Locker Room Talk & Shots Podcast By Talk Sex with Annette
The NPR of raunchy women’s sex talk. You know, the kind of conversations that take place during a girl's night out or behind closed doors after a couple of cocktails. Think fun, honest, and feminist with the goal of fighting the patriarchy one orgasm at a time.
Locker Room Talk & Shots Podcast By Talk Sex with Annette
The Man With The Biggest Penis In The World Talks The Truth About Sex With Small Penises
Today’s guest is living proof that size really does matter—but maybe not in the way you think. Meet Matt Barr, the man with the world’s largest medically verified penis, measuring an eye-watering 14.2 inches. While his story might sound like the stuff of locker room legend, the reality is far more complicated.
From navigating awkward misconceptions to managing relationships and intimacy, Matt opens up about what it’s really like to live with a title that’s both fascinating and, at times, challenging. We'll dive into his upcoming memoir, A Long Story: Life With the World’s Largest Penis, and explore the surprising truths about masculinity, body image, and breaking down societal stereotypes about size.
So, whether you’re curious, captivated, or looking to challenge what you think you know about size, stay tuned for an honest and revealing conversation you won’t forget!"
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Do the sex Think fun, honest and feminist as fuck, and always with the goal of fighting the patriarchy. One female orgasm at a time. Welcome to the locker room.
Speaker 2:Today's locker room talk and shots topic is the world's largest penis. Size does matter, according to its owner, matt Barr. Listeners, you've been with me for a long time and so I'm sure you have by now listened to two of my most popular episodes the truth about big dicks, monster cocks and small penises what women really think about them. I'm going to link them below. These two episodes not only have garnered a lot of attention, they have also garnered a lot of argument and also I know a lot of people's dick size now, because for some reason, as men come to these videos to watch them, they want me to know exactly what their dick size now, because for some reason, as men come to these videos to watch them, they want me to know exactly what their dick size is. Everybody has a lot of opinions. I've invited women to the conversation who have tried to give you their honest opinion about penis size. Unfortunately, it seems a lot of men don't want to list our opinions, so today I actually have a man here who has the largest penis on record, I believe, in the world. We'll get into talking about that, and he's going to talk about the reality of big dick size and, hopefully, all dick size.
Speaker 2:My guest today is Matt Barr. He has made headlines as the man with the world's largest medically verified penis, measuring 14.2 inches in length and over 8.5 inches in girth. He is known for his candid humor. Matt has shared his unique experiences in media appearances like Channel 4's my Massive Cock, and is set to release a memoir A Long Story Life with the World's Largest Penis. Beyond viral attention, matt advocates for open conversations on male identity, body image and breaking stereotypes around masculinity and size. I am so excited to have this conversation today and I really hope all of my listeners open their mind, open their hearts and listen to what I am confident is going to be a candid conversation, and my hope is, of course, that it will truly start to break some of the stereotypes that I have heard so much about in the last year after releasing my videos. Matt, can you take a moment to tell my listeners a little bit more about you, please?
Speaker 3:Sure, I'm Matt Barr. I'm a fairly average 41-year old in a lot of ways, except for the one obvious one that I have uh genitalia. That has been uh recorded as being it was the largest that's been recorded by uh, officially, independently verified. Obviously that's not there's, you know, four billion people in the world. There could be someone bigger out there, but you know that's the. It's a sensible guess at the moment. My lawyers have said it's fine to put in the title of the book. Should we say so? Yeah, obviously it's been an issue that's been happening throughout my life and then, finally, as I'm getting older and wiser and more okay with who I am, I think it's something I've been more open and public about, beyond the locker room and into public conversation. So I think it's a topic that is often shrouded in taboo and cheap jokes as opposed to being something that should be explored.
Speaker 2:I also just want to commend you for being willing to talk about. I know there are a lot of men out there that think large size is bragging rights and they want to sing about it in the streets. I don't, you know. I think that also comes from a very insecure place, but I do commend you for just being so vulnerable and being willing to talk so openly about what this journey has been like for you, how it's affected your life and then, hopefully, helping other men and people with penises like start to feel more comfortable with their bodies. You know, for the men out there who don't want to listen to women's opinions on how we like to interact with penises of all size, you're going to get the real stuff from the biggest. So let's get ready to talk about penis size Cheers. I just want to start with.
Speaker 2:I want to give you an opportunity to talk about your journey a little bit as finding out, you know, at some point in time you must have said this is my penis is probably bigger than what I thought it would be.
