July 17, 2021 Robert Yoho, retired cosmetic surgeon Season 2 Episode 6

Men need testosterone. The benefits are enormous and the risks almost nonexistent. To learn how the bad press was contrived, read the Killing Testosterone With Fake News chapter later. 

Steven is an 82-year-old retired CEO of a major media company: I had lost all strength, and I was sitting in a wheelchair in a Palm Springs nursing home. The staff had to lift me in and out of bed. I was inches from being snuffed out. Then my doctor started coming in every week and giving me testosterone shots. In six weeks, I stood up and walked out of there, back into my life. (Note: this can also work for women.)

Men’s symptoms: Starting around thirty years old, testosterone blood levels fall about a percent a year. Muscular strength, sexuality, and energy levels slowly decrease. Recovery from exercise gets slower, and some men notice reduced intellectual capabilities. Bone density falls, but fractures are less common in men than women since men start higher. Atrial fibrillation and stroke are more common with low testosterone levels. Skin problems, heart disease, hot flashes, dental issues, and irritability increase as testosterone declines. Some of these disorders must be treated early or they are irreversible. 

Sam is a beloved 83-year-old physician: I was about to give up. I just had a knee replacement, and I have osteoporosis. The author sent me some cream testosterone as a gift, and now I think I'm going to live fifteen more years! I can't thank him enough, and I'm indebted to him forever for his kindness. I’m doing well, much better than I ever expected.

Testosterone has many benefits. Using it gradually improves health over at least a decade. Testosterone supplementation has the following effects:

✪ Strength increases, cholesterol falls, and weight loss is progressive

✪ Sexuality improves—morning erections return, for example. 

✪ Heart disease risks decline

Diabetes and migraine headaches get better and are sometimes cured. 

✪ Testosterone supplementation decreases anxiety and improves mood.

Testosterone levels also relate to health:

✪ Older men with higher testosterone levels had better results on intellectual testing.

✪ Lower levels were associated with earlier death in men. They correlated also with coronary disease.

Testosterone transforms into estrogen in both men and women. This “female” hormone helps sexuality in either sex and protects the heart better than any other hormone. Sometimes estrogen blood levels do not rise to those of younger men even with aggressive testosterone supplementation. So a few physicians are starting to prescribe estradiol for men. This will vastly improve cholesterol numbers.

Testosterone has a few side effects. Hair loss and hair growth can happen but are of no consequence compared to the benefits. Acne is rarely a significant

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