Round Guys Radio Network

[Flashback] Music Mashtun 07: How Living in a Van Created Mike Brown

Round Guys Brewing Company Season 2 Episode 10

Mike Brown lives an interesting life. After roaming around in his van during his 20s, he built an album, "American Hotel", where he collaborated with 75 notable musicians in the industry including David Charles Lowery (Cracker), Peter DiStefano (Porno for Pyros), and Brian Rosenworcel (Guster). In addition to telling his story of the making of American Hotel, Brown also found himself on the History Channel's "American Pickers." His album, "Geneseo," found itself nominated for a Grammy for "Best Recording Package." This show features music from five songs on "American Hotel." (Let The Whiskey Drive Tonight,
Three Days Too Late, American Hotel, Wheels Will Roll In, and Depth Precision) Mike Brown joins Rebecca Zimmerman and Darrin Makin at the Underground by Round Guys Brewing Company on January 4th, 2019! Find out additional info at Additional Music by Heartless (I Will) [See Season 1 Episode: Heartless, the Rapper Entrepreneur]; Additional Music by Dinosoul (Right Now) [See Season 1 Episode: Carolyn Hilliard and Donny Donovan of Dinosoul discuss relationships and music.]; Kevin McLeod "Slow Burn" licensed under Creative Commons. 

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to another episode of podcast presented by ground guys, green company. My name is bill

Speaker 2:

and today we have a music Mash Tun discussion with Mike Brown. Mike Brown is a guy you've probably never heard of, but he's got a pretty cool story and I. I'm just going to dive right into you. I mean this guy lived in a van for a number of years, drove around the country to all 50 states, record it was phenomenal famous musicians and then even God himself on a reality TV show by refurbing, a church into a studio up in upstate New York. So without further ado, let's jump into the podcast.

Speaker 3:

So the original slacker podcast today Brown, a lifelong collaborator, TV star. How's the going up there, man? How you doing?

Speaker 2:

Good man. How you doing? Doing good. So you have a pretty interesting story. I've never come across a story like this for. What'd you say? You're a singer songwriter. Is that how you see yourself or you tell stories in your music?

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

No, it's really like six days for Sunday. It's a story. The whole song is telling a story. I think that's really great. That's compelling because you're painting pictures while I'm listening to your music. When I was listening to a lot of tracks off of American hotel, I felt really like, you know, I'm listening to individual stories each track and I love that you got like a wild, crazy, a path to what to where you're going right now and that's where you've come from

Speaker 4:

of wrote that wishlist, that record started.

Speaker 2:

So you have a wishlist. The wishlist of like 150 guests, right?

Speaker 4:

Yeah. Well, I mean it's, I mean as far as the beginning of that record, I went down to Richmond, Virginia to record with this Guy David Lowery, crapper Beethoven, and really have a plan to make that record that the plan was basically to go down and just bang out a bunch of stones. David and we were up pretty late one night drinking and he went. I was staying at the studio, crazy old building in downtown richmond. And uh, I just, I was up in the office. We hang out. We'd been hanging out like pretty late David tonight. I kind of thrown out the idea that, you know, it'd be cool to get your buddy him, he doesn't even play some steel on somethings got David and Margouleff, but I just loved the place he played guitar and said, well get him on that. And then we kind of just started joking back and forth about, you know, perfect world musicians that would, that'd be cool to have on a record. And I went upstairs drunk and leader the studio office and probably stayed up til about seven in the morning, just kind of writing a crazy list. And the next day I had mentioned it to David and was like, hey, you should try and get a bunch of those people any. He knew a few people on the list and that kind of got it started.

Speaker 2:

Andy Cregan Barenaked ladies, right? Dot Coffee Superdrag. Eric, garth Hudson to Charles Lowery. Uh, you had a pretty good lineup of individuals here. How did this. So you just send messages out to them?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I mean when I started doing that, it was just a little bit. That record was a little bit before beginning social media people sort of, there was a window with my face and kind of what was going on promoting yourself as a musician on online that people didn't really understand it fully yet, so there wasn't. There was a window. I think my, my experience, there was a window that for a period of time a lot of artists were scrambling, just sort of figure that out and it was also a time period where a lot of the people that I grew up listening to, a lot of nineties musicians were starting to have to take care of their own careers. Things were changing. They were trying to get that thing figured out and with that I think I kinda hit a weird window where some people I would call a bunch, you know, I'd make 100 phone calls until I got A. No. The big thing for that, for getting to be blonde, that record was until I got a definitive no that I knew it was coming from the artist. I kept kind of like. The thing I would say with social media is people. People were a lot more accessible because there was this sort of new

