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Are you wrestling with motivation that seems to have slipped out of reach? What if we told you that you're not alone, and more importantly, there are ways to decipher this enigma? Today we'll be your guides through the labyrinth of motivation. Let's first untangle the hindrances to motivation like overthinking, constantly waiting for the perfect moment, and excessive dependence on willpower. We'll also shed light on different life stages and the unique challenges they pose in regard to motivation, whether you're embarking on adulthood or managing an entire business.
Our conversation isn't just about the problems, but also the solutions. We delve deep into the dynamics between motivation, willpower, and goal-setting. We'll answer questions like how daily routines and habits can shape motivation, or how sleep and diet might be the secret ingredients to a motivated mind. We'll also discuss the pressure cooker environments we often find ourselves in, and how to stay motivated within them. To help you along the way, we'll share tools, techniques, and even apps designed to manage and boost motivation.
Finally, we're going to view motivation through the lens of resilience and grit, and explore how cultural and societal differences can play a role in our perceptions of motivation. As we delve into the future of motivation research, we'll discuss the role of AI and the internet in boosting motivation. So buckle up, because today we're not just talking about motivation, we're setting you on the path to reignite yours. Whether you're looking to conquer the world or just your laundry pile, we're here to give you the boost you need. Tune in, and let's get motivated!
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Are you wrestling with motivation that seems to have slipped out of reach? What if we told you that you're not alone, and more importantly, there are ways to decipher this enigma? Today we'll be your guides through the labyrinth of motivation. Let's first untangle the hindrances to motivation like overthinking, constantly waiting for the perfect moment, and excessive dependence on willpower. We'll also shed light on different life stages and the unique challenges they pose in regard to motivation, whether you're embarking on adulthood or managing an entire business.
Our conversation isn't just about the problems, but also the solutions. We delve deep into the dynamics between motivation, willpower, and goal-setting. We'll answer questions like how daily routines and habits can shape motivation, or how sleep and diet might be the secret ingredients to a motivated mind. We'll also discuss the pressure cooker environments we often find ourselves in, and how to stay motivated within them. To help you along the way, we'll share tools, techniques, and even apps designed to manage and boost motivation.
Finally, we're going to view motivation through the lens of resilience and grit, and explore how cultural and societal differences can play a role in our perceptions of motivation. As we delve into the future of motivation research, we'll discuss the role of AI and the internet in boosting motivation. So buckle up, because today we're not just talking about motivation, we're setting you on the path to reignite yours. Whether you're looking to conquer the world or just your laundry pile, we're here to give you the boost you need. Tune in, and let's get motivated!
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Yo yo yo. Welcome back to the further your lifestyle podcast conversations on lifestyle, passions and house. My name's Chris, I am your host and I'm super excited to be back here having the conversation with you. Episode 128 today, and we're talking about motivation and, in particular, reasons why we are not motivated, or really just a big conversation around maybe some of the reasons why we're struggling to be motivated in the world that we live today. Now I do apologize in advance if I do sound a bit congested. I have been a bit under the weather, so I'm filming this with a bit of a congested head at the moment, so please do give me some, give me some slack.
Speaker 1:What I want to cover today is essentially the big topic of motivation, and motivation is obviously something that gets thrown around all the time. I talk about it here on the channel and it's what we see everywhere. Now there's a lot of things that we can really cover when it comes to motivation, but before we get into any of that, I want to just kick off with a quote and then we'll dive into it. So the quote by a Seneca is putting things off is the biggest waste of life. It snatches away each day as it comes and denies us the present by promising the future. Now we can get really stuck when it comes to motivation, because we put things off, we throw things around or we we think about I'll just do that when I need to, and then you know it's been two weeks or whatever. That's what we're really going to talk about today, so we're going to dive into it. So buckle up.
Speaker 1:So the three areas of conversation that I want to have around motivation today is overthinking, waiting for the perfect moment and the overreliance on willpower. Now, clearly, if you don't know but I will go through it clearly motivation is something that we all experience. But if you don't understand what motivation is, for whatever reason, motivation is a driving force behind our actions and our decisions. Yet there are times that we find ourselves unable to find the vital spark to actually push forwards with whatever it is that we want to do or attain. So by understanding the reasons behind, maybe, the lack of motivation, I think we can help devise potential strategies or ways that we can reignite this or potentially get back on the you know, get back on the course of where we want to go. Now I've gone through these three areas of overthinking, waiting for the perfect moment and overreliance on willpower. And I've written down a whole bunch of different notes and I've broken them up into different categories of, maybe people that are just getting started with, you know, pursuing goals, or, you know, just getting into the field of motivation.
