Girl Get Your Power Back Podcast Artwork Image

Girl Get Your Power Back


Welcome to the podcast that serves as your sanctuary. 
This is your safe space, a haven where you can speak your truth without judgment.

Aireen, your host, is a proud single mom of four boys, she has defied odds and emerged resilient in the face of life's challenges. Born and raised in the Philippines, she's a living testimony of grace, overcoming trauma, and abuse.

She opened the doors to this podcast back in January 2021, with an intention to inspire, empower, and educate women navigating the rollercoaster of trauma and abuse.

But her vision goes beyond. It's about breaking the cycle, saving our children from abuse, and ending generational trauma

Let's build a community together. Let's spread love, inspire, and be the guiding light in one another's lives. 
Remember, God works ALL things for the good!
