Manteo Baptist Church
Sermons from Manteo Baptist Church in Manteo, North Carolina. Sermons are delivered weekly by our pastor, Gregory Clark, and other leaders, or guest speakers. Check out our website for more information: www.manteobaptist.com.
447 episodes
One crazy boat ride with Jesus- The purpose of Jesus
Sunday sermon 2/16/25 - Pastor Glenn MeadowsMark 5:1-201. Life with Jesus is never boring2. When you pull the lens back and look at humanity, this is us.3. That power is in His purpose is in His purpose, which is in ...

One crazy boat ride with Jesus- The power of Jesus
Pastor Glenn MeadowsSunday AM02/09/2025Mark 4:35 - 411. This storm was bad enough to rattle the pros, the guys that had made a living on these waters2. When their external circumstances felt chaotic...

The Breaking of Bread
Sunday 2/2/25Pastor Glenn Meadows1. Everyone in the early church had seen or been touched by the ministry of Jesus.2. Imagine sitting around a table and sharing a meal with a group of people who loved you unconditionally an...

Lead Me
Sunday Sermon 1/12/25Pastor Glen Meadows1. How can we be in the will of God unless He leads us?2.Moral vs. Non-moral decisions3. When in doubt - ASKWhen the spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth...

Our church has a great future - Pastor Glenn Meadows
01/05/25Sunday AMPastor Glenn MeadowsOur church has a great futureMatthew 16:13-201. God delights in using imperfect people.2. Christ is building the church.3. The gates of Hell will not prevail against it.

Growing Together
Sunday SermonPastor Steve Hankins12/29/24Growing Together1 John 2:12-14; Hebrews 10:19-251. All believers have equality in Christ. (1 John 2:12) (Psalm 103:12; John 13:33; 1 Corinthians 12:22)2. ...

The Gifts of Christmas - The Gift of Peace
12/22/24Sunday AMPastor Steve Hankins, Th.D.(Audio started late, apologies from the AV team. Video shown to congregation about the Christmas peace treaty of 1914.)1. Receiving the gift of peace ends hostility with God...

The Gifts of Christmas - The Gift of Joy
Sunday 12/15/24Pastor Steve HankinsLuke 2:8-201. Unwrapping the gift of joy involves anticipation. (v.8-10) (Micah 5:2)2.Unwrapping the gift of joy involves recognition (v.10-12) ...