MatChat with Mina Blair

Honouring and listening to what your body needs with Ciara Roberts PART 2

November 16, 2021 Mina Blair

This is Part 2 of a discussion with Ciara Roberts, a holistic kidney expert with lived experience of dialysis and transplantation.  A yoga teacher and naturopathic nutritionist of 10 years, she is also the author of Wholly Aligned, Wholly Alive: Awakening your inner physician.

Having chatted about Ciara's health story in Part 1, our focus moves onto the importance of honest conversations about unhealthy habits and relationships with food.  The way forward offered is to own your health and do what you can to nourish your body.  Be your best health advocate.  So, do the research and ask the questions.  At the same time, the medical profession needs to be encouraged to be holistic in their treatment approach, listen to the patient and look after their own wellbeing.  Ultimately, if you empower yourself, you can empower others, and that works both ways whether you are the patient or the doctor!
Find Ciara: @whollyaligned,