Speaker 1:And when I say getting into the field of motivation, there comes a time in life where you know there's a lot of things that we don't have to rely on doing for ourselves. You know we don't have the responsibility, we don't have the accountability, especially when we're kids. As we start to get as a teenager, there is things that we need to be motivated to do, like study or getting a part-time job or looking after siblings or, you know, taking some roles and responsibilities around home, whereas then, as we start to get past that as a young adult, you know that changes again of the different expectations around motivation, because we have our own ambitions, we have the pressures of society, we have all these different things that start to encompass our lives. And then this is next level, which is even more intense, when you might be a manager at work, or you might be operating and managing a business, or you may want to build a community. Right, there's these three different tiers and I guess you could look at them from a beginner or an intermediate or an advanced, but it's probably not really that. But that's the way I've kind of bucketed them.
Speaker 1:Now what I want to do is I've been enjoying doing it this way is I've gone into these different buckets and I've put a whole bunch of different questions that I'm going to ask back to myself. As if I'm being asked and having the conversation with you and we're going to discuss it. I'm going to answer it based on what I think. I might not get into much detail about it if I don't have anything to say about it, but if you have something to say about it, drop a comment down below. If you're here on the YouTube, you can watch and leave a comment, or reach out, send me a message, get in contact and let's continue the conversation.
Speaker 1:So let's start with the first. The first question off the rank right, and this one is are there common reasons why people often feel unmotivated? Now, look, I can generalize here and this will be a generalized answer, but I think a lot of the time is it comes down to for me, we don't know our why, like, why are we doing this? And if you don't know your why, it can be very hard to be motivated to do something. Now, obviously we can get wise from other people, we can get motivation from other people, so I'm an external source. But if you're not even motivated to do this internally, it's going to make it very hard to move forward, right?
Speaker 1:So if you have, if you wanted to get a job right, and someone says there is a job to either clean toilets or you can wash cars, right, I think at first we're going to be like probably want to wash the cars because cleaning the toilets seems pretty messy. But if we change the conversation and say, hey look, if you clean the toilets, I'll pay you a thousand dollars a day, if you clean the cars, I'll pay you two hundred dollars, what are you going to do, right? All of a sudden, there's a different fact that that motivates us, and clearly the motivation there would be money. We know what our why is. Now, if you're not caring about the money, but you care about you know what you like to be able to do and you want to be able to enjoy it, then you're probably going to pick the cars, right, maybe you have an interest in cars or maybe you want to start a car detailing business, if you want to be a plumber, while cleaning toilets isn't a big issue, right? So I think there's a lot of elements that we have to think about when it comes to, you know, why we might feel unmotivated. So I've kind of spoken about why we're motivated, but feeling unmotivated there's so much pressure like there's I mean, there's so many reasons like there's pressures of stress, there's not feeling into it, not knowing our why, have better interests, have different priorities, wrong season, wrong timing, not feeling it, not vibing with it, right, and they're probably all crossover. But I think that's what it really comes down to, because when someone asks you something and you're not inclined to say yes, you're either feeling you honestly don't want to do it because it's not an interest to you, or it's making you uncomfortable.
Speaker 1:The next one is how does overthinking affect our motivation levels? This, this is. I think I'm a big thinker and there's times where I don't have to think about things because I've done it before. So you just you know, yeah, it's all good, I'm motivated to do this, let's get it done, like my running. So when I first started training for running, it was hard work. It's still hard work now, but I know what I need to do in order to get to where I want to be. Therefore, I don't have to think about it as much Now when it comes to trying something new. If I had to go train for you know a obstacle course or something you know, I'm going to start to think, oh, do I need to do this? What am I doing? Enough of that? Oh, what about you know other, different types of cross training? Start to overthink it and you can start to overwhelm yourself. And I think, when it comes to being motivated, thinking about things too much can obviously demotivate our ability to just go, because we start to scenario play on your heads oh what if this doesn't work? Or what about? And then you think, oh, I'm not really motivated to try this now because it might not work out in my favor. So I think overthinking can become a huge, huge impact to our motivation levels.
