MatChat with Mina Blair

Reframing meno-pause as meno-go and celebrating the Wise Woman phase with Melissa Ayres

August 02, 2022 Mina Blair
Reframing meno-pause as meno-go and celebrating the Wise Woman phase with Melissa Ayres
MatChat with Mina Blair
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MatChat with Mina Blair
Reframing meno-pause as meno-go and celebrating the Wise Woman phase with Melissa Ayres
Aug 02, 2022
Mina Blair

This week I'm co-hosting with friend and fellow yogi Sarah Cox and we are talking about the M-word: menopause.  Half the population have to go through this natural transition and yet for many women it's fraught with emotional, mental and physical issues.  No two menopausal experiences are the same.  It's a time of upheaval and yet so often unspoken. 

Well, fortunately things have changed, and women have been given permission to speak up for themselves and get the support/treatment they need.  But why the silent suffering for so long?  And the shame?  What can women do to help themselves and not feel alone with it all?  Is HRT the only answer?

We are asking Melissa Ayres these questions - she is a Menopause Coach, Homeopath and Intuitive Healer.  She works on a one-to-one basis and takes a holistic approach with homeopathy and ThetaHealing playing their part.  The aim is for each woman to support the body, let go of feelings and stories that no longer serve her, and redefine who she wants to be for the next phase: the Wise Woman.  A time of excitement, potential and possibilities.

There is too much negative, fear-inducing language around the menopause, so it's time to change the narrative.  Let's drop the "pause" and make it meno-go!

Find Melissa:, Instagram: @melissajayres

Show Notes

This week I'm co-hosting with friend and fellow yogi Sarah Cox and we are talking about the M-word: menopause.  Half the population have to go through this natural transition and yet for many women it's fraught with emotional, mental and physical issues.  No two menopausal experiences are the same.  It's a time of upheaval and yet so often unspoken. 

Well, fortunately things have changed, and women have been given permission to speak up for themselves and get the support/treatment they need.  But why the silent suffering for so long?  And the shame?  What can women do to help themselves and not feel alone with it all?  Is HRT the only answer?

We are asking Melissa Ayres these questions - she is a Menopause Coach, Homeopath and Intuitive Healer.  She works on a one-to-one basis and takes a holistic approach with homeopathy and ThetaHealing playing their part.  The aim is for each woman to support the body, let go of feelings and stories that no longer serve her, and redefine who she wants to be for the next phase: the Wise Woman.  A time of excitement, potential and possibilities.

There is too much negative, fear-inducing language around the menopause, so it's time to change the narrative.  Let's drop the "pause" and make it meno-go!

Find Melissa:, Instagram: @melissajayres