Speaker 3:So one of the issues I've had to give it a context before I do the history I think a lot of the issues we're talking about is there are people who say, oh, you know, there's no one over 10 inches or whatever. There's people who are very insecure or just because it's so rare, as a condition, because obviously spoiler alert a lot of men do lie about their size, which kind of creates this sort of myth. So there are people out there who get busted or whatever for being you know talking shit, as it were, who get busted or whatever for being, uh, you know, talking shit, as it were. Um. But then there's people who, on the other hand, I think you know they get really into it and they start to think, oh no, I've I've seen loads of big businesses because I'm really active and all that stuff, like particularly gay men might just say, oh yeah, I've been with loads of people who are 14, 15, 17, 20 inches, whatever, because it's like part of their packing right.
Speaker 3:So the truth is obviously kind of between these, um, these extreme world where people are like, no, it can't exist because I'm insecure about it or I'm living in this you know certain world where they're so common. It's more a case of they exist, but they're so rare and I didn't know, obviously, where I was on that spectrum but the extent of it growing up, I first found out as you usually do, in the, in the showers, uh, the school, after PE lessons, um, and then, yeah, it sort of went from there. I didn't have many ways to research it the way you would now with the internet, so it was much more.
Speaker 2:It was a longer journey to to find any kind of context really what kind of challenges did you experience with size as you were growing up?
Speaker 3:I mean, it was the attention more than anything else, because people always think, oh, you get.
Speaker 3:You know, if you're well endowed, you get a lot of positive attention and you can do for certain people, but you do get a lot of negative attention as well. A lot of times you don't want any kind of attention, like if you're just in class or you know more recently, you know doing meetings or something and you've got that there when you're not thinking of anything sexual, just always have that kind of um. It's a focal point, I guess, and even obviously, being open about it now and talking about it, I'm aware that some people know now, know who would have known before um, but I obviously want to try to try and make it clear that it's like, look, it's just a part of me. Um, we have to, you know it shouldn't, it shouldn't change your opinion of someone if you know they have their big, their small, whatever they are, because it's just a natural part of their body, even if it's to an extreme so I want to get to the question that there's so much debate over.
Speaker 2:Like I said, I did a podcast episode with four women.
Speaker 2:It was a round table of four women talking about the truth, about our perspectives on small penises, which, of course, garnered like a lot of attention from all of the men, especially, like, apparently, men with big penises, because they were I mean, I just they were starting to list their penis size underneath it.
Speaker 2:Now the women said in the podcast that there is too big, there is, you know, we can really enjoy smaller sizes because our bodies can accommodate them, and we listed a lot of reasons and what a lot of the feedback from men was is your liars, women lie, they're lying, they only want big penises, etc. Now, as the man with the biggest penis in the world, I would love for you to like, give me your opinion when I have a group of women and there are always, like I always have the kind of the random girlfriend out there who's like no, I want to really like, I only want a really big penis. But by and large, in that roundtable, what I heard is what I always hear Sometimes. You know, not all women are, you know, running after the biggest penis, what or that bigger is always better. Can you speak to the truth about penis size and sex with women?
Speaker 3:yeah, I think that you know what you're saying is completely true. I think the one, I think the key aspect is there are those women who do really like it, and often it's not the ones you would think or the one that they get, and they do hide it because it is seen as being shameful to want a big one to a degree. But I think that also people, and certainly men, they think if they know one woman where that is true and let's say it's one in a hundred or even ten percent, which is quite high, but let's put that as a maximum say then that the other nine percent don't, it's not something they're really into. Obviously there's a lot of cases where you know it's a bit more. You know obviously the partner always matters. It's not just they're purely after the size, but you know they can kind of learn to really enjoy it over time, but they're not hunting that kind of thing. So there's those people as well.
Speaker 3:But I think when it comes down to you know, a huge priority in some in women's life it's obviously not. You can have great sex with average or small. I don't think you need a big one and it can be, you know, often very difficult to manage stuff. It's a lot more work, shall we say, to go with a larger penis and if you want a quickie, then that's not the way to go and I think it makes sense that a lot of women wouldn't want that. I don't think that's anything shocking about that, you know.
Speaker 3:I know I'm not the most handsome or charming person out there, but I don't think there are. You know, there's definitely cases where I've gone quite far in a, you know, in a flirtatiousness and things would have probably get to the bedroom and they've kind of said, no, we can't, because you know, it's just it's not going to happen, either because of a practical situation where they clearly won't fit at all, or they're psychologically not willing to kind of make that investment. Not willing to kind of make that investment, I suppose, in a sense.
