Walking On Air

Work-Life Balance : Setting up a Nordic Walking Business with Catrin

Mary Tweed Season 3 Episode 40

In episode 40, I’m talking to Catrin, who set up Nordicymru, instructing Nordic Walking in South West Wales in January 2022.  Like many people the Covid pandemic made Catrin and her family rethink their values and particularly what they wanted from life.  Catrin has been on an amazing journey in the last two years, which has resulted in her training to become a Nordic Walking Instructor.  In our conversation, we discuss the importance of a healthy work-life balance and the benefits of taking the plunge to shake up the status quo.

To Find out more about Nordic Cymru:
Website: www.nordicymru.com 
Email : www.nordicymru@outlook.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Nordicymru-111355134737854
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nordicymru/

If you want to follow Catrin's camper van adventures then please visit
Silver Nugget Adventure on YouTube, or on Instagram or on Facebook.  Catrin mentioned Karen Ingram, who trained her to be a British Nordic Walking Instructor.  Karen was an early guest on Walking On Air, who spoke very inspirationally about how Nordic Walking can help to relieve Back Pain.  

Find An Instructor

If you have enjoyed this podcast, I would be very grateful if you could show your support by buying me a coffee!  This enables me to continue producing these podcasts, as it will go towards covering the server and podcast platform licenses.   Not only is Nordic Walking a whole body workout, but it is also one of the safest and most sociable way to exercise.  Classes always finish up in

Final thank you to sponsors

Support the show

If you have enjoyed this podcast, I would be very grateful if you could show your support by buying me a coffee! This enables me to continue producing these podcasts, as it will go towards covering the server and podcast platform licenses. Many thanks, Mary x

I'm Mary Tweed, a British Nordic Walking instructor with Nordic Walking East Anglia.


I would like to thank the sponsors of this episode, who are:

British Nordic Walking


Discount code: walking23



Paula: 01446 789 154

Walking Women Holidays


Discount code: WOA23

Ginny: 01784 664 063


Social Media
Please contact the show with suggestions, ideas for future topics, or to be interviewed. You can reach me on the following:

Email: hello@walkingonairpodcast.co.uk

Facebook: Walking On Air

Instagram: walking_on_air_podcast
