The Wisdom Tradition | a philosophy podcast

Manly P. Hall on the "Real" Illuminati

Alexander Sachon

Here is a Manly P. Hall clip on  the lineage of Saints, Sages, Arhats, Adepts, and Philosophers that have dedicated themselves to Wisdom's perpetuation over the long ages of Man's evolution.

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 The Wisdom Tradition, simply defined, is a framework of sacred knowledge that is guarded and maintained by a vast, albeit unseen, network of secret societies and sacerdotal groups who are responsible for developing, maintaining, cultivating, perpetuating, and implementing this sacred knowledge. This they do as an act of service to the species itself. 

The existence of the "Illuminati" - this sacerdotal tradition and community - is archetypal, meaning that its existence is hardwired into the chemistry of our species. Just as the Queen Bee has her archetypal existence in the Bee species, mankind has its most vital knowledge held within the custodianship of the Illuminati. The Illuminati, in other words, are an inherent, in-born aspect of Mankind, produced by Mother Nature herself. For this very reason, this lineage of wisdom-keepers have often been nicknamed "The Sons of the Widow".

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