Love&BLoved with Lena Cebula

Prioritize You

Lena Cebula Season 2 Episode 51

New episode of Love&BLoved!!! My guest says: “Three most significant forms which influence our daily life: our life energy, our thoughts and feelings.” Joining me today is Anita Bentata.  Anita is a mind body psychotherapist of 26 years, author, creator and facilitator of  The Essentials Method™ and The Essentials Method™ Facilitator training courses.

Anita developed The Essentials Method™ in recognition that every person requires essential brain, body life skills and knowledge to prevent stress, trauma and toxic relationships, no matter their past or current situation.

Anita believes current personal and professional knowledge and support has significant gaps and is contributing to an escalation of trauma throughout society. Anita is particularly vocal about the counselling industry’s unethical practices.

She is a mentor, speaker, thought leader and has resolved her childhood abuse, trauma, neglect and adult domestic violence which is what led her to changing careers to work in the field of psychology and psychotherapy. 

Anita is the recipient of multi international awards and national recognition for her unique and leading edge programs supporting women impacted by abuse, trauma and isolation. Anita also works with men.

Anita specialises in how to optimise our connection to, and the power in our non physical self: in its three most significant forms which influence our daily life: our life energy, our thoughts and feelings.

Anita offers online individual and group sessions and courses, as well as private sessions in Melbourne, Australia. She offers a guarantee that The Essentials Method™ will resolve past trauma or stress patterns, and begin your fresh new chapter with ease, joy and generativity.
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You are loved & you are matter.
You are significant & your life is valuable.