The FinTech Report
The FinTech Report Podcast, a deep dive into the people, platforms and businesses in the fintech sector; I’m your host Glen Frost, and each episode I’ll be talking with a leading expert in the fintech field – we’ll be discussing a broad range of topics and issues from Ai, Core Banking, Payments, Wealth, Lending and FinTech-Bank Partnerships.
57 episodes
The FinTech Report Podcast: Episode 57: Piers Cracknell, GM Australia, BC Payments
Building the payments infrastructure for B2B clients, bringing payments lessons from Europe into Australia, and helping Australian fintechs scale globallyPiers Cracknell has 20+ years’ experience in banking, payments & fi...

The FinTech Report Podcast: Episode 56: Julian Fayad, Founder & CEO, LoanOptions.ai
From online application to money in the customer’s account in 36 minutesFrom customer service (call centres), fraud detection & prevention, credit scoring & risk assessment, personalised banking, routine task automati...
Season 1
Episode 56

The FinTech Report Podcast: Episode 55: Angelina Wu, CEO & Co-Founder, InvestmentMarkets
The FinTech Report Podcast: Episode 55: Angelina Wu, CEO & Co-Founder, InvestmentMarkets Investment Markets launches to sophisticated (self directed) investors with 500 products, plans for growth

The FinTech Report Podcast: Episode 54: Alexandre Chavotier, Co-Founder & CEO, Upworth
Why don’t people switch banks? ACCC Retail Deposits Inquiry shines light on banks approach to deposit accounts; insights in ACCC Report influences Upworth to create ‘Savings Account Scanner’THE FINTECH REPORT PODCAST: EPISODE 54: Alexan...

The FinTech Report Podcast: Episode 53: Melanie Hayden, MD, Truyu, CBA/x15
The FinTech Report Podcast: Episode 53: Melanie Hayden, Truyu, x15Melanie started her career as a lawyer, with tier 1 law firm Allens, specialising in banking M&A; she then spent the next 6 years at the Commonwealth Bank, in v...

The FinTech Report Podcast: Episode 52: Pablo Seoane, Co-Founder, BIGGER
The FinTech Report Podcast: Pablo Seoane, Co-Founder, BIGGER Delighted to welcome Pablo Seoane, Co-Founder, BIGGER to the podcast.Contact Pablo here: https:...

The Fintech Report Podcast: Episode 51: Cathy Lyall, Director, Liquidise
The FinTech Report Podcast: Episode 51: Cathy Lyall, LIQUIDISEDelighted to welcome Cathy Lyall, Co-Founder and a Director of Liquidise, to the podcast.Cathy Lyall is passionate about developing and growing Australia's FinTech ec...

The FinTech Report Podcast: Episode 50: Michael Titshall, CEO of APAC, R/GA
The FinTech Report Podcast: Episode 50: Michael Titshall, CEO of APAC, R/GAWhat are the key challenges for banks when they’re trying to reach GenZ + Gen Alph...

The FinTech Report Podcast: Episode 49: Interview with Mac Duncan, Co-Founder, Constantinople
The FinTech Report Podcast: Episode 49: Interview with Mac Duncan, Co-Founder, Constantinople Mac Duncan, Co-Founder of Constantinople. http...
Season 1
Episode 49

The FinTech Report Podcast: Episode 48: Interview with Jordan Lawrence, Co-Founder & CGO, Volt.io
Interview with Jordan Lawrence, Co-Founder & Chief Growth Officer, Volt.io Jordan Lawrence; Co Founder & Chief Growth Officer, Volt.io | European Advisory Board Member Merchant Risk Council | Real-Time Payments...

The FinTech Report Podcast: Episode 47: Interview with Alexandre Chavotier, Co-Founder at Upworth
The FinTech Report Podcast: Episode 47: Interview with Alexandre Chavotier, Co-Founder at Upworth “Money works better when it’s all in one place; Upworth is a dashboard to rule them all,” says Alex“For decades t...