Speaker 5:

medium at that point to put your music out there, so I mean a bunch of new members sending message on my face and I would say seven out of 10 times it was probably the actual artist is trying to get a music page up. The thing is musicians want to play and it doesn't really matter the level that you're at. And then I've realized that no matter where you're at in your career, if you still love it and you have some younger musicians and excited to work with you, they're gonna wanna provided they don't hate the music that you're making. They'll be happy to plant something. So.

Speaker 2:

So how did you value music? First off, what's the year that we're talking about here? And then how would you, what did they like about your music? I guess? Well

Speaker 4:

it would have been. I wrote the wishlist when I was probably probably about 21 or something like that. So she hasn't probably about 2000. Two is when I started like initial the first couple of tracks. That's when I went down to Richmond and then really spent from 21 to 21 to about 27 traveling full time and that the big thing was I thought it was lot easier to go to the people that I wanted on it. It, it, it made it a lot harder for people to say no. I was like, well, I'm going to be here, here and here and your seven hours away from me, but if I rolled through there on that date and I find the room or we could, you know, I could set up a protools rig in your house or I've got the. I mean, I really tend to learn to record. I've made a bunch of recordings before American hotel, but making American hotel definitely kind of solidified my comfort as, as an engineer and I guess as a producer too, because we did everything from, you know, worldclass studios that I've got a weird our hourly rate because somebody canceled two duct taping microphones to the ends of broomsticks. I mean, I remember like Brian from Guster, um, percussion player in mantle guster. Uh, we had a studio books somewhere in Manhattan and he was living in Brooklyn at the time and the studio canceled the day of and I was already like through tunnel, going to pick them up, going to meet him for the first time and studio canceled. So I had a little protools rig that didn't even have a mic stand in the truck at the time. And uh, I basically just duct taped to the end of his kitchen counter and recorded him playing percussion and you know, that's the way it ended up on the rack.

Speaker 2:

It's stuff like that. Yeah.

Speaker 4:

And you of go out and you just, you make it up as you go. And I think working in the studio after making that record and starting to really produce a lot for other people, uh, you just get really comfortable moving quickly and you try not to obsess over one thing too long and you just keep things moving. And I mean that whole record is certainly an obsession and I probably could have stopped it before I made it all 50 states. It wasn't meant to be made in all 50 states either.

Speaker 2:

Just being like, well,

Speaker 4:

states at this point. I think when I got to around 30, 35, I was like, just why would, why would I not try to make it to all of this?

Speaker 2:

That's probably kept on, kept on him like an extra year and a half of your, you're playing, you're recording in all 50 states. Was there. How long did it take to actually finish this album? How many years?

Speaker 4:

Um, I mean probably six and a half, seven years.

Speaker 2:

Are you doing this on the weekends doing this? How's this?

Speaker 4:

No, it was a lot of people. You know, it always bothers me when people say I've lived in my van and they, what they mean by that is they lived in there for like a week or two weeks. I had three vans over the course of making that record. And when I say I lived in my van, I was bites and it was by choice I guess, you know, I could have crashed places. Right. But save a couch here and there. I was in my van, I would say 200 days out of the year, sleeping in the thing and traveling. I'm on the road 100 percent. I wasn't in one place for for about five years of it, I guess it was. It was gigs. It was sleeping in a truck stops. It was putting a guitar case up by the side of a building and playing side. Enough gas money to get to where I was going. I mean I just kinda made it up as I went and I got, was very lucky that I met a lot of people on the way that maybe a little more experienced living like that. I mean musicians and otherwise. I mean I've, I've traveled with a lot of interesting people and you know what I mean. I've lots of stories that are probably not a no interview friendly as far as traveling with crazy people that are probably. I've got kinds of crazy, crazy stories. I can't remember what song it is, but in my better days, in my better days, I had no home. Now I don't enjoy the things. I on my twenties and now I'm paralyzed from my heart to the bottom of a well. Oh well. And there's something about like when you're, when you're in a van and you have what's in that vehicle, there's something very freeing about that

Speaker 3:

stairs to lose the same. No,

Speaker 5:

I've never had the luxury to have always been out on a label on a reporting thing, like five. I got label that label thing, but a thing. All that kind of made up as I went because I needed a way to make records and put records out and then we'll start taking phone call.

