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15 Minutes With Jesus

I want to encourage you to listen to this program which my Lord Jesus has given me to publish every week: 15 Minutes With Jesus. A little history to the fact: about one year ago I finally decided to set aside Saturday, every week, as a day for God; not in the sense of keeping the Sabbath, but rather as a day for Him in which I don’t do my own work, or my own pleasure, but rather I seek only to do what He would have me do that day; set aside for Him. Shortly after making that commitment to Him, the Lord spoke to my heart and told me that because I had honored Him, He was going to honor me. Then a few days later Jesus told me He wanted me to do a 15 minute program. Almost immediately the name 15 Minutes With Jesus came up in my heart, also the scripture, Matt 18:20, Jesus said, For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. So I spend time during the week in the scriptures and prayer, seeking the Lord and every week He gives me the Words He would have me share with you. We pray before every broadcast and seek to be filled with the Holy Spirit when we do the program. So as Darlene and I gather together in Jesus name with you, if you can receive it, we will be in His presence and receiving from Him the edification, exhortation and comfort He is giving us. Jesus said, The Words I speak, they are Spirit and they are life.

15 Minutes With Jesus