Envision RISE
Envision RISE was founded as an evolutionary platform utilizing the methods of Organizational Change Management (OCM), Human Resource Management (HRM), and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I) to create a powerful integration and understanding of the relationship between the organization and the actual workforce. This podcast features stories, thought leaders, and technologies driving these industries and companies towards lasting transformation.
Podcasting since 2021 • 65 episodes
Envision RISE
Latest Episodes
Becoming Leaderful: Navigating Leadership and Humanity with Sammy Burt
In this episode of the Envision Rise Podcast, host Staci Hagerty speaks with Sammy Burt, founding member of Farleigh Performance, about the evolving landscape of leadership. Sammy shares insights on embracing humanity in the workplace, ...
Episode 67

ESG Mindset for Business Growth with Matthew Sekol
#EnvisionRISE Podcast | Matthew SeKol author of ESG Mindset: Business Reliance and Sustainable Growth joins host Staci Hegarty to discuss ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) and it...

EGN Empowers Executives with Authentic Leadership & Support with Dona Amelia
#EnvisionRISE Podcast | Dona Amelia co-founder of Executives' Global Network in Singapore and Malaysia joins host Staci Hegarty to share how the EGN platform works to bring together senior executives from various industries to openly discuss th...

Navigating Third Places in the Hospitality Industry with Lori Pace
#EnvisionRISE Podcast | Lori Pace, founder of Changing Paces International and strategic partner, joins Staci Hagerty to explore the concept of third places—locations that aren't home or work, such as conferences and team-building events. Lori ...