The Wisdom Tradition | a philosophy podcast

38. The Cycle of the Arya and the Quest for a New Atlantis

Alexander Sachon

In this episode we continue our investigation of the history, purpose, and destiny of philosophy by examining its connection to a great social reform project that first emerged out of the Atlantean priesthood. This sect of Atlantean reformists was termed "the Arya".

At a remote point in history, waves of Aryan migrations proceeded out from a secluded homeland in the Himalayas to catalyze a transformation of postdiluvian civilization away from the habits of its Atlantean forebearers and toward the attainment of a new ideal: a "New Atlantis".

The essay this episode is based on can be read at my Substack:

My site:
Instagram: @thewisdomtradition

Video version available on YouTube. See my site for a link.

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