The Mystic Cave

The Christmas Story You Never Heard: A Conversation with Nick Coates

Brian E Pearson Season 2 Episode 12

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Every year I'd rise in the pulpit on Christmas Eve and try to make sense of a story about a baby born two thousand years ago, and attempt to offer an interpretation of what that story means to us now. Every year I failed. Its meaning eluded me. But hidden within that story were other stories that the original hearers would have recognized, stories that told them their laments were heard by God, their oppression was over, and that there was hope for a new future. Where was Nick Coates when I needed him? Through his own frustration with the Christmas Story, Nick, a hipster United Church minister, dug deeper and found the story we never heard. Until now.

Nick's Coordinates:
Podcast: Prayer and Private Parts: a Podcast about Sex and Jesus
Twitter: @nickcoates

Theme music: Mary Had a Baby (traditional) performed by Bruce Cockburn on his 1993 album, "Christmas"

Personal Links
My web site (where you can sign up for my blog):
My email address:

Series Music Credit
"Into the Mystic" by Van Morrison, performed by Colin James, from the album, Limelight, 2005; licensed under SOCAN 2022