Female Founders Breaking Boundaries

No More Team Meetings That Could Have Been Emails

Casey Gromer Episode 42

If you are simply holding team meetings just because you have a team, you are helping no one unless you come prepared for these meetings with the right people and the right agenda items. That’s why episode 42 of Female Founders Breaking Boundaries is about how to stop having team meetings that could have been an email!

Have you ever felt like your customers and your team just don't get what it is you're trying to do with your business? Download your free Company Persona Template that we use with clients to get them started with bringing everyone on to the same page. It’s designed to get you and your team thinking about your purpose, your focus and your values; and documenting them so that you can get everybody on the same page.

In this episode of Female Founders Breaking Boundaries, I’m sharing the importance of having team meetings to remove the barriers between the different divisions in your business so that together you can work together to resolve issues and reach your goals and actionable steps you can take right now to rework your team meetings so that they can become a very lucrative part of your business growth. Some of the things I cover in this episode are:

  • Celebrating Jess Ekstrom, founder of Headbands of Hope for using her company to provide headbands to children with chronic illnesses and bringing more good into the world through her charitable contributions. 
  • Why a majority of team meetings are unproductive and actually cause more stress on your team members. 
  • The purpose that a recurring team meeting should be held in the first place. 
  • Practical tips for conducting a productive and successful meeting with your team.
  • Breaking down the agenda of items you should be covering during your team meetings and how much time should be spent on each.
  • Prioritizing your issues list to resolve things in a productive and timely manner. 
  • My deep thoughts on having a word of the year and finding creative ways to keep it top of mind. 

Your team meetings are one of your major players when it comes to accountability because every single element that goes into these meetings are about keeping everyone accountable for their own tasks. 

Learn more about Female Founders Breaking Boundaries and Casey at https://she-suiteboutique.com/podcast/



Company Persona

Work with Casey Gromer! 


Headbands of Hope

The Holistic Psychologist

Little Words Project

How to Leave a Rating on Spotify

Female Founders Breaking Boundaries: Should You Have Recurring Revenue with Jessica Principe

Female Founders Breaking Boundaries: Accountability is Key

Female Founders Breaking Boundaries: Breaking Barriers Within Your Business

Female Founders Breaking Boundaries: A Simple Strategy to Pay Yourself First (where we highlight the Little Words Project)