Love&BLoved with Lena Cebula

Faith Based Life

Lena Cebula Season 2 Episode 34

Our guest is Tresa  Salters. Tresa is a Christian health and fitness Coach  she helps busy Christian women who are responsible for others and running a business to leave stress behind so they can heal and live their best joy filled life! She lived through divorce from her children’s father and then years later his passing, ran his business with her young adult son for 2 years, was full time caregiver for her mom til her passing. So she had lots of stress in her life and found ways to manage and eliminate it through  faith and lifestyle so she could be a better mom, daughter, caregiver and run her business too!


Personal Website

Here are the links that was mention in the episode:
Live well blessed Facebook community and November Gratitude challenge:

Free Scriptural Meditation Come Away and Rest with Jesus

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Pre-Coaching Questionnaire

You are loved & you are matter.
You are significant & your life is valuable.