Speaker 1:Why am I waiting for the perfect moment? Hinder our motivation. This is almost similar to the overthinking, because if you're waiting for the perfect time, it's never going to be right. It's the perfect time. Is you starting? And what I mean by that is today. I mean, it's very cliche, but you know, the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago or today, because it's going to be 20 years till it grows anyway. So you're going to have to let that time pass.
Speaker 1:But there isn't always a perfect moment. There's never going to be that perfect moment. There is going to be times where it might make sense to say, hey, no, I definitely can't do this today, but it makes sense that we kick this off tomorrow, kind of thing. Because you know, if it's 10 o'clock at night and the boss says I need you to do some work for me, no, I need to sleep, let's do it tomorrow. So you know it's not. I'm not saying that we should be just doing everything now, now, now either, but I think when we put things off for the perfect moment, the perfect moment is never going to be there. There's always going to be something else in life. Life throws rollercoasters at us all the time, so that will hinder our ability to be motivated, because we'll keep putting it off. Once you start getting some traction, start making some moves, I think you'll see the motivation, and I mean you'll see the results, and that's going to motivate you to move forward.
Speaker 1:Can you explain the concept of willpower and its role in motivation. I think this leads back to purpose, and why willpower is, you know, obviously in our mind, and I don't have the definition for it, but you know, when we have a strong willpower it's because we have a strong attachment to the end result. Right, if I want to run a marathon, I can't expect to run a marathon comfortably if I haven't got all the training and all the work done. Now, if that's 20 weeks training plan, that means I need to be able to build the resilience, the headspace, the mindset and the willpower to push through.
Speaker 1:During COVID, I was doing my second marathon and we were locked down here in Australia, 5k radius around home, and I remember training. I had to do, like you know, three hour training runs and we were only allowed to run outside for two hours. So I was doing repeats in the back of my property, 400 meter repeats. Luckily we have a big driveway and I was just doing loops and repeats just in those small little distances to get the job done. Now, that was willpower, because I knew if I don't do this, there's no way of me being able to be ready for the marathon. And I didn't have a treadmill, so you got to do it, you got to make it work if you want it right.
Speaker 1:Are there physical factors like sleep or diet that can influence your motivation 100%? Like, if you're not feeling well, it's probably because you're lacking sleep, you're eating wrong or there's something wrong physically or maybe even mentally right. So when we're not feeling ourselves, we're not feeling it our best, it can be hard to be motivated to do these things. Even me doing this podcast like I'm all in the headspace at the moment with congestion and just not feeling up to it, and I'm not necessarily motivated to go bang out four episodes, that's for sure, but I do need to do one, right, because I need to get it done for the next week. And I think it's important that we can understand of what are the things that are influencing our ability to be motivated. So if you're not having a good day and you're not motivated to go to work, what's the trigger from that? Did you sleep well? Did you, you know, stay up late stressing about something? What are all the factors that come into play, that are influencing your motivation? And I think when we start to look at those, you'll start to realize, yes, physical factors, sleep, diet they all influence our motivation.
Speaker 1:How do daily routines or habits influence our motivation levels? I think daily routines and habits are a passive way to stay motivated, because once you know what you want and you've got yourself into a bit of groove, you can then put into play the systems or the process that you're going to follow on a regular basis and just keep putting out the reps right. And when you put out the reps you see results and then usually it goes like in kind of waves and kicks and the waves get higher over time. You'll see that the trend is starting to get bigger and you'll see a bigger result every so often, a bigger result, and then your average baseline is now higher right Now. I can see this in business, I see this with my running, see this with other areas of life as well.
Speaker 1:Like if you were playing a video game. The first time you play a video game, it's you're not going to be really good, right? And if you played a video game one hour every day, for the next let's say Call of Duty for the next, you know 90 days. By the time you get to 90 days you're going to be an excellent player because you've been putting in the reps and where you were on week four. You're not always going to be perfect, but you're going to be 10 times better to probably where you were on week one, right, so you get the better ability to output, your ability to compound all that learning. Therefore, you're going to be even more motivated because, all of a sudden, you're doing really, really well and you're going to want to progress even further.
