Amazing Greats


Season 1

We have tabulated the most played, listened to and performed songs at churches all across America and based on that we have recapped the top ten Christian Contemporary songs in the country.   Join us each month for this  bonus  episode on our Amazing Greats Podcast.

To listen to the entire Top Ten Click on our Spotify playlist.  

Click like if you've enjoyed this new feature, or better yet, share it with a friend.  Amazing Greats continues to honor God with interviews with well known actors, authors, athletes, now a monthly look at the top songs that encourage and inspire on the Amazing Greats countdown.  

"Amazing Greats" is a library of interviews with highly successful people who have amazing career and life stories and who share how God has impacted their journey. Hosted by broadcaster Ric Hansen & produced by Klem Daniels. Available on Apple, Spotify, iHeart, Google and our YouTube Channel.
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