Speaker 3:

So Mike, it took you six years to finish up the American hotel album and you're traveling around to all 50 states. What, when you're a, how did you incorporate it?

Speaker 4:

Asking Hawaiian to this? These seem like the real fun. Once I got to the point where I did the lower 48 ultimately, and at the time it's just like, well I have to do it. Who's, who's in Alaska? Who's, who's who? You are according with up there. So I, I flipped to anchorage. Oddly, there was this guy who still guitar player, he played with like Dylan and a bunch of people. He was living up in anchorage at the time and I leaned on, I just got a message from them not that long ago. I got a response to it, but I hadn't heard from in years. And he just sent me a message that's kind of weird. But, um, he was in eight grade, so I'd set up a session with him at sort of like a radio station half recording studio in this place in Anchorage. And uh, we get a couple of things, but my buddy soda, um, that I probably wouldn't budge. He went up with me, so he did a little bit on it. And then oddly enough, despite the nice in the summer that I loved was just up there on tour. So I sent him a message and said, hey, I'm going to be at the studio in any grapes, you know, wherever they lead it was. And he came over and uh, the three of us put together the last version. Um, so there's a version of American hotel, two versions of American hotel on that record. The last version on the record is actually kind of the last thing that was tracked for the record and that was in anchorage. That was the 50th state, so that, that version of American tale is Tim, eastern plains, Gatto. Uh, let's see. My buddy smitty playing a little bit of protection, still plain steel and then meet the vocal acoustic, the vocal acoustic piano. And the Banjo I think are all live on that in a studio in Anchorage. So

Speaker 2:

right away

Speaker 4:

kept that as the last track.

Speaker 2:

You're out there traveling around in a van, go through three vans over the course of six years traveling all 50 states, laying down tracks with people you've never met that never met you, that, that have credit in the industry. They've been either doing studio projects, Steven, either doing actual the forming or founding members of notable bands and you pretty much pulled together, you know, that's a, that's a dream, right? I mean, to me that's, that's kind of a cool existence for six years, I'm sure, to food, you know, you can probably bored of the food you had every day. Like I'm sure it wasn't a high end, but like, you know what, how did you relate to other people, even other people in the industry based on the lifestyle you're living versus. I can't imagine that most people you come across understand what you were doing. I just don't see many people. Maybe they do. Maybe I'm completely wrong. It was just be my guest.

Speaker 4:

I think a lot of people looked at me like I was crazy. I think that part of the thing that maybe peak people's interests even beyond the rack or is this kind of weird to do living in his van and traveling around it. I think. I think the further along I got with it, I do know that once I got to the point where they were like maybe for probably from like 15 people being on the record on it, progressive to got to just send people. Here's the list of WHO's on the record right now. I'd love to have you on it. As the list grew, it got progressively easier to, um, to get people to plan on the record.

Speaker 2:

When did you start working on Geneseo?

Speaker 4:

So Janice, the do record I've made when I was home, like if I was home visiting my family or I just needed a break from like being out, I would come back to Kinda see how and I mean this is the level of weird obsession and I got into at some point I come home, went to visit my family and I wouldn't, I would sleep in my van in their driveway even though they had a room for me at their house. So it was very weird. I mean I, I kinda got pretty obsessed about the idea that I was going to just basically like I was living in my van and that was it. And I, I really was pretty comfortable. It took me a little while to sort of remove myself from the idea that that was just where I literally live. Even even after I got the building, it was. I still, I mean I like, I go out and play gigs and at this point you know I can, I can usually afford to grab a cup hotel room for the night most of the time when I'm out doing runs and there are still plenty of shows that I play, whereas if it's decent out, even if it's not that decent out of asleep in the back of the car and I don't know why I do it, there's no reasoning behind it, but I think it's just I lived on the road for so many years if it's a pretty, I think it's kind of ingrained in me that that's part of it and there's something really, there's something really satisfying about waking up literally with the sun because it's just pouring through a window of a car and it's getting really hot. You got to get up and there's street noise and there's people moving around and