The FinTech Report Podcast: Episode 46 Interview with Misha Garg, Co-Founder, Grapevine
Systematic change requires collective actionMisha has worked at a number of exciting high growth companies in tech as well as some well known brands in finance and banking, including Boston Consulting Group, the Commonwealth Bank...

The FinTech Report Podcast: Episode 45: Gino Farina, Principal, The Bondi Broker
“Plan your home loan and financial life to be portable,” says Gino Farina“A large part of my job is financial coach, but we use plenty of technology to help us” In this episode we cover:1. &nbs...

The FinTech Report Podcast: Episode 44: Interview with James Bowe, Co-Founder at Own Home
Expanding access to home ownership: how Own Home is creating homeowners for the next generation of Australians James Bowe Co-Founder of Own Home. OwnHome’s mission is to turn renters into homeowners. James background includes...

The FinTech Report Podcast: Episode 43: Philippa Watson, CEO, ubank
Philippa Watson is CEO of ubank, an award-winning digital bank owned by National Australia Bank. Prior to ubank, Philippa held a range of senior executive roles spanning digital banking, technology, operations, customer service, sales, finance,...
Season 1
Episode 43

The FinTech Report Podcast: Episode 42: Max Cunningham, CEO, FCX
The FinTech Report Podcast: Episode 42: Max Cunningham, CEO, FCX FCX describes itself as “A new era for private markets. FCX helps companies better manage their investors and securities.”FCX was conceive...

The FinTech Report Podcast: Episode 40: Anthony Baum, Founder & CEO, Tic:Toc
The FinTech Report Podcast: Episode 40: Anthony Baum, Founder & CEO, Tic:Tochttps://www.linkedin.com/in/anthony-baum-tictoc/Anthony is the founder a...

The FinTech Report Podcast: Episode 39: Mark Tibbles, CEO of Australian Settlements Limited (ASL)
Contact: Mark Tibbles mtibbles@asl.com.au Delighted to welcome Mark Tibbles, CEO of Australian Settlements Limited or ASL.Mark is a P...

The FinTech Report Podcast: Episode 41: Mike Page, CEO Asia Pacific, Mogo Plus
Mike Page, CEO Asia Pacific, Mogo Plus To understand responsible lending for home loans; “We argue against HEM because the data tells the truth,” says Mike Page, Mogo Plus.“We enable enterprises to make fully in...

The FinTech Report Podcast: Episode 38: Daniel Cannizzaro, Founder and CEO at Parpera
Can Parpera empower the business owner to run their company better?Daniel discusses the three key things that all business owners want from a fintech or bank:1. Help them receive money simply and easily2. Help them understan...

The FinTech Report Podcast: Episode 37: Interview with Pascale Helyar-Moray, Founder, Super Rewards
Super Rewards can help bridge Australia's gender ‘Super Gap’ We’ve all heard of the gender pay gap, but what about the ‘Super Gap’ where women have significantly lower balances of Superannuation at retirement than men?...

The Fintech Report Podcast: Episode 36: Geoff McGrath, Partner, Ashurst
CDR opens the gate to the Super App for Australia, says Ashurst Interview with Geoff McGrath, Partner, Ashurst Geoff is a Partner in the digital economy transactions team at Ashurst, with a focus on data, p...

The FinTech Report Podcast: Episode 35: Sofie de Vreese, GM APAC, Expensify
The FinTech Report Podcast: Episode 35: Sofie de Vreese, GM APAC, Expensify Expensify creates payments and expenses ‘Super app’ with Freemium pricing model To use Expensify’s own words; “We make exp...

The FinTech Report Podcast: Episode 34: Mark Macduffie, Founder, Downsizer
Downsizer is a digital home-buying experience unlike any other! With Downsizer, anyone with sufficient equity in their current home can purchase a new dwelling with zero cash deposit. Downsizer has raised $3.75 million seed capital...

The Fintech Report Podcast: Episode 33: Joe Patrick, Founder, Astral Ventures
The FinTech Report Podcast: Joe Patrick at Astral Ventures Joe Patrick is the co-founder of Astral Ventures – a technology focussed corporate advisory firm based in Sydney, Australia. Astral has worked with some of Aus...
Season 1
Episode 33