Speaker 2:Like it is a severe physical commitment to a degree. Can you talk about the challenges you've faced? I want to start with in your intimate sexual life, but we'll also move into other areas of your life because of your size. Let's start with intimacy. How has having such a large dick affected your intimate life?
Speaker 3:it's interesting. Obviously it's got me a lot of attention, which, if you want to talk about the few positives, there are definitely women who've been interested in experiencing intimacy with me that wouldn't have done before, um, but others who you know I've had very close relationships that ended because they're like well, we can't really go on like this. It's not going to work to you know, it's not. You can't have a normal sexual relationship.
Speaker 3:So it's very much some positives, some negatives, but it's always a factor is the key thing which you know, when people think, oh, I want to have a big dick, they don't think of it being a disruptor, they think of it as something that is just going to cause pleasure. They think of it as being, you know, a magic wand they'd see in a porn film where it can just makes everything okay. And obviously it doesn't. It's just, it's a it's, it's a factor and I'm sure again, I can't speak the person of someone who's really small, but if you are really small you might want the extreme, but if you're the average or even above average and still wanting this, then there's clearly some psychological reason, as opposed to any practical factors, that should be causing that.
Speaker 2:The size itself has caused? Has it caused you to lose relationships you were really invested in?
Speaker 3:No, yeah, like I say it's because I say you can't have quickies, you can't have that kind of casual normal relationship. Like I've said before that it's more some trees like fisting, that is like normal piv sex because of the scale of it. So if you're not willing to get that level of intensity in your love making on a regular basis, then it doesn't mean, you know, you might be able to satisfy them or vice versa, and it just it causes problems that wouldn't be there if you were in a normal relationship. Which doesn't mean it can't be worked out. Obviously there's, you know, a lot of alternatives to conventional sex, but again, it just it causes rifts. Surely you'd say that wouldn't be there otherwise.
Speaker 2:I mean, I guess that was one of my thoughts. I think that what a lot of women are more familiar with is having men who are on the smaller side, right, which also, and even micro. I've definitely had girlfriends who have been with men with micro penises and, you know, one of the things that was mentioned in the video we did about sex with small penises is it's kind of nice because then oftentimes men take the focus off the PNV sex right which is not necessarily the highlight for most women, and then they, you know, start to focus more on other things like oral and lovemaking, having sex outside of the PNV. Have you found that that's been something you've had to focus on more in your intimate life because of the restrictions, because of?
Speaker 3:yeah, definitely, oh, definitely, like there's a lot of times where you know if penetration isn't physically possible for whatever reason, uh, even even when it is. You know, I've had to, certainly my first um encounters are pretty bad, and I was, I was terrible in bed because I sort of did what you normally expect to do, uh, and it didn't really work out. And then it was like oh, you have to kind of adjust here's, here's how I can improve, here's I'll get good at it, um, and you have to have those kind of lessons, I guess, and figure it out for yourself what's going wrong, whereas again, if you're okay in bed, or average in bed or whatever, then you can kind of just keep doing what you're doing and you might be able to keep going being with mediocre lovemaking.
Speaker 2:I mean, can I point out, that's kind of what you said and I think that that's true and what a lot of women are saying. Well, fine, so you have, you know, let's say, an average-sized dick or average to large. And even if you think yours is large, then you start going about sex in the way you think makes it cool, which is usually guys with bigger dicks are like yeah, I can pound away at her. She's going to be wowed by my big dick, and we're laying there going, oh, this is it.
Speaker 2:I mean because for most women that's just not good sex. It's just not good sex. There may be a part of having sex where we're finally like, part of having sex where we're finally like, okay, now give it to me, you know. But the whole of good sex is, you know, all of the foreplay and all of that other stuff. So it's when you tend to be with people with who are too large, too large and I I mean that in that it restricts the pounding or too small and they can't pound, then there are ways to compensate for that, right?
Speaker 3:In my opinion, absolutely.
Speaker 3:I totally agree that you say.
Speaker 3:You often hear that there's a myth that you know a lot of men are, who are well endowed, are bad in bed, or because they're selfish lovers, because they're like check me out, they don't need to do anything, they think they've got it all made, so they have the equipment.
Speaker 3:You know, double digit size, which is very few men in the world. You know that you are really um, you're really limited to a degree that you do have to think about those things. But again, if you're probably seven, eight, which is a lot bigger than average, that's probably when the the bad things happens, where you are just again, like you say, rushing in, um, you know no consideration for the partner, because you just think, oh, you know, you've seen this sort of thing because I mean, that's like the default, um, like porn image, so they just assume because they're enjoying it in a video or whatever, then that's what they'd expect the average woman to enjoy yes, so thank you for sharing that I I'd like to talk a little bit about how your size has affected your mental health over the course of your life.
