Unlocking Possibilities with NLP & Coaching

021 How Loving Yourself Benefits Everyone

May 05, 2022 • Sarah Fletcher • Season 2 • Episode 2

I know you might squirm and feel icky when I mention self love but stay with me! 

In this episode `I share a bit about the science of self love from the heart math institute and how your self love benefits everyone! 

You see your electro magnetic field of positivity is felt by others and leads the way for others to lean into self love. 

We have all been in the presence of someone who makes us feel good right? They have the good vibe going on and they have the positivity thing oozing from them!

Well self love plays a part in this and your feelings of appreciation and love for yourself are an invitation for others to do the same.

In this episode I explore how you can optimise your self love and lean into appreciating yourself to lead the way for a compassionate world for everyone. 


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