Amazing Greats

Don't buy the lie! NFL Star Sherman Smith

Host Ric Hansen and friends; Joe Michaels, Klem Daniels, Greg Cook and more! Season 2 Episode 28

This episode just oozes with wisdom from one of the most successful players and coaches in football.  You'll hear how the game of football is just a small part of the impact Sherman Smith has on players.   From High school to the NFL his unique slant on what it takes to be  successful is what makes his story so compelling.  As a follower of Jesus he strives to walk the walk and let his actions speak.  As he says. "It's not what I do, or say,  IT'S WHO I AM, that matters most. 
You'll hear about the power of the team's  FRIDAY MORNING DEVOTIONALS,   why some players were depressed even shortly after a Super Bowl win, and the incredible miracle story that he shares in the Kendrick Brothers film:  "SHOW ME THE FATHER".   Episode 28 is one of my very favorites as I got to know Sherman TANK. 

For the movie Trailer:

To stream the movie on Amazon Prime for $5.99:

"Amazing Greats" is a library of interviews with highly successful people who have amazing career and life stories and who share how God has impacted their journey. Hosted by broadcaster Ric Hansen & produced by Klem Daniels. Available on Apple, Spotify, iHeart, Google and our YouTube Channel.
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