The FinTech Report

The FinTech Report Podcast: Interview with Kimberley Gaskin, Director, Six Black Pens

Glen Frost Season 1 Episode 14

The FinTech Report Podcast: Interview with Kimberley Gaskin, Director, Six Black Pens


Fuel for growth: Foundational Strategy the key to scaling up successfully


Six Black Pens is an independent, strategy-led creative communications agency that’s all about smart, effective work. They are specialists in complex business and set out to understand, decode and define – to simplify without diluting. Clients have included NAB, MLC, Aware Super, Ignition Advice, PEXA and AGL. Their unique value proposition to clients is “We make the complex beautiful”.


In this episode of The FinTech Report Podcast, Kimberley discusses the importance of foundational strategy to FinTechs when starting out and scaling up, and how Six Black Pens approaches foundational and other communications strategies through the lens of Behavioural Economics. Among the topics covered, Kimberley explains:


·       Why FinTechs, when they begin to scale up, need to change their communications strategy to effectively target a consumer and not an investor audience. 


·       That Six Black Pens considers its best work to be its most effective work – that is, work that delivers on a business goal for the client but at the same time delivers value to the client’s customers.


·       Why Behavioural Economics should be the foundation for any marketing, advertising or communication with a customer. 


·       How System 1 (fast, automatic) and System 2 (slow, considered) thinking drive consumer behaviour and how understanding customers’ unconscious biases leads to more effective communications.


·       How SBP expertise in Behavioural Economics – and a strategy based on 5 key behavioural nudges – helped Australians take charge of their superannuation.


·       Why it’s vital to select the best channel for your audience’s level of digital comfort – and why that channel must be optimised for its specific audience.


·       That every communications strategy must have hard metrics baked into it to measure success against.


·       The importance to FinTechs of thinking about foundational strategy right from the beginning – that is, the building blocks of your identity, your message, your communication, your customer value proposition and your audience segmentation.


·       Why FinTechs must get the customer onboarding experience right – and the building blocks needed to achieve this.


·       What FinTechs and traditional banks can learn from one another and why this new ecosystem is better for customers and Australia.


If you’d like to be taken through a sector specific insights presentation focusing on the value of foundational strategy for FinTechs you can contact Helen via email: helen 'at' sixblackpens 'dot' com


Our thanks to Australian FinTech News and Envestnet Yodlee for their support of The FinTech Report Podcast.