Track & Food Podcast

Superflux Co-Owner Adam Henderson On His New Space Superflux Cabana, Opening A Brewery And Following Your Dreams

November 19, 2021 Jamie Mah / Mickey Mcleod/Adam Henderson Season 1 Episode 70

Brought to you by Scout Magazine.

What a treat it was to finally have Adam Henderson of Superflux on. If you don't know who he is or his brand, let's just say it is one of the most respected in the province. Why? It's because 80% of what they do is IPA's and BC loves their hoppy beers. It's really that simple. Plus, I mean, how can you not love a coconut IPA? Or a strawberry cheesecake IPA?

Nevertheless, with success having come his way, you'd think he and his partner (Matt Kohlen) would just be happy with the new brewery they opened last year. Y'know, rest on their laurels. Chill out. Maybe visit Mexico?

Nope. Not the case at all.

Enter Superflux Cabana, their beautiful new restaurant in Victoria.

The room is absolutely stunning, as it was designed by the team from Studio Roslyn. It's definitely a far cry from what one would expect a beer focused restaurant to look like, which, honestly, is a good thing.

Adam and I discussed how this new project came to be, what was the process of doing something completely different like, as well as how he got into this line of work in the first place and where he sees his company moving forward.  This episode has a fun entrepreneurial bent to it as Adam distills a lot of how all of this came together, which I thoroughly enjoyed. I'm confident you will too.

Superflux is located up on Clark Drive here in Vancouver. Do check it out. They have killer swag and excellent hot dogs. Definitely try the coconut IPA if you can. It's delicious.

Superflux Cabana is now open. Burgers and great beer, what's not to love? Hit it up as soon as you can.

Here's the link to the New York Times feature we discuss.

Last Call For The Beer Bar?

Here's the link to my beer pricing column we also discuss.

A Missed Opportunity - Did The Craft Beer Industry Lose Their One Chance To Grow Their Market Share?

***Scout is one of Vancouver’s leading food and culture magazines. If you’re wanting to learn more about the city’s food and cultural sphere with regards to community news, new restaurant openings, essential guides to some of the city’s best offerings as well as who’s hiring, Scout is where you should go. They also have a sister website called Islandist. Same type of content only Island driven. That’s
We’re proud to have Scout as our presenting sponsor as we believe what they “Scout out” is an excellent compliment to what we’re offering here with Track and Food. Do check them out.

****Correction: I mistakenly mention that Studio Roslyn are the one's who designed Kissa Tanto in my intro, but it was actually Ste.Marie Art + Design. Apologies for the error.