The Wisdom Tradition | a philosophy podcast

26b. Modern Man in Search of a Myth | ft. Carl Jung, Joseph Campbell, Manly P. Hall, + my commentary

Alexander Sachon

This episode is part 2/2 and follows episode 26a. We again hear directly from Carl Jung and Joseph Campbell and also, this time, from Manly P. Hall. The objective is to give a psychoanalysis of modern society and to focus in on how we have become collectively neurotic as a result of living without a "modern myth". First we discuss the symptoms associated with the collective neurosis that plagues our secular scientific age before moving on to a discussion of the core factors of myth that we must consider as we are confronted with the need to establish a new mythos for ourselves. As part of this we'll be looking at a case study on the symbolism of UFOs and the question of extraterrestrial intelligence.

This episode is part of a larger series that delves into the contents of my new publication - "Psychology: the Science of the Soul", which is available exclusively at my estore. Thanks for tuning in and God Bless: - Alex

video link:
store: www.thewisdomtradition.bigcartel .com
my site:
instagram: @thewisdomtradition

Special shout out to the Manly P. Hall Society's YouTube channel for uploading the MPH lecture that I reference in this video.

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