The DALE ALLEN Podcast

gOddessy - A Journey to the Goddess Archetype

Dale Allen Episode 5

When I first encountered the word Goddess, I didn't like it.  It felt uncomfortable and unnecessary.  I decided to go headlong into working with this archetype.  The archetypes belong to all humans - men, women, LGBTQIA2+.   I was very out of touch with this one.  I began to study the sacred feminine – the work of anthropologists, psychologists, archeologists, feminist scholars, poets and historians.  I dove deep.  I found the experience personally transformative and so, created a presentation, "In Our Right Minds, Guiding Women to the Strength as Leaders, Leading Men to Strength Without Armor" and brought it to scores of audiences at universities, conferences, expos, and the UN Commission on the Status of Women. Though many hold that their image of Creator is gender neutral, they find the feminine pronouns are uncomfortable. This discomfort becomes a pathway to realize just how deeply the masculine pronouns are embedded in ourselves and in our cultures. Enlivening feminine pronouns and images can heal and balance. No matter which of the world's faiths one practices, or whether atheist, or perhaps more spiritual than religious, we are all affected by our cultures. An archetype is an inward image in the human psyche that exerts a powerful influence on the nature of an individual personality and in turn, on the larger culture. The strength of the masculine images and pronouns for the Ultimate has an impact, but the feminine aspect is gaining energy and focus. I am so grateful that I've been able to explore this topic with scores of audiences for their consideration, through the lens of archetypes, not religion. It's about balance and healing, within and without.  This podcast is an introduction to the topic and to the Goddess archetype - my journey to the Goddess archetype - my gOddessy!

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