Speaker 3:Oh, the question how has it affected it? I mean, it's hard to say. I guess it's always been a factor in everything, but I don't know. Like, obviously there's a lot of issues that I've had mental health-wise that have nothing to do with it, Others that have been better, others that have been worse. It's just. Again, it's a factor of my life. That's always there. I can't really blame everything on it or credit all my positive things to it, but it's just. You know, anyone who is different is going to be treated or objectified in a certain way. It's going to have the attitude towards it. Like if you are, you know, a supermodel walking down the street, you've got a lot of positive affirmations and things that you feel good about and a lot of objectification, a lot of bad things as well. So it just comes into being treated a bit differently for something you have no control over as well. It's not even like it's an achievement or anything. It's just, that's what I was born with.
Speaker 2:How do you now? So I have seen, obviously, promotional pictures and stuff like that and it does appear that it's hard to hide. Is that correct? Correct, like even in clothing well, that depends, obviously.
Speaker 3:I mean, if I was, if I was dressed in normal clothing, it would be hard to hide. I do tend to dress to hide it to a degree because there's like you can wear baggy clothes, things like that. So a lot of stuff. You know, on the documentary I I covered up as my leg, I taped it, I did the uh the drag, uh the drag queen tuck thing. So it was barely any poles there at all.
Speaker 3:But again, obviously, the promotional shops, that's more the opposite. Here's what it looks like normally, or like on a good day, shall we say sort of soft. So obviously that's hard to hide. I wouldn't be able to like a lot of stuff you'd be able to wear without getting a reaction. But you can wear. You know I could wear a dress, I could wear a muumuu, I could wear anything you can kind of. You know, anything baggy enough is going to hide it. I've got some um, indian style trousers which are, if you've ever seen them, they're extremely like puffed out and you wouldn't see anything in that. But again, conventional fashion norms. You know, wearing skinny jeans wouldn't be an option, for example, but uh, right that Right.
Speaker 2:It's interesting because I almost it sounds very similar to women who have super large boobs and, like, have times where they just, like you know, you don't want that to be the first thing that someone is paying attention to you about, and so they try to find clothes to hide it. And also they're expected to hide it, right, or they are seen in a certain light. Is that similar to how you feel?
Speaker 3:Yeah, obviously the biggest difficulty is that, because of my size, if people see that, they might assume it's erect and then you get a lot of different issues. There's the extra problem that you wouldn't get for some with large boobs. Obviously they have the issue with being sexualized or thinking or because they're well endowed up there, they must be really uh, you know up for it or whatever. If they're showing any cleavage, you know that's seen as invitation to some men. I don't know, it might be the same in my case if I'm showing more prominent books and I think, oh, he's clearly aroused or something, when it's, no, not the case can you walk me through kind of the daily logistics and practical challenges of living with the biggest penis in the world?
Speaker 3:well, I mean the day-to-day it's. You know I'm silly if I say, oh, it's more like when you wake up it's always there. You've got to think about it and it's more. You know, I'm of the age now and the reason I'm kind of talking about it now is because it's much less of a problem, like I'm so used to the routine and being with it that it's not like as much of a problem, like I'm so used to the routine and being with it that it's not like as much of a hassle or I'm not as insecure about it. But it's just, you know, dress accordingly and again, you bought the outfit.
Speaker 3:Just, I've got custom underwear, I've got trousers that are a size up to be able to kind of hide it that way as much as I can. Um, a lot of baggy clothing in general or like long shirts, um. But I live my life as normal, you know, I've got a normal office job, um, and I go home in the evening, uh, and live my life. Oh, yeah, some things like I don't go to a public gym. I've got a little home gym when I do feel the urge to work out. So things like that you kind of feel a bit more pressure to avoid. But again, you know, I'd be silly if I said it's going to change everything. It's not like I walk out the street and immediately, you know, pounced by these uh horny women that are just jumping out the trees, which, if you read youtube comments, you'd assume that's uh what happened to any man over a certain size I would imagine it gives a woman a reason for pause.
Speaker 2:What made you decide to start talking about it openly? Because it sounds like you started talking about it openly kind of later in life, correct?