Speaker 1:How does setting goals relate to motivation? I think it comes back to the why and the passion and the purpose, because you can set goals, like I can say oh, I want a million dollars, cool, are you motivated for that? Though, because it's going to million dollars, you're going to have to either buy a house really low and sell it really high, or you're going to have to sell a lot of products, or you're going to have to build something to sell it. There's a lot of work that goes into that. So I think setting goals can motivate us, because that's what we want, usually in a shortest time frame, so in a year or even in 30 days. I think that puts a lot of pressure on us to start to put our money where our mouth is and to do some work, but goals won't always motivate you. Goals can be too scary, so they overwhelm you, so you overthink, so you back away from them. So it is a bit of a hate-love relationship, I believe.
Speaker 1:Can external factors like our environment or company impact our motivation 100%? So if you're surrounded by people that are negative, people that aren't uplifting you, that's going to deter you in order to move forward, especially if people are totally against of what you're trying to work towards or be motivated for. So I think these are all things that we need to really take into account. And where you're working, the environment you're working, who's around you, who are the people influencing you? They're all factors that will impact your ability to be motivated, stay motivated and want to be motivated. So now we're going to jump into a little bit more detailed.
Speaker 1:The first one here is how can one recognise, in combat, the trap of overthinking? I wish I had the answer to this. I think you have to call it. There's a time where it's really good to do your research, to do your homework and to understand. Okay, what are all the factors, what's all the things that we have in to play? And I think, something that I've had to do and Carlos kept me very honest with this. Carlos, my girlfriend, my partner and she's really good at helping me. Just take it down to black and white, of like.
Speaker 1:If there's a lot of elements at play in what you're overthinking with, do a pros and cons list right. Write down all the pros of whatever it is you're trying to do or wanting to do, and then do a con list and at the end of the day, you're going to have a percentage of way, meaning one side's going to be more pros, more cons or whatever. Go through them, understand them. Is it one con or can they be broken up into multiple cons or multiple pros? And at the end of it you tell it up Now, if there's more pros than cons, say, okay, well, make sense to do it, what's your reaction?
Speaker 1:If your reaction say it means you don't want to do it, not because of the pros and cons, because of another reason, maybe it's just because you're scared, now that doesn't necessarily mean you shouldn't do it. But if you go through it and there's lots of cons and it tells you don't do this and you're like here, I agree with this, then it's good. But if you're still thinking no, no, no, no, no, no, I want to do it. There is something else driving you towards so instantly it's going to tell you what you really really want. So then, how do you make it work? So I think that's how you can come combat it. It does take a little bit of work, but it makes sense to do it.
Speaker 1:Can you delve deeper into the pitfalls of waiting for the perfect moment to start something? Well, we can already discuss this. You know, like if I so, so okay. A good example of this is when I left my nine to five to to start, you know, doing my own thing, taking a chance on me, I knew that it's either I need to get fired or or I have to make the decision to step away from the nine to five. Now, I wasn't gonna get fired because I was doing a good job, and it's just the matter of the facts. So the perfect time to do it was wasn't when I just had all the money or all the time, because I was never gonna have all the time and I might have had more money, but I wouldn't have the time. So it's like I need to call it, because I don't want to keep working this way for another five, ten, fifteen, twenty years. So then think that I'm gonna go do something that's going to get me to where I want to be, when it's then gonna take another five, ten, twenty years to do anyway. So I need to do it now, and that meant I had to rip the band-aid off and say no, I need to take a risk.
Speaker 1:And If you really want something, this is motivation, because I literally stepped away from you know more than a hundred fifty thousand dollar salary, job, good security, like all these things. There's a lot of perks to that. But I knew there was something greater that I wanted, and to be able to create or experience or try. And I was never going to get that experience or a chance to try if I didn't make that call for myself. And that was never a perfect moment. It was the perfect moment to do it then, but it wasn't a perfect moment. It just made sense to like make the decision, do the pros and cons and what do you want to do?
Speaker 1:Why is solely relying on willpower not a sustainable approach to staying motivated? I Think it would be a false mentality to think that I I'll just, I've got a lot of willpower, I'll get it done because I've done 5k runs and they are worse than half marathon, where I've done half marathons and you have multiple waves of ups and downs and you feel in it, you're not feeling it, you're feeling it, you're not feeling it. So if you're expecting that you're just mentally got it all and you're gonna be able to push through, I believe in. I believe you were wrong. We all have things that will break us and moments of doubt and moments which trigger us to lose confidence. So we can't just rely on willpower willpower we want to leverage when we can, but you do need to not go in thinking that I got this because my headspace is strong, as it can be, well, it needs to be strong. So now, I think that would be false, false thinking.
