The Wisdom Tradition | a philosophy podcast
This is a podcast about Philosophy and its relation to the story of human life. Hosted by Alex Sachon. Find links to my publications and more at my website:
The Wisdom Tradition | a philosophy podcast
49k. 20th Century (Part 11) | The UFO: a Symbol of Initiation
In today's episode we conclude our long, multi-part series on the secret history of the 20th century.
In this presentation, I use the UFO Mystery as a means to tie together elements from this whole chapter. Ultimately, I argue that this phenomenon is a component of larger initiation effort being carried out by the Mystery Schools. The "alien" meme is a component of this larger operation, one carried out primarily through the "technocratic superstate", which is the outer institutional vehicle the Mystery Schools are currently working though.
This is a totally original analysis of the UFO topic you won't see anywhere else.
To find the written article:
My website:
Thank you to everyone who made it though the series! There are now two chapters left in this long book project called "Philosophy: Its Origin, Purpose, and Destiny". The next chapter will be called "Manly P. Hall: America's Philosopher in a Time of War".
- Alex