Speaker 3:Yes, so there was a documentary you mentioned that was originally called Too Large for Love. When I got in touch with them and they were looking for experiences of people who were well endowed, I wasn't intending to actually go on the show, but I wanted to give my opinions, uh, give that kind of point of view, because I was quite scared that it would be sensationalist and it was ended up being, unfortunately, to a degree. But there was also a lot of people on there who were on the show to promote their only fans or promote something like of that kind of nature. So I should give my perspective of someone who is not, you know, looking to monetize it from a pornography perspective or anything like that. It's just like here's my story and they were very interested, obviously. Then then you know, they saw it and they're like, okay, yeah, see why this is a problem.
Speaker 3:Um, and then, yeah, it came from there and once it once I had sort of spoken about, you know, it wasn't while wasn't, while it was, you know, a popular show and it got like a million viewers or something, two million viewers on the first airing. It was still, you know, not my cert, so a lot of people found out, but it was some anonymity to it, you know, there's no surname or anything. I thought, well, if I've already kind of had that initial conversation, people were always reaching out to me and saying, oh, we want to hear more about this, because the documentary was only, you know, a five minute snippet of several days they filmed. Um, it was worth being starting to write the book and then just being more open about it and getting questions from different sources. So, you know, spoken to people all over the world with it now, which is, you know, quite good because, again, it's a conversation that's not typically had what are some of the most common questions you get from men?
Speaker 3:From men, can I say it. I guess it's the most common one, because men are very horny, or very curious, shall we say, in terms of actual practical questions. I think a lot of them are just wondering how. I suppose is the real question Like, did I do anything, did I do any enlargement stuff? Or or you know what, what's caused that size? Because there's a lot of men out there, obviously, who wish they were that big. Despite you know, despite my kind of warnings and be careful what you wish for, I think that's still, you know, probably the. That's the most common non-perverted question I get.
Speaker 2:Anyway, and you have done no male enhancement. Is that correct? This is all natural yeah.
Speaker 3:So I said, did some. I was, you know, had an ex who wanted me to pump for a bit, but that was again, that's not permanent, that's anyway. So not the size itself isn't anything to do with any. You know, I've not had any surgeries, I've not had any, not anything like that. I've done some, I guess. I mean I have done some exercises which I guess could have increased it, um, but that was more a case of I was already big and I was trying to improve my strength as opposed to size, if that makes sense. I encourage the blood flow because obviously that blood flow is kind of an issue what is what?
Speaker 2:what is? You said blood flows and I guess I'm just thinking about, I'm just thinking about the amount of blood it takes to get an erection. Like what, what? What does that? What do? What happens with the blood flow?
Speaker 3:I mean it's the same as I was. Just, it's just a great scale really. I mean it takes a lot longer because there's more time for it to to go and there's a lot more blood that needs to to travel there. Um, it certainly like I don't. I never used to. Even my younger days I didn't really get, you know, the the sudden erections that people talk about in in school or anything. It was always like you've got to take time for anything to kind of happen down there. Um, but no, you know, I think again, my body is built for it, so it's, it can do it, but it's just, um, you know it's not impromptu in the same way that it can be for a lot of men. Um, and it is a little bit draining as well, like it certainly is. I've said before on other shows that you know it's tiring. I probably have a lower sex drive than average just because of you know, when you're done it's just like completely kind of spent to a degree.
Speaker 2:I'm going to back up to what you just said. You said you think you have a lower sex drive than average because of your size.
Speaker 3:And that because it exhausts you, or can we discuss why? I mean it's because, like I say, it's more of a production to take part in everything. It's not like, can you? I mean a quickie. It's not like a suddenly you know a very brief thing, like if I'm getting aroused you know there's a lot of blood flow and to get a bit dizzy at times as well If I'm, if it's fully aroused at that point. So I think after the fact I'm definitely. I know obviously a lot of men post-coitus are a bit worn out, but for me it's definitely the case. So it's, yeah, it's just because of all the foreplay is what you have to do and all that stuff to get things in a situation.
Speaker 3:So thanks of the production yes, exactly, it's a lot of work in terms of that stuff, which I know, you know it's fun, but it's a lot of work. In the same way it's not relaxing in the same way it might be for someone who can just perform instantly a very sort of short um thing. I'm gonna go for around two afterwards or something and then call it a night. It's all. Like you know, there's you've got to prepare in advance. It's not something you would do, you know, at midnight just to check the clock and then get together as well. Like you think, right, are we gonna do it tonight? Yeah, we'll do it, okay, and then plan around that right.
Speaker 2:Have you found it challenging to create a satisfying sex life, like one that you really enjoy and get excited about? Because of the challenges, I think so.
