The Local Lens

The People Around You - Jordan Shuler

The Local Lens Season 2 Episode 15

The Local Lens is a public health podcast going inside one community's experience with the drug epidemic. Everyone in the town of Stanton, KY sees this drug issue differently from each other, either because of their personal lives or professional roles. This show aims to showcase those different perspectives by having honest, in-depth interviews.

Jordan Shuler comes on board to tell his story in this episode. Jordan was a teammate of our host, Nate Brooks, throughout middle and high school in Powell County. In the interview, they talk about how Jordan's addiction began, where he's at now, and what got him through it all.

The common theme that arose from the conversation is how involved other people had been throughout his addiction. Jordan's story ties in a web of people. Luckily, he made his way into a group that helped him along his recovery.

He is now a peer support specialist for SPARK Ministries and Mountain Comprehensive Care and is extending the same helping hand he received. These are our people, using our voices, telling our stories, because no one sees it like we do.

Mentioned episodes:
Jeremy and Edna Thompson - A Married Couple of Peer Support Specialists
Jenell Brewer - Founder of SPARK Ministries

Keep up with The Local Lens on Facebook, Instagram (@thelocallens_podcast) or on their website.

The Local Lens is sponsored by Kentucky Opioid Community Healing (from the Kentucky Rural Health Information Organization) and Powell County CARES (from the Powell County Health Department).

Find Powell County CARES on social media:
Instagram: @powellcountycares