Speaker 1:How do concepts like decision fatigue relate to motivation? I think when we have to make too many decisions, we're using too much brain space, and when it comes to then wanting to go do something to work towards a goal, we can be demotivated. So if you can remove decisions, things that you always need to decide on, whether it's delegate them or discard them or Whatever it may be, automate them or whatever it may be, that's going to enable you to have enough headspace to be able to be motivated where it makes sense, so like when I'm doing what I'm doing my running. I have a running plan, training plan. I don't have to decide what I need to do today. It tells me what I need to do today. There is times where I might have to adjust based on how I'm feeling physically and all that. But that's not the end of the world either. But it means I don't have to necessarily make you know 90% of the decision. I just got to say, yep, I'll adjust it, or I'll go heavier or go lighter or whatever. 80% of it's all done for me, so I can just move forward.
Speaker 1:Are there specific exercises or techniques to overcome overthinking? I think we already covered this one. I'm not going to go into detail. I think you know the pros and cons list is pretty detailed already.
Speaker 1:What are the psychological reasons behind our tendency to wait for the perfect moment? I think it's fear. I think it's because we're we're scared of things not working out. I'm talking from my own experience here. I look, I hate taking risks, I hate change, I Hate doing things out of routine, I hate doing things that aren't structured, but sometimes those things are very important and it's our comfort levels, right? You need to get out of your comfort zone and there's never going to be the right moment. You could try it today and it works. And you think, why didn't I do this earlier, right? So you're not going to know unless you give it a go, and we tend to hold back because we're worried about what other people think. We're worried about what if it doesn't work out? No one cares. Look, people will be there to support you and there's always going to be people that will bring you down, but there's going to be plenty of people that bring you up. So that's that's my thoughts on that.
Speaker 1:How can one cultivate motivation when willpower is running low? I Think having little mechanisms in our lives that can help us just bring us back to roots, to happiness and smiles, like, for instance, for me. You know I have Nacho, nacho night, tuesday nights with your family night, nacho night, and that's something to look forward to and something to be motivated towards. And I farm going out and I'm doing something. It is a bad day I can, you know, think about I just could get through this and we can have nachos, and it gives you the willpower to push through. So, having these little things that you can hold on to press towards, push towards and things that bring balance and, I guess, foundation and Consistency to your life, enable you to fall back on, to regenerate. You know, whatever it is, you need to get back into it, be motivated and then press on. Are there any tools or amps that can help manage or boost motivation? I personally don't use any tools or apps. I know there's a lot of Apps you can do for meditation, headspace and things like that, but I personally don't have any recommendations. If anything, I just put on some tunes and then just get, get into the get into the groove and get it done.
Speaker 1:How does society expectations or societal expectations or peer pressure impact our motivation? This is a huge one. I think they can be present, like they can be really good and really bad, because when we see what other people are doing, we can get sometimes a bit stuck on jealousy and you know, think I want that. So you Try and work towards getting what they want or getting what they have, and it can be a wrong type of motivation, because then you start working towards something which isn't actually yours Now at the same time. That can be a really great way to motivate you because when you're running or out doing something and there's someone next to you and you got a bit of peer pressure and you know competition friendly competition is great, like sibling rivalry, because it motivates you to push a little bit harder. But you don't want it to overflow and you become jealous, you become Annoyed and frustrated at these people because they're just doing their thing and you're not being able to do the same as them. So I think it has its ups and downs, its benefits and obviously some you know Things which are going to cause a bit of confusion in your head when it comes to trying to stay motivated and work towards To where you want to go.
Speaker 1:Can you discuss the balance between motivation and discipline? So Discipline comes down to doing the reps. Motivation is getting out to actually do the reps. So if I have a goal to do, you know 100 pushups a day, right? So the discipline is to do the 100 pushups and get it done. The motivation that is required is getting to the place to do the 100, you know the 100 pushups and the motivation part of it is about well, why am I doing this? The discipline is like this is the action I do to enable me to get to the thing that I want, right, I'm doing it because I wanna have a better body, or I wanna be fitter, or I wanna have a strong core, or whatever. It is right and you gotta understand, okay, that's why I'm motivated, that's why I'm doing it. So what is the action I have to do? And the discipline is doing those actions right, putting in the reps. That's the difference. Now, the balance between them is, if you're all motivated but no discipline, nothing will get done. You can be motivated as heck. I'm like, hey, I'm gonna do this, it's great, you still gotta go do the work right. It's like people saying I'm gonna lose 20 kilos this year and they don't because they don't put in the discipline. So motivation is something which I think spurs us to go do, but then when you actually go do it, you have to be willing to actually. Oh, now we have to get our hands dirty. Now we move into, like, the level three area, which is probably a bit more detailed, even more. Some of it we might have dived in already, but we'll jump in and we'll see what it has to say.