Speaker 3:It's difficult to say, though I think it depends very much on the partner. Like I, you know, I had one. I think my best relationship, like I say, kind of broke down because of, um, the size factor being such an issue. But she was um very good at kind of handling it and finding ways to bring pleasure without relying so much on, um, conventional sex, uh. But often it's more a case of every new relationship. You've got to try different things and because every time you know that you don't know what the reaction is going to be. So there's that kind of neurosis at the start of a relationship of thinking, well, she can't handle that physically or mentally. And then even when you do, you know it's a lot to think about because most obviously it's such a rare situation Even women who've had experience with larger sizes which has happened the scale is so different that even those people have struggled or not known what to do.
Speaker 2:I know this is a very personal question, but what does really good sex look like to you, like in your fantasy world? If you could have the ideal sex session with someone. If you could have the ideal sex session with someone.
Speaker 3:Fantasy world. What would that look like to you? I mean, I think the ultimate thing would be it would be quite, it would be relaxing, which often isn't, because you have to go through all the steps and all the process of doing it, unless it would be less of a production. I, you know, I think it's a pipe dream to find someone who would, you know, accommodate me completely, but it would be someone who could take a good proportion of it to um and enjoy that.
Speaker 3:I've been, I've certainly had mixed experiences with sort of size queens or self-described size queens over the years. Um, because sometimes they can, it's purely a fetish thing. But I think when you find the women who do sort of need that or do enjoy that kind of deep penetration and that kind of being stretched out, then that's definitely more satisfying for me as a, as a partner as well. So I think it's something like that, something that is, you know, there's probably, uh, you know, plenty of time to take um, but I think one of the benefits, I suppose, of doing the fact that it's such a production means, I think, most times are quite good. It's just really tiring. So I think it'll be the same thing I normally do, but less exhausting at the end, if that makes sense yeah, yeah, I know it does at the start unless like, oh, I can't perform, because there's always that expectation, especially the first time I got perform.
Speaker 3:So I think not having to worry about that is is probably the biggest thing, or like that anxiety going away more than anything practical, because I've had a lot of. You know, I've been fortunate, because of my size, to have had a lot of experiences of different, different types, of different kinds of situations, um, which might be some men's fantasies, but and for me it's more like, oh, the normal stuff is kind of probably the best.
Speaker 2:It's just again less stressful, less anxious and just more ending positively with, you know, climax for everyone you brought up being fetishized, and so that's an aspect of having an incredibly large penis or a larger penis that I'd like to talk about, because size queens are obviously brought up quickly. When women sit around and say, like my round table did when we talked about small penises, that small penises aren't that bad, like we can have really good sex with small penises, and then people men, typically almost only men will jump in and say no, when there are size queens, there's lots of size queens they want big cocks.
Speaker 2:Okay, but let's talk about size queens. I need to have a size queen on here. The other thing about a size queen is there is a fetishization of having a large penis Now having being fetishized first of all. Clearly, you've been fetishized. Can you talk about that experience and how that feels to you?
Speaker 3:it's one of those things where it feels good the first time and it feels worse than what I said. It's diminishing returns and the more it happens, the more you get kind of sick of it. And it definitely as you get older as well, because you are looking for someone not even necessary to have a super long-term relationship or to settle down or anything, but you do want to be like more for you and not for the body parts, I think. So, um, what was enjoyable when I was younger and I was more willing to kind of show off as well when I was younger, and now it's just like. But it's the same, because any, any kind of preference whether you know you're a foot fetch, just whatever, some kind of kink or whatever not to kink shame, but people have those things and you can have those preferences in your bedroom or whatever, as long as you respect the person that you're with. So I think and again for some women, that they can do that, and I think for most women honestly that I've been with who have either had those tendencies or self-describe themselves as size queens most of them have been like that.
Speaker 3:There have been other ones who are on the other end, whether they are just, that's all they care about and that's the novelty. Or you get used as a, as a joke. I think sometimes it's more a case of it's less the size queens, almost. It's more like girls who want to gossip with their friends. Perhaps they wouldn't, it's not. They're doing it more for, like, the experience factor and for telling it, you know, to be a funny story as opposed to necessarily from a sexual thing, because usually the ones who are interested in it from a sexual point of view, you know they're um very keen to keep being very nice and all that stuff, because they know I'm so rare in that, in that, even for their preferences, whereas the ones who are just like it's a funny story, they're the ones who are often objectify you more to that extent, because they, you know it's just a novelty.
