
Lighten Up with Holiday Manning

Carla Reeves Episode 11

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What happens when you invite humor into everyday life?  Things lighten up!  Holiday has a special gift of honoring the reality and hardship in life while knowing exactly when to lob something funny into the moment to break the ice and lighten the air. 

Today she joins me to talk about life, humor and lightening up, but she also gives us a beautiful peek into how she navigates being present in her own life, how humbling herself in her career has had great rewards and the simple ways she keeps her cup full so that she can manage the many things on her plate during this season of her life.

You are going to love her.  Enjoy!

Learn more about Holiday at: https://www.solijewelry.com/

Connect with Holiday on IG:  https://www.instagram.com/solijewelry/

Find Holiday on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/holidaymanning/

Learn more about Carla:  https:/www.carlareeves.com/

Connect on IG:  https://www.instagram.com/carlasreeves/

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Published: Mar. 11, 2021 @ 3AM Edit


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