Speaker 1:How can one maintain consistent motivation in high pressure and high stress environments. So my previous job was working in a consulting firm, managing over, you know, jeepers. I think at the highest we peaked was over $120 million in project budget, working with 300, 400 different people, working with very senior leadership teams, client teams and internal teams like CEOs and CIOs and things like that. And that's a very high pressure, high stress environment because we're running on tight deadlines, we have budgets, we have schedules, we have delivery schedules, expectations from a client to a contractual point of view for us delivering, and I have to be able to make sure that we're staying green. When I say green is like in the positive, in the right position internally managed, but also client facing managed as well. That's a lot to juggle.
Speaker 1:Now there's people that will annoy the heck out of you. There's things deadlines that will change and cause frustration and stress, and I was doing it for a long time. Now I love the job because I thrived in the job. I enjoyed doing our able to just, you know, solve problems and be able to be a people pleaser. But the reality is it's like it takes a toll on your head. So to be motivated in such an intense environment it really comes back to understanding you're why? Why am I doing this? Now, there's gonna be a level of motivation from a salary, from a bonus, from, you know, getting a reputation or respect, or being able to have a social status within a you know, maybe it's a title or something like that. So you really need to understand why you're doing it. Sometimes we don't have a choice. Sometimes we're doing it because we just need to pay bills or, you know, help our families survive, and that might be enough to stay motivated.
Speaker 1:But I think, having those little roots that I've spoken about before, about coming back to like well, okay, so we know what we want. Why are we doing this? What are the things that keep me sane through the week? And then you manage the day to day as a roller coaster. There's gonna be days where it's gonna be like horrible, but then there's gonna be days where it's not too bad and those are the moments you refresh, you reconnect with people and you get back on your horse and you charge on right. So I think I know that's a bit of a oh yeah, that seems very straightforward, but that's really the only way to do it. You know, being able to continue to take down time, continue to find time for yourself. Do things that motivate the team, like encourage the team to grow together. Do things that enable you to have a small win, to smile. Bring back that connection with yourself and it will help you just see through the light and understand that you know, today is not the rest of your life and sometimes there's gonna be just the days where things aren't going as planned and then there'll be days where it's gonna be better than you expected.
Speaker 1:How are advanced psychological techniques or therapies to address chronic lack of manage? Sorry, are there advanced? I don't know. Honestly, I don't know the answer to this one. There's probably a lot of things out there that we can do to stay motivated. We could probably speak to a lot of people. If you're wanting to understand the science behind this, there's probably plenty of books. There's probably plenty of podcasts. There's probably plenty of people that can help you understand it and untap what it is you need to know to help you get through that. But I can't answer that.
Speaker 1:How do concepts like analysis, paralysis relate to overthinking and lack of motivation? I think we've already kind of covered this. I do this a lot like, especially when it comes to numbers and business is I look at all the numbers. I wanna make sure is it gonna be making enough? You know on paper that it's perfect, right? The reality is it's not going to be the same as paper. And then we get stuck in a hands-on what did I do wrong? Why isn't it working? And sometimes it just comes down to you need to do the work. But when you start to get so stuck in your head and playing at different scenarios to then go try it, you can be a bit scared because you haven't found the perfect model, you haven't found the perfect scenario, you haven't found the perfect result, or you have this unstated expectation of what a perfect result should look like. Therefore, because that's a false idea You're never going to get this. So therefore, you're never going to be motivated to actually work towards it, because you know we're gonna be able to get to something that isn't possible, right? So, yeah, I think it's really, really bad.
