LadyStrong FitCast

How to Keep Your Shit Together!

December 21, 2020 LadyStrong Fitness

The idea of having your shit together is vague and means different things to different people, but it’s usually some amalgamation of being stable:

  • Physically (i.e. eating properly, exercising, avoiding/limiting alcohol and other drugs, in good overall health)
  • Mentally (i.e. happy, content, not depressed, accepting of yourself, confident, self-assured)
  • Socially (i.e. in a solid relationship, socialising regularly, getting on with people, making friends, happy family)
  • Spiritually (i.e. whatever that means to you: fulfilled in some capacity)
  • Career-ally (yeah, that’s not a word) (i.e. in an enjoyable, satisfying job, progressing well, learning & improving.)
  • Financially (i.e. spending under control, saving money, no ‘bad debt’, on track with paying off ‘good debt’, regular income)

For most of us, it’s more of a mindset. Tune-in now with Brittany (Co-founder of LSF) to learn more.