Unlocking Possibilities with NLP & Coaching

Busting the myth of NLP being a 'happy happy' brand of Psychology

December 04, 2023
Unlocking Possibilities with NLP & Coaching
Busting the myth of NLP being a 'happy happy' brand of Psychology
Show Notes

In this episode I explore some of the myths about what NLP is and isn't specifically focussing on the perception that some people might have about it being something that is always about being happy. 

Life can throw some big curve balls and challenges that can be really difficult to navigate. 

Sometimes we might feel side swiped by something that happens and it might take us some time to re centre, recalibrate and feel ok again.

NLP is not about ignoring difficult emotions and feelings or pretending that you are ok when you are not.

It is about helping you to experience all of your emotions, feelings, thoughts and sensations as a human being having a human experience.

 It supports you in having more CHOICE about how you interpret what happens to you and making decisions about how you respond.

You get to choose how you think and feel so that you can respond in a way that supports a healthy and fulfilled life. 

NLP teaches you self awareness and greater insight into how you operate. When you know how you operate you can change what isn't working for you. 

In essence NLP teaches you how to enhance states of being that make you feel better and minimise the ones that keep you feeling stuck, powerless and not feeling good. 

Once you learn to master yourself then you can navigate the challenges of life with more ease and grace and nourish yourself in the process. 

Want to know more?

If you'd like to know more you can watch the free NLP taster session here

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