Speaker 2:

been very refreshing about that. Did you have the van all decked out? I'm thinking of, you know Alex Honnold, you know who he is. Yeah. I had one really good van, one good van

Speaker 4:

conversion van that was really nice and I believe that up in Laramie, Wyoming, a snow storm on St Patrick's Day, which that was, I mean, that was a bad experience. I was like,

Speaker 2:

highway was shut down

Speaker 4:

on it and I walked in a snow storm with not enough winter gear, probably like five miles in whiteout conditions. I really thought like, oh, it's just, this is how I go. And I was in my early point, didn't have a cell phone so I can call anybody at the time in the town. Um, and then the second van I had was super shitty. Uh, so I went from having a pretty nice conversion van to having a. I went to that motel there was at that night, got on their lobby computer, whatever version of the Internet it was at that point. Not very good. And I found on craigslist at that point I found a, what was that thing? It was an economy like in 1990 or 91, four econolodge panel van from a music store from a steel sound and music in Loveland, Colorado. I think it was him and the lady at the front desk drove me down there like two and a half hours because I just told her my story and not, not, not knowing me I could have been a serial killer. And she drove me down there. His van bought it for like 500 bucks, hadn't seen it and I talked to the guy on the phone out and I was like, all I need to know is this thing gonna get me where I need to go. I told him, you know, like I'm traveling around and making a record of Van blew up on the side of the road. I need something because they go, yeah, that's good to go. So I went and picked it up, started right up and it seemed fine and I drove back up to Laramie and I remember driving up to Laramie and take Amanda think pulls hard. Right? Really pretty bad. But I didn't think too much of it other than like, okay, I got a way to get around now. So loaded up all my old stuff out of my first man drove to telluride, Colorado. And if you've ever been to tell teller, right, there's a path going down into telluride is this crazy mountain pass that if you, if you veer off to the side, you've done, it's the drop side just goes off. There's no guard rail. So I'm going down into telluride in this van that I just gotten, knowing something's a little weird about it. Snow storm of course. So that's always nice with a new vehicle and I'm going downhill, keeps pulling to the right every time I break the whole thing with all the year, just keeps pulling and the roads slick and there's a tractor trailer and it kept pulling and pulling and pulling. And I started smelling burning brakes. So I managed to get it like down to the bottom of the hill and I don't know how, I didn't go back to that, um, but I get it down there and got it to a shop. And I had a friend that was out there at the time that, uh, that had a friend in town that had, that had a lift. So we put up on a list and looking at it and whoever had the van before me, the front brake right break, rather than repair it, somebody cut the line off of it and took a pair of vice grips and basically drifted off to a little bit of wire and wire the actual essentially the players to the frame. So there was no front right breakout and I drove it down to pass it to tell it right. With no front. Right, right. I guess you're right.

Speaker 2:

One of the things with especially American hotel, you can tell has a definitive story character to it. When you're living in a lifestyle like that, you're getting ammunition for your writing, right?

Speaker 4:

Fiction, but when you're in some, you know you can sit in a bar full of people that dive bars, but you can sit in a bar and listen. People just and sort of exists with each other and people don't mean to be poetic, but if he listened to any group of people just yell at each other long enough, you're going to hear a little one liners that they can. That's wonderful. And I was out in in Hollywood one night with my buddies and we were very drunk and there was an empty, a 12 pack I would imagine, just sitting on the side of the road, but just simply 12 pack of beer. I was super drunk and in my 20th and being an idiot and I kicked the thing up into the air and it landed out on the fucking road on Fairfax and dead in the middle of the road, right as it hits the road. And the glass shattering and shimmering cop car comes flying around the corner and me being drunk and you know, of opinion at that point they narrowed it down that out of the 10 or 12 people walking on the sidewalk on the guy. So they took me in. They threw me in the jail in downtown, which is the Twin Towers correctional facility, which is a really pretty unpleasant jail. And they booked me wrong. Uh, so at the time my girlfriend, who was a lawyer couldn't find me in the system. Uh, so I was in there for like five days without getting a phone call without being able to figure out what was going on. I think they were doing it just trying to scare me and that totally worked while I was in there. There was a guy that had been arrested and he'd been doing, he, he was involved with, with a gang in la at the time and he had cleaned up his life. He essentially. No, I think he'd said Jesus, that kind of stuff. And uh, he kind of hit the reset button, had a family and he had some sort of parole violation, something that was going on that he didn't do right. But he was in there and a couple of weeks prior to that he had been shot by a former gang member. So this is Saudi is definitely like in a whole other world of shit and his lift stuff that I don't know anything about. Right. But I'm sharing a bunk bed was right next to, of windows, you know, how long have you have to wait? And you know, you talked about poetry without being poetry. The guys who put the bullet comes out when the bullet one and I've never written it into a song, but I'm just like, man, that's. So, it's stuff like that and it, it, you know, this is the way my mind works. I got out of jail maybe a couple of days later. My girlfriend's like, are you okay? She's all worried and the first thing in my head is like, can you deal with Penn in the cardio dependent? The only thing, because they weren't allowed to have anything in there.

