The Wisdom Tradition | a philosophy podcast
This is a podcast about Philosophy and its relation to the story of human life. Hosted by Alex Sachon. Find links to my publications and more at my website:
The Wisdom Tradition | a philosophy podcast
46b. Francis Bacon (Part 2) | From the Templars to the Rosicrucians
February 27, 2023
Alexander Sachon
In today's episode we track the descent of esoteric knowledge and the "wisdom tradition" through the Middle Ages, investigating how it went underground, perpetuating itself through the Templars, the Guilds, and eventually, the Rosicrucians. The article concludes with an introduction to Francis Bacon, the "Rosicrucian Messiah".
Find the written article at:
I have a Rosicrucian-themed hat and shirt at my e-store: