Fr. Brendan McGuire - Podcasts that Break open the Word of God
Breaking open the Word of God …Applying it to the lived experiences of daily lifeIn the busyness of modern life, it is sometimes difficult to see and experience God in our lives. Through his homilies, Fr. Brendan challenges and invites us to take a break focus on what the Lord is saying. God is not only present but is opening up the divine story in each of us.
Podcasting since 2021 • 214 episodes
Fr. Brendan McGuire - Podcasts that Break open the Word of God
Latest Episodes
Homily for the Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time - Limitation to Invitation to Abundance
You can hear a sense of frustration in today’s gospel with Peter. Peter has been working hard all night with his friends, he says they were up all night and caught absolutely nothing. Then here comes Jesus. Remember, Jesus is a carpenter and he...

Homily for the Presentation of the Lord - The Marian and Christian Way
Mary watched her son suffer greatly. This prediction by the prophet Simeon is very real. The climax of that suffering for her was at the foot of the cross. We have to examine this because it is very important how Mary suffered. It was not just ...

Homily for the Third Sunday of Ordinary Time - Dialogue With Scripture
Jesus is the fulfillment of the scripture. Jesus is the bright light that leads us to see all other lights. He is the one who enables us to see what God is fulfilling in our lives. So Jesus, in a sense, God becomes our north star, if you would,...

Homily for the Second Sunday of Ordinary Time - Abundant Joy In Life
In today's Gospel, Jesus turns everything around. He takes six stone jars fills them with water and turns that water into wine. These jars would have held 20 to 30 gallons each. Just to give you an understanding of how much wine we are talking ...

Homily for the Baptism of the Lord - In You I Take Delight
We need to hear this message of delight because we hear all the other messages, all the other negative messages, the competitive ones on online, how good everyone else is and not how good we are. Let’s combat it with a message of love. Let’s sa...