Speaker 6:

So I held onto that the next couple of days

Speaker 3:

around the country. All 50 states have some ups.

Speaker 2:

It's a give and take life. You're, you're on your own. You're living out of vans and you get to which gender album? Or was it somehow finding yourself on American pickers? Like how, how does that work? How did that happen?

Speaker 4:

I mean, this mean the building really. Um, in the time that I was trying to figure it out, I was living out in la. I found this building was home visiting my family for Christmas and found this crazy old church that's like five miles outside of Geneseo, was built in 18, 28 is methodist church. It crazy old sanctuary, but little country church out in farmland and all that. And the idea at the time was, you know, it was super cheap and it's been empty for awhile and I thought, you know, this is the kind of thing that I could slowly work on it and over the next however long it may be, 20 years, build it into, you know, kind of a getaway, a place that I can get out of la or whatever. Long Story Short, the day that I found out that my ex ran upstairs and that part of my life was changing, I found out that my buddy Jay, so I've become really good friends with any Americans tell record had basically overdosed on sleeping patches. And I talked to him like a week before we lit. We literally had a conversation a week before about how both of our relationships we're kind of screwed up and I was telling him about the building.

Speaker 5:

He was making plans to come up here and maybe help me with a little bit. It was really kind of like a whole bunch of.

Speaker 7:

That's pretty heavy stuff. Yeah. Well it's. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

When we see you sleep and drink in suits me.

Speaker 2:

When you released genocia you did it and kind of like a. It was kind of a covert release, right? It's kind of, how would you call it? Yeah. We

Speaker 4:

