Ask Dr. Julie Hanks

What do I do when I see my mom favoring my sister-in-law who has a personality disorder?

Dr. Julie Hanks

In this episode, I coach Kellie and address the question, “What do I do when I see my mom favoring my sister-in-law who has a personality disorder?” Although Kellie has repeatedly set boundaries with her mother that relate to her sister-in-law, Kellie’s mother has not respected those boundaries. This has left Kellie feeling like she cannot trust her mother.

Kellie shares that her mother has been self-absorbed throughout Kellie’s life; that her needs often came second to her mother’s. She sees this pattern continuing by her mother choosing not to honor the boundaries Kellie has set.

When a parent engages in unhealthy behavior, their child has a special closeness with them. But there is also a cost for this behavior. Kellie shares with me that she misses the closeness she used to have with her mother, but also that she is relieved to not have to pay the price any longer.

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If you have found this information helpful, you can find additional resources on this topic in my podcast and my online courses. Connect with me on social media @drjuliehanks and work with me through joining DJH membership at For therapy in Utah visit