High Visibility: On Location in Rural America and Indian Country
High Visibility is a podcast produced by Art of the Rural and Plains Art Museum that welcomes into conversation artists, culture bearers, and leaders from across rural America and Indian Country.
Podcasting since 2021 • 8 episodes
High Visibility: On Location in Rural America and Indian Country
Latest Episodes
Photography and Community: Xavier Tavera
Today we have the opportunity to speak with Xavier Tavera, a photographer who builds deep, longterm relationships with communities and creates work that expresses the humanity, and the historical curr...
The Long Conversation: Dyani White Hawk and Jovan C. Speller
We are grateful to share Dyani White Hawk and Jovan C. Speller taking part in a podcast format we are calling The Long Conversation -- one that offers folks the chance to cultivate a thread of ideas and relationships without the presence of an ...
Traveling in Place: Erika Nelson
High Visibility is a podcast on arts, culture, and ideas in rural America and Indian Country produced by Art of the Rural and P...