didn't really expect. I mean we made the weirdest record we could make and we just made kind of a weird artsy fartsy record and then we made the weirdest package we could and we really kind of the time that I had at that point I was like, well, I'm in this big empty building. I'm going to make this thing as cool as I can. I'm gonna make this, building this school as they can, and then we got to figure out what to do with the American tower records. I got this space looking pretty good. I guess my old buddy soda too at the time was that traveling with a couple of different bands. He had mentioned to Danielle, who's the girl and American pickers about this space and I met her. She had dated a guy in a band that I traveled with prior to that. So she had told the guys in American pickers about it, gave me, um, and it just happened to be that they'd found a microphone like a week or two before. And I basically appraise the mic for him and taught them a little bit about to look for. My Buddy says you should do it, you know, it's a pretty big thing. And I, I kind of had no idea. I looked at like one episode online and kind of thought it was just two guys in a van that would show up and we talk and maybe, you know, maybe it will get some attention for the studio is trying to fix up. So they up and, you know, it's like a whole crew. And I realized pretty quickly that I was just kinda like pretty high production thing. So they showed up and they filmed from like nine in the morning to nine at night. And uh, and when it aired, it was like 8 million viewers. So of all that I talked to Mike, Mike Wolf, kind of the main gun American pickers and said, hey man, you know, I actually have a record called American hotel that I want to put out. And he's like, you should just put it out online is like, you should put it out like the week that this episode airs, you know, American pickers, American hotel. Silly. Yeah, that'd be awesome. And uh, he's like, you know, if you want me to write anything for it, right? Like the little one, one liner, a one page thing is like, yeah, you want to do like a, like a preamble for it or something like that. So he ended up writing, you know, Kinda like a little, a little bio for it. And that's up on the website. And we threw that up on the Mike Brown American website. And uh, I put that out the same week that the pickers episode aired when Erica was like 8 million viewers. Even to this day I'm an American. I'm proud of the stories behind it. But it's still, there's a lot of failure attached to that record for me, I mean, you know, to spend to spend all of your twenties making a record in all 50 states with 75, eight years. And then when I sell that record, I thought I saw that record in a brown paper bag, a CDR that I've burned one at a time. Right? So that's American hotel, 22 songs, most of my twenties and 75. Pretty well known musicians on a record. Then fast forward to being on the show that's out of the ashes of like just hitting the reset button and buying this weird old building in the middle of nowhere. And then the Geneseo record that came out of essentially right after American pickers like, well we can finish American out now. It's online. That's good. It exists and I can feel good that people can know about it now. And I got some attention because people at least. And they had this story, a lottery. The whole package is a highlighter. Went through with everything was done properly with the credit in the liner notes and the lyrics and all that. And I wrote like six different poems, just highlighted certain words through the whole thing and pick the one I liked the most, took that clone and basically covered up every other word on the package other than those words that create the palm. So you know, you have this poem and a bunch of scratch off material and basically nothing else. Package. I took that poem, I wrote a song using the poem. So wrote a song around home basically, and then took that song and put it on a website that if you stretch out the whole package you can get to do website and get the 11 songs. So basically music, next piece of art. And another decent medium excuse at art at the time of the nomination, the grammy nomination that we got, um, we had sold three copies of it. I bought a copy on Amazon. Brian did the packaging and Brian's wife bought a copy of the record. So just to show that, you know, show like, okay, the record exists. It's distributed that record that had three copies, syllabus was up against Jay z, magna Carta, holy grail. Uh, it was up against bowie second to last record. It was up against metallic[inaudible] live, right? Less live record. I was up against a reckless Kelly's record at the time. And for me that was, it didn't change anything. I mean it, you know, none of these things I've had happen in my world had changed really anything about my career. I mean nothing. None of this came with a chat, you know, but, and I'm still doing the same gigs I've ever done, but I think kind of all that stuff like, you know, putting out American hotel we was already erected. But getting it out and having it come out needing somewhat meaningful way is a result of hitting the reset button out in the middle of nowhere. You know, finishing the Geneseo record, which is just a record with my childhood friend that got me a grammy nomination. That's from being back here, you know, being an American pickers that's from being back here and not really doing things than any kind of normal music business kind of way. Pretty much everything I'll ever do that I'll feel pride or success in will be in trying to find like the weirdest piece of art or the weirdest story that I tell with a piece of music.

Speaker 8:


Speaker 2:

Yeah. That was a pretty lengthy interview with Mike Brown, but the guy has great stories. You can't get beat around the bush. Every piece of his life. His twenties is a story and it's going to come out and music and it really does come out and music actually, when you listen to the songs. I wanted to thank you guys for listening to another episode of the original slacker podcast presented by round guys, very company located up in Lansdale. We have three locations. We actually have location in Glenside as well. The glenside Ale House. We have the round guys for your company Lands Brew Pub, and we also have the underground, which is right across the street, lower level for eight west main street. That's where Mike's going to be playing. You'll see mike on January fourth with a stellar singer, songwriter lineup we have over there. Uh, he don't know how much you know about the underground, but we have some great, great drinks. We get some great cocktails because some firstly brewed beers. It's a really great time. You may notice something a little different in this audio quality is because I actually am doing it the old school way. Do you know it's been about a year since I started the original slacker podcasts where season two, I think we'll be finishing up season two at some point, probably towards the end of the spring. And then we'll, we'll take a siesta. But, but yeah, this is uh, this is pretty cool. I'm running out of the kitchen right now with the old headset just hanging out China. Edit this guy down and finish it off and throw out a really phenomenal podcast for you guys. Listened to and enjoy and share with your friends. I hope you can find out more about the original soccer slash d original slacker, or any of the pod catching devices you use. Go to apple podcast, spotify, Google play, stitcher, anywhere you could find the original slacker podcast. Check it out like us. Share with your friends. Again, always appreciate the support friends and I'll see you at the next show.

Speaker 8:

No, that would leave it out. It could change you math, not listening. No. Yeah.