Speaker 2:I feel like an underlying message that I'm hearing here and correct me if I'm wrong is that one of the biggest challenges that you face is like having a real intimate experience, or getting to the intimacy part and connectedness part, because you're navigating the logistics and trying to make the physical part of you know this is sex is starting now. This is what we've got to get the penis to do. This is what we've got to get the penis to do. This is what we've got to get the vagina to do, and it's not more just two bodies and people coming together and connecting emotionally and then exploring and being able to like, dip into that really, you know, juicy erotic place together. So it sounds to me maybe like that's where your big challenge comes in. Is that correct or am I reading it in my own stuff?
Speaker 3:yeah, I think. I think I probably have some intimacy issues beyond even my size in general. You know, I'm a shy british person so I'm actually kind of a bit more reserved in that degree, um, of a humanity. You have to be a bit, a bit more stifle and all that. But even when I get to that point where you're on address, there's the extra, I suppose, layer where you don't know how you're going to be judged. And even when you feel comfortable, there's always that nagging feeling of like oh, it's not normal, you know, and that's part of why I talk about it more as a train, you know, even therapeutically, used to be like, ok, it's fine, you can kind of get over it, people aren't going to judge you for that.
Speaker 2:So yeah, I was going to say so and it is interesting talking to you like I can sense sort of there you do seem like a more reserved person and knowing that you're just kind of starting to come out about this later in life, like, does that, how does that affect you? Does it feel good to start talking or do you feel like you're almost moving into a place where you're not sure if you're not sure how you feel about it?
Speaker 3:that's a good question. One of my favorite comments on the interview I did with this morning was um, uh, about me was, uh, I don't know if the person has the best personality for a big dick or the worst personality for a big dick because, again, people often if I was my size and I was like a brash, outgoing, classically american personality trait, you know, rah, rah person, you know you're showing it off all the time or whatever, you know I'm sure that would let me down a very different path than someone who has always been like, well, I want to be known for me and my I don't want that to define me as a human being. You know, and I've had those many years where it's not been a fact, obviously the factor in my personal life, but it's not been a factor beyond that and I think it's always. Having that ability to distance myself from my anatomy has always been useful and obviously even now people knowing about it. I have plenty of conversations and plenty of friends where we just don't talk about it at all.
Speaker 3:It's not a factor, because there's more interesting things about me and that's not, you know, it's not just a curiosity to them. So I think that's certainly a key factor. But, yeah, it's definitely the reason I have taken so long to be open about it is partly that and partly, I think media has changed in terms of discussions of size and these things. There are more venues for it because obviously back when it was, uh, you know, tv, purely, purely tv based, or newspapers, there was much less discussion. But now there are podcasts and youtube and all these venues to be able to discuss topics that may be a bit more risque than your morning news. You can, um, you can go into more depth about certain things.
Speaker 2:It won't just be the headline, so that's a positive I think that's an interesting comment about like the personality to match the genitalia, because I mean, I would say that that really speaks to the overall issue, specifically men and also women, but we are talking about the male body and penis owners bodies right now. Is this idea that the size of the genitals reflects the personality trait right and I think that that is a large part of what is so harmful to men right, thinking that somehow their genital size is going to be an indicator of who they are as a human, as a masculine human, um, as a partner, um. Does that resonate with you?
Speaker 3:well, I think most people, um, the only experience that they have with a large penis, or large and average penis, is in porn? Um, they don't, or in sort of even porn adjacent media or set like a mandingo stereotype or something in non-porn media. But there's certain, you know, stereotypes that are thrown around and because there's no other representations of it, people just assume that's the case, like when I was public about my size, a lot of the clients were like, oh and he's white, why is this a white person? Blah, blah, blah.
Speaker 3:Because there's these myths about, you know, bbcs, because that's been in pornography, it's in media, it's very much like a story that's sold in pornography as being, as being, truthful and it's really more a case of a lot of men have race fetishes and that's something that plays up to them. They're not critical. Men have race fetishes and that's something that plays up to them. People reviewing these things aren't thinking critically about these stereotypes and where they come from. They're just thinking oh, I've seen this well-dressed man. He had loads of sex, so anyone who's got a big penis must be constantly aroused and that's all they think about. Sex is stupid guys and stuff like that, when obviously it's not the case there's no correlation, same as there's not with some with a big nose.
Speaker 2:Isn't going to be um a certain way so, when you decided to write your book, what is your hope, what is the message you're hoping to get across to the people that read it and who are you hoping will read it?