Speaker 1:Can I delve into the neuroscience behind motivation and the factors like overthinking impact? I don't. I don't know any of this. I know that certain things, if we we dumb it down a little bit, we can dive into how there's things that pull us towards stuff or things that we're trying to get away from. So, like you know, you might be motivated to do a really, really good job, to get promoted so you can get out of your role and get a new job right, whereas you might be really, really motivated to do a good job, to get promoted, to get a big payer Packet and continue to do the job. So there's different, there's push and pulls, motivations, things that are driving us in different ways. You might be trying to just continue to do a good job to get your money so you can pay your you know bills and manage your family, or to be able to invest, or you might be really motivated to do something because you want to beat someone else or Whatever it may be. So there's there's different elements to it, but I don't have the neuroscience behind it. I can't answer that, and these questions have kind of been formulated for me to kind of have the discussion with you, and Maybe I'm just not that advanced there.
Speaker 1:So how does the modern world, with endless choices and distractions, contribute to waiting for the perfect moment? Look, that's so true. There's so many opportunities out there because we think I'll wait till that is available or I'll wait. Can I do this? Or I'll wait till that happens, or maybe when this happens, I'll be able to do it. The reality is we are an appointment time in in the world, in society, that the opportunity is so easy. Right, we've got chat GBT. We've got you can create a YouTube channel just from your phone, can create a podcast just from your phone. You can get information just like that. You can connect with people on the other side of the world. You can start, you can run a whole multi-million dollar business on your phone. You can do all these things. You get access to things you can have. You can do university from home. Like when people say I just don't have the opportunity, I think we need to really step back and understand Well, what are you expecting? Right, because if you're expecting someone to give you everything, no, that's not the point. You're not going to get all that stuff, but there's things out there that will give you the vehicle or the means to be able to get to where you want to be. So I think there are endless choices, there's endless distractions and there's plenty of things. They're contributing to the perfect moment, but there's also endless things and endless Tech and endless opportunities to enable us to make the perfect moment now Like to say well, you don't really have an excuse other than you just lazy, or you just don't want to do it, or you're too scared. That that's my, my personal opinion.
Speaker 1:Other advanced methods or philosophies, like stoicism, that address the pitfalls of over-allying on willpower, I Don't know. I Think I think sometimes we need to be willpower is really good and there's people that can rely on willpower to get to very far places, but I don't I don't have enough detail on this. How can businesses or leaders instill motivation in teams, considering factors like overthinking and waiting for the perfect moment? I think again, when we, if you're working with people, helping them, see what we're working towards. You know, as you start to progress through life, whether it's as a parent or as a teacher, you know like to people below you or you have an influence of people below you because you're a manager, through business or whatever. We need to. We need to learn how to not just tack our own motivation and Know you know our why, our purpose, but we need to help others see that too.
Speaker 1:So if we're walking, working towards a common goal, you know, like if it was a football game or something, the team captain's role is not about him. It's about making sure his team is at the level to get us to the grand final right. And how does he make that happen? So, instilling the Mindset, instilling the training, instilling the dedication, the discipline, helping them understand the why. Why are we here? We're not just here to kick the football around, guys. We're here to actually level up right.
Speaker 1:And if people aren't on that same playing field, well then the question has to be asked is like are they doing it for the same reason as the majority? Because if we're not all in sync, it might actually hinder. And I think that's why some of these tough conversations Happen. When people do get let go because it's not a right team for the fit for where they're trying to go, it's not that the person's bad or not skilled or doesn't have the ability to do what it takes, but if they're not, they're willing to do what it takes, or wanting to do what the takes because they just want to you know, incruise again, there's nothing wrong with that. But in order to get to where you want to go, everyone needs to be on the same playing field. So I Think it's our responsibility as leaders or people who are in charge of other people to instill the motivation through understanding the why is the purpose and Helping that bond come together. If you can't do that, then there's going to be overthinking, there's going to be doubt and there's gonna be people thinking you know, when are we gonna do this? Why can't we do it now? You know we're not ready for this, and if people do have those doubts, the team's never going to be in synergy and the team's never going to get to where you want them to be.
Speaker 1:Can you discuss the interplay between motivation, resilience and grit? Yeah, so motivation, I think we kind of covered. It's like, you know, why are we wanting to, you know, do hundred push-ups a day? Or why are we wanting to get six pack abs six pack, yeah, six pack abs. Or why are we wanting to run a marathon, or why are we wanting to build a business, or why are we wanting to start a YouTube channel, whereas resilience is then the level of okay, we know what we want, but it's going to take two years to do so. The resilience is being able to push through, but that two years of just continuous reps and all that.
