Embrace. Live. Thrive.

Episode #96: All Things Intermittent Fasting

November 09, 2022

Today Erin Darling, Nutrition Professional, and owner of Mindset Nutrition, joins me on the podcast to teach us all about intermittent fasting. It is such a fascinating topic that feels like a new fade diet, but in reality, has been around for hundreds and hundreds of years. Erin helps us to understand the basics about what the purpose is behind intermittent fasting and why it can be so beneficial for your body. She does a great job teaching us how to successfully begin intermittent fasting, what red flags to watch out for, but also helps us understand that it isn't the right fit for everyone. 

Erin is passionate about helping individuals who are frustrated where they are with their eating, and they literally don't know what else there is to do. Please listen to this episode and share like crazy to anyone who has ever mentioned the words intermittent fasting to you. Also, please like and leave a review on wherever you listen to your podcast content.

Erin's Interview over Binge Eating: Episode #23

Ways to Find Erin:
Website: Mindset Nutrition (mindsetnutritionstl.com)
Instagram: Erin Darling MS MA (@mindsetnutritionstl) • Instagram photos and videos
FB: (3) Mindset Nutrition | Cottleville MO | Facebook

Ways to Find Embrace. Live. Thrive.:
Website: Embrace, Live, Thrive! (embracelivethrive.com)
Instagram: Sarah Meyer (@embrace.live.thrive) • Instagram photos and videos
FB: Embrace, Live, Thrive | O'Fallon MO | Facebook

Erin's Bio:
When I was young, I was one of the heaviest kids in school.  I suffered from terrible self-esteem, asthma and allergies. The teasing was relentless and painful. I desperately wanted to look like everyone else but more than anything, I wanted to be healthy and strong.  By the time I was eight, I attempted my first diet.  

Fast forward to eighth grade...my brother began running nightly at a nearby track.  I started tagging along and before long we were running 5K's together.  After years of trying and failing at sports, running was finally a way I could feel strong!   My new found love of exercise motivated me to start eating differently.  As a young teen, these well intended comments did a wonder on me.  This brought upon years of restricting and yo yo dieting as I was always chasing that low number and more compliments.  I was stuck in an unhealthy habit loop of binging and restricting and since food was my major source of comfort, I couldn't escape it. 

Finally, in 2006 after my husband I got married, I just couldn't do it anymore.  I couldn't weigh, track or count any longer.  I knew I needed to learn how to be healthy in a new way.  This revelation  brought years of self discovery.  I read many amazing books, worked with a mindful eating therapist, learned to meditate, hired a life coach, and invested a lot of time working on my mindset. It was a lot of work but it was worth all the time and money I invested in myself. 

Today, I still keep my self care list very long.  I make sure every day I meditate, move my body, drink 100 ounces of water, eat mostly real food and let go of guilt when I don't :). This is what I offer to my clients. We work on creating a healthy lifestyle that is sustainable and free of self judgement.  We get to the root of the problem and find new ways to cope.  It is possible to create the life you want without being obsessive or overly restrictive, and I can show you how!