West Village Church Podcast
Podcast by West Village Church
317 episodes
Religion Can’t Save You!
Series: Romans | The Gospel | The Foundation of MissionTitle: Week 9 | Religion Can’t Save You!Text: Romans 2:25-29Teacher: Andrew Haws
I Thank God For You
Series: We are West VillageTitle: I Thank God For YouText: Philippians 1:3-11Teacher: Chris Synesael
From Humility to Righteousness
Series: Romans | The Gospel | The Foundation of MissionTitle: Week 8 | From Humility to Righteousness Text: Romans 2:12-16Teacher: Matt Parker
United in Faith
Series: United in AdventTitle: Week 5: United in FaithText: Isaiah 9:2-7Teacher: Tim Sparrow
United in Love
Series: United in AdventTitle: Week 4: United in LoveText: Matthew 1:1-17Teacher: Chris Synesael
United in Peace
Series: United in AdventTitle: Week 2: United in PeaceText: Ephesians 2:1-3, 14-18Teacher: Andrew Haws
United in Hope
Series: United in AdventTitle: Week 1: United in HopeText: Isaiah 11:1-10, Romans 15:5-13Teacher: Andrew Haws
Romans 2:1-11
Series: Romans | The Gospel | The Foundation of MissionTitle: Week 7Text: Romans 2:1-11Teacher: Andrew Haws
What Does God Actually Say about Sex?
Series: Romans | The Gospel | The Foundation of MissionTitle: Week 6 | What Does God Actually Say about Sex? Text: Romans 1:24-27Teacher: Andrew Haws
The Really Bad News
Series: Romans | The Gospel | The Foundation of MissionTitle: Week 5 | The Really Bad NewsText: Romans 1:18-32Teacher: Andrew Haws
The Goodest News
Series: Romans | The Gospel | The Foundation of MissionTitle: Week 4 | The Goodest NewsText: Romans 1:14-17Teacher: Chris Synesael
Do You Love the Church
Series: Romans | The Gospel | The Foundation of MissionTitle: Week 2 | Do You Love the ChurchText: Romans 1:8-13Teacher: Chris Synesael
This Changes Everything
Series: Romans | The Gospel | The Foundation of MissionTitle: Week 3 | This Changes EverythingText: Romans 1:1-7Teacher: Andrew Haws
The 20,000 ft. View
Series: Romans | The Gospel | the Foundation of MissionTitle: Week 1 | The 20,000 ft. ViewText: Romans 1:1-7Teacher: Andrew Haws
Is There an Authority I Can Trust Myself To? | Sunday Gathering
Series: Hope Beyond the HorizonTitle: Week 4 | Is There an Authority I Can Trust Myself To? Text: 1 Peter 2:13-25Teacher: Andrew Haws
How Can We Overcome Injustice in the World Around Us?
Series: Hope Beyond the HorizonTitle: Week 3: How Can We Overcome Injustice in the World Around Us? Text: Romans 3:21-26Teacher: Andrew Haws
What the World Needs Now is Love
Series: Hope Beyond the HorizonTitle: Week 1: What the World Needs Now is LoveText: 1 John 4:7-12Teacher: Andrew Haws
Putting it All Together
Series: We Are West VillageTitle: Week 10 - Putting it All TogetherText: Acts 2:42-47, 9:15, 13:1-3Teacher: Andrew Haws
How Do I Make a Disciple?
Series: We Are West VillageTitle: Week 9 - How Do I Make a Disciple?Text: VariousTeacher: Chris Synesael
What is a Disciple?
Series: We Are West VillageTitle: Week 8 - What is a Disciple?Text: Matthew 4:18-20Teacher: Andrew Haws
Bless, Celebrate, Recreate
Series: We Are West VillageTitle: Week 7 | Gospel Rhythms Pt 2: Bless, Celebrate, RecreateText: John 10:24-27Teacher: Chris Synesael
Family of Missionary Servants
Series: We Are West VillageTitle: Week 5 | Family of Missionary ServantsTeacher: Ken D'sa