Love&BLoved with Lena Cebula

Every Problem Has Solution

Lena Cebula Season 2 Episode 54

 My guest says: “Build relationship with trust”. Joining me today is Miguel Martinez. Miguel is a President of MTClife Inc.,(Mentoring Training and Coaching Life), a life/business coaching company. He has provided workshops for multiple school boards, visiting over 100 schools on average each year, with the MTCLife programs being taught in over 500 schools in Ontario.
On today’s episode Miguel is going to share:
1. Know the root cause
2. 7 deep Why
3. Instilling skils 
Enjoyed this episode? Let us know what your biggest “aha” moment was in the comments below! We look forward to reading them! 

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Book recommended by Miguel :"How to hug a Teenage Porcupine" by Dr. John Lewis Lund 

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Pre-Coaching Questionnaire

You are loved & you are matter.
You are significant & your life is valuable.