The DALE ALLEN Podcast

The Crone Archetype

January 21, 2021 Dale Allen Episode 2

Cozy up for an audio journey to a winter landscape and a visit to a cave deep beneath the snows.  There, an ancient yet ageless woman dwells.  She is the Crone, or WiseWoman.  In order to truly access your inner Power, Passion and Purpose, this archetype cannot be missed - she holds the seed to our creativity and renewal.  She belongs to all of us:  men, women – all genders. The archetypes are without boundary – like dreams and imagination – they don’t belong to solely one group or gender.   The Crone has existed in us since the day we were born.  She’s so powerful!  She is a Keeper of Wisdom and reminds us that life is a series of "deaths."  Life is a progression of disappearances...  you build it, you structure it, you count on it, you think you’ve arrived somewhere - and then you realize the process starts again.  But, there are certain threads that remain, threads that connect to our Inner Core, which is constant and timeless.
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In Our Right Minds FILM

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