon until then have an amazing day. Positivity on fire is a production of impact one media LLC. All rights reserved.