Speaker 1:And the grit is when you have to, you know, really Buckle up and actually do things which get you uncomfortable. Resilience is sticking through. Grit is actually doing the hard stuff that scares you, right, and and getting you through the moments of doubt and Taking a chance. That's that's the difference between all three. And they all come into play because if you're not motivated, you're not going to need to be able to then dive into resilience to see it through. And Grit then only comes from being motivated and seeing it through, because you'll see that, okay, in order for me to now get to the next level, I have to do something bigger than I've ever done before, which means I need to be 100% motivated. I also need to know that, okay, this might mean I have to stick it out longer and I'm going to have to do something. That's going to make me very, very uncomfortable. Not that it's a bad thing, it's just because you've never done it before. Right, so that's grit.
Speaker 1:How do cultural and societal differences impact perceptions and of motivation and its barriers? I think this is an important one, because what, why you're motivated or what you've come from won't always be the same as everyone else in the room, and I think this is very clear because, especially when we look from Western society and where people might come from a third world country and things like that. Expectations and things that we take for granted are completely different. You know what one person finds enjoyment in, another person might think, oh, that's why that's silly, that's stupid. So I think understanding how everyone else is motivated and their perceptions of motivation is very important. When you know working with that person or trying to, you know use them or leverage them to help you become motivated, because they might not be motivated the same way. There's also barriers there, because if they're not motivated the same way you are, you know they're probably not the right person to be able to have the same conversation, because they will probably tell you something different that you want to hear. Now. They might tell you something that you need to hear as well. But I think we need to understand that not everyone is working towards the same goals for the same reasons and we haven't been brought up the same way, which means we'll have a different perspective of the world and how we perceive that. So it will change the way we think about overthinking. It will change the way we think about the perfect moment. It will change the way we think about willpower as well. But I think there is a generic strain that overthinking isn't going to necessarily benefit you, waiting for the perfect moment. There could be this mentality that one day something will change. And then three is willpower. I find that willpower will be a stronger trait in people that have had a harder, you know, upbringing, because they've got the ability to be able to rely on themselves than all the opportunity around them and make themselves more, you know, rely on themselves to attain the things that they want.
Speaker 1:What are some of the future trends or research areas in the study of motivation? I have no idea, but I think, when it comes to future trends, I think there are things that we have access to now that enable us to be motivated because we don't have to do you know, a percentage of the work. So, for instance, a good example of this is when chat GPT was released the AI tool you know. You could literally just give it a prompt and say, hey, create me a 12 week running training plan, and it creates it. So all of a sudden, you can be motivated very, very quickly because you've got everything there in front of you. You don't have to go out, find someone that you trust, you don't have to go out there and spend, you know, $100 a week to do the training you can look. Whether it's reliable or not is a different conversation, but there's things there that can motivate you very quickly. You can get inspiration from the internet just like that. Go on YouTube how do I start, you know, video editing and see what other people can do, see what the possibilities are. Therefore, all of a sudden, you can just get straight into it and be motivated.
Speaker 1:So I think that's where I it's not the future. I see that now. In terms of the future and the research, I have no idea. I'm just being frank. But we're going to, we're going to wrap it up because I'm starting to get a. I'm totally feeling it now that I need to take some more rest.
Speaker 1:So I think when we, when we think about motivation, I think it's very important that we understand what's causing motivation and what's not, and where the lack may be. And when we can identify where the lack of motivation is, we can then start to reignite or, I guess, pull us back to where we need to be focusing our attention to. So recognizing barriers such as overthinking or waiting for the perfect moment or relying on willpower too much. I think we can then start to tap into what we need to let go of and focus more on and move forward with a purpose and focus of actually getting the results. I would encourage you to think about.
Speaker 1:You know what are some of the experiences or challenges that you have had to deal with when it comes to motivation. Why are you motivated? Why do you do what you do? Why do you do? Why don't you do what you know you don't want to do? What are the things that are hindering you from being motivated? What are the things that are inspiring you to be motivated and what are your thoughts about all these questions? You know these, these conversations. You can go through and answer these for yourselves. I've read them out to you. I would love to hear from you. If you want to continue the conversation, drop a comment down below here on the YouTube. Otherwise, reach out to me Also. Have speakpipecom. Slash further your lifestyle and you can leave a message. You can leave like a voice memo and we can continue the conversation that way as well. Appreciate you being here. You have a wonderful day, cheers.