122: The Green World Order: Efforts to Cease the Use of Crude Oil Could Be the Greatest Threat to Civilization’s Eight Billion People

Robert Yoho, retired cosmetic surgeon

This is a repost from 2nd Smartest Guy in the World’s Substack.

CO2 is the gas of life.

CO2 induces plant life.

CO2 is not a control knob for climate; there is simply no legitimate research that can demonstrate that CO2 in any way impacts global temperatures.

PSYOP-CLIMATE-CHANGE is nothing more than the depopulation of carbon-based lifeforms.

China is anti- “Green” World Order, not even bothering to install inexpensive cleaning scrubbers on their coal plant stacks that eliminate nearly all pollution.

We currently have far too little CO2 as per this important chart:

Current 421 ppm levels of CO2 are minuscule.

At around 150 ppm of CO2, life on earth essentially dies. But as the CO2 increases, it’s almost as if the planetary terraforming operation is accelerating in plain sight.

“Climate change” is nothing more than the penultimate Technocratic power grab to usher in the 4th Industrial Revolution via the Great Posthuman Reset. It is a total reality inversion just as PSYOP-19 was and continues to be en route to PSYOP-22 and all of the other bio-fascist scams that will be increasingly blamed on “climate change”.

Blaming the gas of life (and carbon-based lifeforms) for all things “climate change” is truly the ultimate sleight of hand. There is to date not a single legitimate research study that definitively proves CO2 has a single negative impact on anything whatsoever. Every research study to date is fear-mongering speculation and nothing more. The scientific “consensus” that is often cited by brainwashed Death Cultists is a public relations propaganda campaign run by the MSM that always excludes the greater consensus of the more qualified scientists that have all called b.s. on this scam.

This “climate change” operation that went from the fear of an ice age in the 1970s to anthropogenic global warming (AGW) to today’s exceedingly vague label dates back to the Club of Rome, a shadowy “nonprofit” funded by the Technocratic cabal that has been since the 1960s slowly and methodically seeding this murderous program.

Life Without Oil is NOT AS SIMPLE AS YOU MAY THINK. Renewable energy is intermittent electricity from either breezes or sunshine. Climate change might possibly impact humanity, but a mandate to live without the products manufactured from oil will mandate lifestyles of the 1800s, the horse and buggy days. This is the greatest threat in our lifetimes to civilization’s eight billion residents.

See for the complete essay. See to learn about my books, Butchered by “Healthcare” and Hormone Secrets

“LEGAL” DISCLAIMER: Use this information at your own risk. It is general commentary and not medical advice. Robert Yoho is retired and no longer practices medicine. Make your healthcare decisions with the help of a physician or other licensed provider. 

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