Speaker 3:I'm hoping it will be a general, a general audience who reads it, men and women. Uh, it's meant to be an interesting uh book for everyone. Really it's. It's partly my story, um, but it's also a sociological review of penis size treatments in the media from sort of the 1980s to the present day and how that's changed with the internet and there being more women involved in writers rooms across the world, in media production in general, how it's it's not the same way it was when I grew up, um, so it's got that element of interestingness as well. As you know very um, some personal stories, some very funny stories and some bleaker bits, but hopefully people will laugh along and cry along and then basically demystify some of these topics which are, like I say, it's, quite taboo.
Speaker 2:So I think the taboo is the main thing that needs to get broken can you share one of the funniest stories you have about being the man with the biggest penis in the world?
Speaker 3:I think one of the best stories is, um, my first time on nude beach in australia where I um, basically, was causing such a scene. I had to, we had to figure out a way to hide it because it was getting so much attention. So I had to kind of run around and we had this, even the space hoppers. So I had to sort of walk around on a space hopper to cover my uh in the meantime, and then bouncing around on that because it was just a way to get around, well, well, while still being naked, because you have to be naked to be there. Um, but it was basically how do you kind of? It's a bit like the austin powers scene where you're trying to cover it up with like various props throughout the point because you don't want to get people's attention, but you can't cover up because there was a rules of the beach. So it's a bit of a very it's a very strange first experience jumping around in the sun naked, um.
Speaker 2:But a lot of little, a little amusing anecdotes, um, from my time in my life if you're talking to men right now, I would love to know what is the most important thing you message you want to give them about penis size. So, speaking specifically to men right now, what is the most important thing? The biggest, the man with the biggest penis in the world wants all men to know.
Speaker 3:Yeah, ultimately it doesn't matter too much. You know you have, but you have to know what you have, and that counts as whether you're big, small or average, and you should know what works for you, what positions work for you. Accordingly, and if you are on the extremes, you have to accept that you are different, um, and it will require different things in the bedroom than what you might do otherwise, but you can't let yourself be defined by that characteristic and that's the same. You know, if you're a bit more average and your masculinity is tied into your penis, it shouldn't be really. It should be based on how you are as a person. You know, even in the bed. You can say all in the bedroom, but obviously as a man, it's better to have those attributes as a human being as opposed to just as a sexual thing. So I think that would be the main message and what is your main message to women?
Speaker 3:I mean obviously, um, I suppose be accepting of of partners as well. It's not just a joke to be big. Sometimes there are women out there who do treat it as a joke or even as a weapon to say, oh, my partner's really small or you know whatever. And you know it's a thing that men do struggle with, um, so be accommodating to them if they do have any issues with it. I think that's you know. Obviously it's not your responsibility, but it is something you can do to help. If you care someone, then you can make them feel good. That's all anyone can really ask for.
Speaker 2:What is your top sex tip for men who are on the large to monster cock size in bed with women? What would you suggest to them to help them be better lovers?
Speaker 3:Consider using a buffer tool of some kind to be able to limit the depth of penetration. Explore the positions which are um, give more control to your partner. How much goes in um and, yes, just basically get good at foreplay. This is the main advice, because that's the only thing really love it.
Speaker 2:So true. I, as woman, I support and endorse that message. I really appreciate you joining me today and sharing all of this information with us and speaking directly to both men and women about the truth about being really large and the fantasy about being really large. I know that it's a vulnerable thing to talk about whenever we're bringing attention to any part of our body, so I commend you on going on that journey and really just diving into it and taking hold of it and using it for something good. So now I'd like for you to tell my listeners where they can find you online and where, eventually, they can get your book.
Speaker 3:Sure, can I just talk a bit about Fleshy, who I'm working with as well. They're a company who produce a range of male devices. The issue I've always had is, you know, I can't really use them because of my size, but so it's good to see someone out there who is destigmatizing some of the talk around penis size, like this podcast is um, but also in the meantime, you can find uh information on my book at um biggestpenisbookcom, which is not a creative title but it's easy to remember, um, so hopefully my book will be out next year, called a long story life with the world's largest penis. So check out the website, sign up for the mailing list, uh, if you're interested, and then I'll let you know when it's available.
Speaker 2:Thank you so much and thank you so much for joining me today. I really appreciate you and to my listeners. I know you're going to have questions and comments. I know you're going to have questions and comments. Make sure to drop them on my YouTube channel at TalkSexWithAnnette, below the video, or you can email me at Annette at TalkSexWithAnnettecom. You can also scroll down and leave a message on my speak pipe. And until next time, listeners, I will see you in the locker room.
Speaker 3:Cheers Ring loop.